The asset allocation is fine but a few of those funds I'm just not a fan of because of the load fees and/or the expense ratios associated with them.
Vanguard has funds that will do similar for you with less expense ratios.
If you invest 6M and 3% into a fund with a 1.3 expense ratio/5.75% load fee compared to .3% here is the math
6M x 3% = 180k into that fund...With a load of 5.75% and an expense ratio of 1.3% you are paying like 13k off the bat in fees when with a lower fees/no load fund you can cut that # to like 400 bucks.
This simple vanguard index fund has a 60/40 split like you are looking for. 5400 different bonds/3400 stocks so is well diversified.
It is US centric....If you want to add international bond/equity exposure toss in some VTMGX (developed market bond fund) VGAVX (emerging market bond fund) would work.
Probably just saved you like 50-80k a year in load fees and fund expenses. Although your advisor will be pissed.
Vanguard has funds that will do similar for you with less expense ratios.
If you invest 6M and 3% into a fund with a 1.3 expense ratio/5.75% load fee compared to .3% here is the math
6M x 3% = 180k into that fund...With a load of 5.75% and an expense ratio of 1.3% you are paying like 13k off the bat in fees when with a lower fees/no load fund you can cut that # to like 400 bucks.
This simple vanguard index fund has a 60/40 split like you are looking for. 5400 different bonds/3400 stocks so is well diversified.
It is US centric....If you want to add international bond/equity exposure toss in some VTMGX (developed market bond fund) VGAVX (emerging market bond fund) would work.
Probably just saved you like 50-80k a year in load fees and fund expenses. Although your advisor will be pissed.