Roxy's forum is now graded "F" for Fraudulent Fairytales


New member
Mar 15, 2005
coconutman said:
This site is infested with cunts.

I didn't say anything about the forum and it's posters just the way the site looks.

People will judge a site but it's cover and if it's nice and shiny i would propably visit it as well.

Letgetition hop of my cock buddy. How old are you anyways man? You act like you're a fucken child.

And if you wan't to talk shit you can meet that loser geek kid in vegas pretty soon. Or u can stay behind your comp and keep on talking shit all day. *****.

Btw good luck with the site guys, keep it clean and don't give up.

LMFAO, my 11 year old can spell better than you. Me act like a child even funnier. Yeah ok, I will fly to Vegas to meet you, what an ass you are. The last thing I do when I get to Vegas would be to meet some geek who types shit on the computer. Typical New Yorker mentality, your an asswipe. NO need to respond cause I am done with this thread. I am sure you will respond though cause mommy and daddy are probably out shopping and you will have the computer all to yourself tonight. :finger:

Now go play with your train under the xmas tree.

Since this is the holiday season, I am going to try to find out your address and send you a spelling book to help you out. No need to thank me, maybe one day you will get out of the 3rd grade.:finger23:

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
husker said:
i have never bin to mvp but after the site is defending a scamming service like daves it tells you something adout it. if you dont know about someones past thats one thing but when you are told about it and still defend them,thats bad.
dont be absurd. we have no hard proof of anything and i do know CH and amico nos DO NOT HAVE THE SAME IP.and by the way we dont go looking for scammers to populate our forum. theres no SCAMMERS WANTED ad in the weekly underground rags around town.and we are looking into all this and if we are being decieved it will be dealt with.we dont know who ANYONE is when they register. we most definitly DO NOT know of anyones past who registers and if youd like the job of being the posting forum past life investigator the jobs yours. rather than trash the forum come be a part of it and if you see it populated with scammers and trash then all the bashing down here is warranted.i will tell you now theres some incredible PEOPLE there. RATSLLA is an american soldier in the desert of kuwait defending us here in the fight against terrorism.if hes scamming anyone i hope its while killing terrorists.theres things you cant see UNLESS your registered by the stop whining and taking cheap shots untill you see for yourself. come post and get to know the cappers then you can critique who,what,when,where and why.this isnt about chicago hotsides cuz that will play out and and we will see what happens. mvpsports101 is no threat to anyone. why the paranoia? everyones welcome.:howdy:

Rx. Poster
Dec 26, 2004
husker said:
if you dont know about someones past thats one thing but when you are told about it and still defend them,thats bad.

roxy, i dont blame anyone for things they dont know about. its clo defending chs after i posted verry conclusive evidence of his scaming, a tape he made .that is what bothers me. there are other sites that cover for posters that decieve people(bc covers for chuckie cheese and rjeremy).that site isnt what it used to be. to me your reputation is everything. i am sure you have some great people that post there. that doesnt excuse defending a scammer.

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
husker said:
roxy, i dont blame anyone for things they dont know about. its clo defending chs after i posted verry conclusive evidence of his scaming, a tape he made .that is what bothers me. there are other sites that cover for posters that decieve people(bc covers for chuckie cheese and rjeremy).that site isnt what it used to be. to me your reputation is everything. i am sure you have some great people that post there. that doesnt excuse defending a scammer.
but husker we dont know if were being scammed. untill its proven what can we do? its the old phrase "rush to judgement" that got popular during the OJ cant condemn me cuz im absolutely clueless.c-lo has no idea either i promise you that. its c-lo's forum, he cares greatly what happens to it.hes concerned as well. for NOW we have to believe the poster. to rush to judgement and act without facts isnt fair to anyone.i PROMISE you if it turns out were being scammed changes will be swift. i CARE ALOT whats said about me or the forum im part of. ive worked damn hard to be taken seriously as a good poster and a handicapper.which i think ive done a great job doing. so believe me harboring the bad seeds isnt someting id willingly be part of.

New member
Jan 15, 2005
I care a hell of alot about my place! I always say innocemt till proven guilty! He talks in a great manner to me all the time. If he is 3 other people posting I dont mind, now if he has scammed someone and left then thats different! Touts are not bad as long as they do not hassle you. He posts good playc on my site like some touts here do, he keeps his biz in promos just like here! If he tells me he has done something wrong then I will take other matters but nothing like you guys bash people! People change alot, im sure you have done things in your life you wished you could change! I do! Merry CHristmas buddy! Thanks for looking out for places just go a lil softer on em till you get proof! Thanks:103631605
Thanks Coconut, I always have liked you and im glad you cleared things up a tad!

