I think when you make a mistake you should come clean, even if it makes you look stupid. Reporting an error in here was my second yesterday. Last night I forgot to close a Scalp and got crushed and that cost me several hundred. Been having some health issues lately as Poly readers know so I'm a little fuzzy right now. Anyway Friday night we had a power outage here due to a t-storm. When my PC came back on it was literally set for the date I took it out of the box. So I changed it to the correct date. Or so I thought! I got the day right. But I was one day ahead on the calendar. Thus yes, all the games have indeed started, even if they haven't. Finally the error hit me. Rolled back the date one day on the PC and viola! What's supposed to be Red is Red. And what's supposed to be White is White. Mea Culpa! And thanks for tolerating my loopy brain mods.