So does he put a date on when we will actually experience the "Complete Collapse of Our Constitution and Free Enterprise"?
rhetorical...I actually watched the first minute of the cited clip and Beck himself acknowledges with a smile that "he could be wrong".
But Speculatin' is what allows for him to bring on a poor beaten down ex-GM employee who uses her expert status to lend support to Beck's fantastic assertion that the country is going to hell in a hand basket.
I am SO glad that I personally invest about one minute per month on these type of television and radio shows.
I am not really sure what your beef is? Do you know someone who knows the future crystal clear other then Brandon Lang?

Glenn lays out real concerns that are out there based on
real things that are happening to predict where we are heading.
Trust me, he is not the only one.
Funny how the only people fearful now, are the people that SAW THIS COMING!
The people 'fixing" the problem, had no clue we had one!
Glenn has been doing this for years and so far has been pretty right.
You dont have to listen to him, you can spend your time watching dopes like Kieth Olberman talk about how Bush tortured half of the Muslim nation every night.
Glenn is doing great work, and history and facts are on his side
I dont care how liberal you are, any person
with common sense can see serious issues here
Out of control spending using borrowed and printed money?
The POTUS running private business, allocating capital and picking and choosing winners and losers in the market?
Changing the laws of bankruptcy to suit a political agenda, then forcing the closure of profitable dealerships?
Bailing out failing companies
I could go on for days, you think this ends well?
Keep drinkin, you will need a BAR man