New member
Dec 14, 2005
Roxy's forum without a doubt is the breeding ground for scamdicappers and the people running the forum have been around a long enough to know scams when they see them, but they have chosen to look the other way and allow these scumbags to use their forum to launch their attacks on rookie gamblers who dont know any better. Its amazing how somebody will sell their soul out, just so they can get a few hits on their messageboard.
I feel real sorry for all the people that fell for the jim feist sux scam, {one of which happens to be a friend of mine} who probably dont have 10 cents left to buy any Christmas presents this year. Tonight once again doc drops close to 200k and anybody that believes a guy can lose that kind of change on a regular basis, shouldnt be gambling, yet alone following an imaginary person made up by jim feist sux. Its funny doc was supposed to be so great in college baskets, but he couldnt pick a winner with tomorrows paper. Yesterday he said he had inside info on the syracuse game, they were minu13-, they were very lucky to win by 14. Wow must have been some inside info, stuff he recieved, cause theres nothing like having to sweat out a couple of free throws to get a cover.
Tonight he had a big 100k play on oregon, lmfaoooooooooo they lose outright.
Jim feist sux should be hunted down and hung from the tallest tree on this planet, cause the guy is a true scumbag.
So to all the folks who have paid this retard money and now dont have any money left for Christmas presents, you can all thank roxy and her forum for giving the scammer the place to start peddling his scams. My only advice to all of you who have purchased this guys plays, just like my friend has, stop now before you go further into debt. There is no doc, no larry, just a very sick twisted degenerate gambler named jim feist sux taking your money and giving you sorry ass picks.
By the way after tonight doc will be 0-4 on bowl games, hell of a record after 4 games. My dog could pick more winners then him.
One last piece of advice if roxy is promoting another scammer at her site, dont buy his picks, cause you will be going down the same doc road again.
Oct 19, 2005
max292 said:
Roxy's forum without a doubt is the breeding ground for scamdicappers and the people running the forum have been around a long enough to know scams when they see them, but they have chosen to look the other way and allow these scumbags to use their forum to launch their attacks on rookie gamblers who dont know any better. Its amazing how somebody will sell their soul out, just so they can get a few hits on their messageboard.
I feel real sorry for all the people that fell for the jim feist sux scam, {one of which happens to be a friend of mine} who probably dont have 10 cents left to buy any Christmas presents this year. Tonight once again doc drops close to 200k and anybody that believes a guy can lose that kind of change on a regular basis, shouldnt be gambling, yet alone following an imaginary person made up by jim feist sux. Its funny doc was supposed to be so great in college baskets, but he couldnt pick a winner with tomorrows paper. Yesterday he said he had inside info on the syracuse game, they were minu13-, they were very lucky to win by 14. Wow must have been some inside info, stuff he recieved, cause theres nothing like having to sweat out a couple of free throws to get a cover.
Tonight he had a big 100k play on oregon, lmfaoooooooooo they lose outright.
Jim feist sux should be hunted down and hung from the tallest tree on this planet, cause the guy is a true scumbag.
So to all the folks who have paid this retard money and now dont have any money left for Christmas presents, you can all thank roxy and her forum for giving the scammer the place to start peddling his scams. My only advice to all of you who have purchased this guys plays, just like my friend has, stop now before you go further into debt. There is no doc, no larry, just a very sick twisted degenerate gambler named jim feist sux taking your money and giving you sorry ass picks.
By the way after tonight doc will be 0-4 on bowl games, hell of a record after 4 games. My dog could pick more winners then him.
One last piece of advice if roxy is promoting another scammer at her site, dont buy his picks, cause you will be going down the same doc road again. I've been lumped in with jfs AND ACE-ACE...all in one night....this is too much...really....I thought it was bad when I was lumped in with the 'honest' services...this gets funnier the more I read...National Enquirer beware..theres some great talent out here....
Oct 19, 2005
max292 said:
Roxy's forum without a doubt is the breeding ground for scamdicappers and the people running the forum have been around a long enough to know scams when they see them, but they have chosen to look the other way and allow these scumbags to use their forum to launch their attacks on rookie gamblers who dont know any better. Its amazing how somebody will sell their soul out, just so they can get a few hits on their messageboard.
I feel real sorry for all the people that fell for the jim feist sux scam, {one of which happens to be a friend of mine} who probably dont have 10 cents left to buy any Christmas presents this year. Tonight once again doc drops close to 200k and anybody that believes a guy can lose that kind of change on a regular basis, shouldnt be gambling, yet alone following an imaginary person made up by jim feist sux. Its funny doc was supposed to be so great in college baskets, but he couldnt pick a winner with tomorrows paper. Yesterday he said he had inside info on the syracuse game, they were minu13-, they were very lucky to win by 14. Wow must have been some inside info, stuff he recieved, cause theres nothing like having to sweat out a couple of free throws to get a cover.
Tonight he had a big 100k play on oregon, lmfaoooooooooo they lose outright.
Jim feist sux should be hunted down and hung from the tallest tree on this planet, cause the guy is a true scumbag.
So to all the folks who have paid this retard money and now dont have any money left for Christmas presents, you can all thank roxy and her forum for giving the scammer the place to start peddling his scams. My only advice to all of you who have purchased this guys plays, just like my friend has, stop now before you go further into debt. There is no doc, no larry, just a very sick twisted degenerate gambler named jim feist sux taking your money and giving you sorry ass picks.
By the way after tonight doc will be 0-4 on bowl games, hell of a record after 4 games. My dog could pick more winners then him.
One last piece of advice if roxy is promoting another scammer at her site, dont buy his picks, cause you will be going down the same doc road again.
Roxys site should be rated "F"...fabulous, FREE FROM FRAUDULENT FACT-LESS FOOLS!

