RX Poster betting 100 dimes on the Pats/Indy game


Ron Mexico. #7
Sep 20, 2004
Hardcorecap says:
I really think some people here need to get a life, or maybe find something better to do then sit in your moms basement on the internet all day and gamble with your parents money.

I guarantee I make more at my job than you do....Chances are pretty good I m quite a bit younger than you are as well.......lmao...you fvckin loser....

Its gonna be funny to see the same 4 or 5 losers chase around the 3 supposed girls that post here....LMAO....If you need chicks just follow Petey JR around for a while in Vegas...I can just imagine how how hurtin some of the posters on here are in real life..No job, No family, No money, a shitty car, and probably fat and out of shape....

Roxygurl: If you are a chick then you are an older broad definetly not the chick that posted her pic on here.....ROXYGURL impllies young, surfer chick to me.Last time I checked, the sad but true reality is that young hot chicks dont bet on sports..I wish they did but they do not.....If you are actually that chick and you are hot then I apologize...If you are what I suspect you are, then you can please stop trying to be something you are not....young and hot and in Petey JR's league.....

Identity: Im done with you...You are either a sick pie eating dyke or a fvcked up tranny with a big set of nuts..Either way you are gross......

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New member
Sep 21, 2004
Well lets see, your are prob older than me. And im not chasing girls around here retard, its called treating people with respect. Im not going to get into a war of words on here, im done. You can keep living your fantasy life as some big shot gambler, when you know what you really are. Its sorry that your not the only one like that on here. PLenty of morons just like you.

"American Idol Capping Expert"
Jul 20, 2001
hardcore - don't let this guy pete bother you. he has serious self-esteem issues and needs to tell everyone how great he is to make him feel better about himself. pretty pathetic if ya ask me. lol:suomi:

Ron Mexico. #7
Sep 20, 2004
hardcorecap said:
Well lets see, your are prob older than me. And im not chasing girls around here retard, its called treating people with respect. Im not going to get into a war of words on here, im done. You can keep living your fantasy life as some big shot gambler, when you know what you really are. Its sorry that your not the only one like that on here. PLenty of morons just like you.

Hardcore: I know who u are, we have a mutual friend...Actually we are both the same age (24).....I ve heard you are a good guy and our buddy asked me to cut you some slack..FWIW...It is no fantasy life I live.There are people that know me on here in person and can verify what I say...so youre barking up the wrong tree with this one...I agree there are lots af clowns and frauds on here, but I am no one of them......I have a very good job for my age but by no means have I ever said that I am a big-shot gambler.....I can pick winners but still have lots to learn....Peace................

IDENTISLUT: When you take a leak do you sit or stand?

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
Pete Rose JR said:
Roxygurl: If you are a chick then you are an older broad definetly not the chick that posted her pic on here.....ROXYGURL impllies young, surfer chick to me.Last time I checked, the sad but true reality is that young hot chicks dont bet on sports..I wish they did but they do not.....

Does Stats Canada have numbers on this or something??

Fellow female here, and I fail to see why a man would pretend to be a woman in a forum where they would not likely be taken seriously because of it. It's not like we can just rub our tîts up against you to be looked at twice. Besides, most women in here would do precisely what Roxy did in this thread -- ask questions and learn. I just learned what MOV meant last Friday because I asked. Does that make me a man, somehow??? Last I checked, men didn't ask other men for help ...

What's the O/U on how many posts will follow this one before I get called a man, too?


Professional At All Times
Dec 3, 2003
As many of you know, I rarely spend time in the Rubber Room, prefering to try and add information in the Sports Forums and Offshore Forums as much as possible. But, that being said, I feel compelled to comment on the personal attack on Roxygurl.

One of the best things about the RX is that we can share important information from around the globe that can help each of us make a more informed decision regarding our wagers. Two weeks ago Roxy continually provided us with up too date weather information directly from San Diego leading up to the Chargers/Jets game. Since there were unusually heavy storms in Southern California that week and the stadium is old, this information was important. Now, when Roxy asked an innocent question regarding the definition of a dime, she gets attacked. She genuinely did not know and was asking and trusting members of the forum to help her better understand. In hindsight, had she e-mailed me as she does from time to time, I would have answered her question and she would have avoided being attacked.

Roxy has openly and honestly stated her level of play and plays with various systems. You don't have to be wagering alot to still enjoy trying to figure out trends and angles to play. Unfortunately, when we attack a fellow poster, we risk losing one who has contributed in the past and may choose never again to contribute.

I recognize that there are times that we have to let off a little steam and that is even healthy, but it would be nice if we were a little more careful with personal attacks on those that mean no harm and are only looking for help. Appreciate your consideration on this matter and my continued best wishes for a successful wagering year.

Ron Mexico. #7
Sep 20, 2004

It's not like we can just rub our tîts up against you to be looked at twice.

Pete Rose Jr says,:

If they are big and not saggy, please feel free to rub your tits wherever you would like....I will not stop you...If they are knee warmers then its best to keep them hidden....IMO

.......These stats are from Brad Canada....Sorry if that offends you but hot girls in general do not gamble and post ..its a fact.......I believe you are a woman......I really dont care to be honest with you...Good showing in the RIO contest.....The difference is that you dont act like a retard and write in pink letters and post a picture of yourself...that more than likely is not you...FWIW..i have never made fun of anyone asking questions or about how much they bet......I just hate women that use their sex as a barganing and attention grabbing tool.....It happens in real life and it also makes me sick...The men that fall for this are so sad.... its hilliarious guys that stick up for supposed females they have never met from ther internet..I can see if you are at a bar and somebody calls a girl a slut or something but on a internet forum, cmon....lmao...Have some pride fella's///You dudes are the same guys who ask their cranky wives if you are allowed out to the local watering hole..lmao..But then again I m sure some of you are hardcore degenerates that need to do everything theyy can to hold on to a piece of tail..,,

OMT...I respect your experience and kindness on the forum, but please stick too football.......PEACE

The funny thing is that on theRX nobody sticks up for anyone...but when a supposed female is involved all the heroes come running..lmao....sad...
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