Rx. Poster
Dec 26, 2004
what more proof could you possibly want.i was a former client of his.ask me any question you want. i gave everyone a tape with his voice and told the story behind it.
Oct 19, 2005
Tokens time give out my comp line too....

Let me get this straight....YOU GAVE A #, WITH MY VOICE ON IT....TELLING A 'Thought for the Day', to encourage people....


Its easy to see now why the government was so sure that the general public would buy into the 'one (magic) bullet theory'

Okay...I admit it...I'm coming clean...its me on the tape (duh) telling people to share a kind word or pat on the back to someone else & that they shouldn't focus on all the 'bad' stuff in their life, but focus on the positives....


That must make me the biggest SCUM on the planet....

Oct 19, 2005
husker said:
how do you think i got that #?



further proof of your mental capacity got a # wow!!!!!

gee...I dunno....maybe like because I posted it all over the US for like 2 years.....and like....because I used to use that # ten years ago to put updates on and like because I've had tons of scum sign up & the # got passed around years ago....WHICH IS WHY I used that # to do the 'Thought for The Day' on...because I knew all you lowlifes were stll trying to get info for free....



I got lots of #'s...lets see, I got a # for Geico....AND I CAN PROVE THAT GECKO IS NOT ACTUALLY WORKING THERE....ITS ALL A SHAM, I SAW HIM WORKING A CIRCUS ACT IN VEGAS.........Oh no.....ANOTHER SCAM EXPOSED.......Geico got no Gecko & I hope you don't have no wreck-o....

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
max292 said:
Roxy's forum without a doubt is the breeding ground for scamdicappers and the people running the forum have been around a long enough to know scams when they see them, but they have chosen to look the other way and allow these scumbags to use their forum to launch their attacks on rookie gamblers who dont know any better. Its amazing how somebody will sell their soul out, just so they can get a few hits on their messageboard.
I feel real sorry for all the people that fell for the jim feist sux scam, {one of which happens to be a friend of mine} who probably dont have 10 cents left to buy any Christmas presents this year. Tonight once again doc drops close to 200k and anybody that believes a guy can lose that kind of change on a regular basis, shouldnt be gambling, yet alone following an imaginary person made up by jim feist sux. Its funny doc was supposed to be so great in college baskets, but he couldnt pick a winner with tomorrows paper. Yesterday he said he had inside info on the syracuse game, they were minu13-, they were very lucky to win by 14. Wow must have been some inside info, stuff he recieved, cause theres nothing like having to sweat out a couple of free throws to get a cover.
Tonight he had a big 100k play on oregon, lmfaoooooooooo they lose outright.
Jim feist sux should be hunted down and hung from the tallest tree on this planet, cause the guy is a true scumbag.
So to all the folks who have paid this retard money and now dont have any money left for Christmas presents, you can all thank roxy and her forum for giving the scammer the place to start peddling his scams. My only advice to all of you who have purchased this guys plays, just like my friend has, stop now before you go further into debt. There is no doc, no larry, just a very sick twisted degenerate gambler named jim feist sux taking your money and giving you sorry ass picks.
By the way after tonight doc will be 0-4 on bowl games, hell of a record after 4 games. My dog could pick more winners then him.
One last piece of advice if roxy is promoting another scammer at her site, dont buy his picks, cause you will be going down the same doc road again.
doc was born here. at the rx. and gained popularity cuz everyone bought into the guy. ROXY DOESNT HAVE A SITE. im not behind nor supporting known scammers. and im not foolish enough to buy picks from anyone. you buy with no gun placed to your head so dont blame me for being so stupid that you lost money for me anyone currently at mvpsports101 scamming someone. produce someone claiming they were scammed JUST BY BEING A MEMBER OF THAT FORUM.produce a victim of these baseless accusations.get a life.youll save money that way.if you people have any thing further to say to me say it at mvp. cuz bringing the battle to the rx is classless.and i wont be back to this room.

Rx. Poster
Dec 26, 2004
you keep proveing my points. i was a customer, that used to be one of your play lines.

If you are a Scammer, I will expose you
Dec 8, 2005
Roxyfraud, barely a week ago, you had an out-and-out SCAMMER at your forum ripping people off.

Now you have another LIAR/FRAUD/SCAMMER at your forum.

What are you missing here, hon?

How blind are you?

How stupid are you?

How much in denial are you?

Your forum houses SCHEISTERS.

Wake up and smell the coffee, hon.
Oct 19, 2005
husker said:
you keep proveing my points. i was a customer, that used to be one of your play lines.



Oct 19, 2005
Scammer_Alert said:
Roxyfraud, barely a week ago, you had an out-and-out SCAMMER at your forum ripping people off.

Now you have another LIAR/FRAUD/SCAMMER at your forum.

What are you missing here, hon?

How blind are you?

How stupid are you?

How much in denial are you?

Your forum houses SCHEISTERS.

Wake up and smell the coffee, hon.

:103631605 24 posts & can do it!!!

I thought I told you to take the avatar that YOU STOLE from back to where you stole it from....

Did you just wake up from a coma....can you not read....wherein have I ripped anybody off?....oh wait I're just sore because you sat on the sidelines and watched me post a 7-0 record over there for FREE, for all to see...then you jumped in the night I went 0-2. Does that mean you want a refund too? WOW that makes 2 nuts in the past ten years to want a refund....

If you are a Scammer, I will expose you
Dec 8, 2005
"0-2". LMFAO!!

You wish you were only 0-2 the last 3 days.

How about 5-9 and down 11.4 units

In just 2 days!!

And then you take a day off?


"21 years in the business" and this clown gives out 6 plays one day, 8 plays the next day and then zero plays the third day?????

Folks, if you haven't seen enough already to avoid this SCAMMER like the plague, then you are just blind.

Only a rookie-newbie "service" would be giving out 14 plays in 2 days and then zero plays on a day with a fairly big card.

"21 years in the business", huh?

:lolBIG: :lolBIG: :lolBIG:


New member
Feb 9, 2005
I have been following this thread with interest since I was one of the first to get into it with JFS over at mvp, calling him out as a tout and a scammer. After a whole boat load of denial, JFS was finally exposed and he RAN. JFS was a very unsophisticated tout and his scam was very transparent. Some of the powers that be at mvp refused to acknowledge what was going on or just preferred to look the other way and mvp's reputation will suffer as a result.

The writing is on the wall once again with Chicago Hotsides (CHS). Although CHS seems more sophisticated and experienced than JFS, there is something that REALLY STINKS about mvp's "unholy" alliance with CHS. In a desperate attempt to generate traffic, it would appear that mvp has chosen to look the other way, yet again. I wish Roxy and everybody at mvp lots of luck but you are shooting yourself in the foot again. Although some scammers are more seasoned than others, they all have a common goal and that is to rip unsuspecting people off by any means possible and that includes claiming to have FOUND CHRIST. What a low-life tactic. NO ONE CARES THAT YOU FOUND CHRIST. Like Scammer Alert says, who better to align yourself with than Jesus Christ to appear honest? And the "I-was-going through-a-divorce" sympathy card is equally pathetic. The foolish people who buy picks JUST WANT WINNERS. There is ABSOLUTELY no reason to tell people about personal crap like finding Christ and being divorced, unless of course you a low-life scammer trying to create an honest image and generate sympathy so you can steal from the unsuspecting and naive - and that is EXACTLY what is going on here. Oh yes, CHS will probably come in here and call me a fool for saying that his faith in Christ is insincere but it all boils down to the same thing. NO ONE CARES SO WHY BRING IT UP? Just like Chuck Luck - no one cares that your wife died - we don't know you and we didn't know her - just give your foolish customers winning picks and keep your personal stuff private. In my dealings with JFS, I told him that a scammer's best tool was a short memory. Well, apparently Jesus Christ, divorce and dead ex-wives are close behind in the scammer's toolbox inventory.

It looks like mvp has another SCAMMER in bed with them and it is only a matter of time before CHS runs for cover, just like JFS. Good luck to everyone at mvp because you are going to need it when this one also blows up in your face.

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