roxygurls thank you!

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smooth not rich
Mar 21, 2005
Hey Roxy,

WELCOME BACK! I don't know how I missed all the shit that went on, but I'm glad I did! Always read all your posts,and you were a goodhearted friend to all.
Hope you will ignore the bashers and stay here.:toast:

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I'm just curious why there hasn't been a definite "I'm a woman or I"m a man " statement from Roxygirl.... and it's been asked for many times.

New member
Oct 4, 2004
They are trying to pull some shit at OPU... a live chat with roxydude. How pathetic can one get to keep this shit going. Maybe he is getting paid to do this shit... or just seeks attention because the real world society doesen't accept him.

New member
Oct 15, 2004
roxygurl said:
would YOU call them after all this?please.:monsters-

No, I would not! The Shrink and Xpanda have treated Roxygurl very unfairly. They have no evidence, only suspicions, that Roxygurl is a man. Roxygurl has said repeatedly that she is a gurl, inspite of Max's reading comprehension issues. Frankly I could not care less whether the poster Roxygurl is a boy or a girl but I would give the poster Roxygurl one piece of advice. Tell the posters like PRJ and Cincy_Hugg to fuck off!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I still don't see why it's so difficult to call the Shrink.
Honestly, if you don't want people to give you crap about it, just make the phone call.
I'm trying to stay out of this because I really don't care, but this is getting retarded. Make a freaking call or don't complain when people bash you.
It doesn't have to be fair, on theRX and in general, the mob will always rule.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
roxygurl said:
boxslayer i did what i had to do regarding my gender. but the truth is hard to admit once the public killing took place. my side gets buried in the rubberoom and trashed by the bubblegum brigade there. if your a logical person youll believe ace-ace and we can all move on.what more can i do? you were all my friends here 9 days ago. if that meant anything at all youll consider why this happened. others id never had any interaction with at all at least took the time to email me for my side. your welcome to do the same. all of you are. i hope you all rock today! im still following you all and pulling hard for you guys.~RG

Dude, your whole IP thing is far-fetched. But sure I'll believe it. It still doesn't add up that you post the exact same way CFBGUY does. The words you use, the way you CAPITALIZE words of importance, the way you don't put any spaces after sentences when you write "lol", you never capitalize "lol". You always write in 1 paragraph. Everything is lowercase. The way your screen names are cfbGUY, roxyGURL. It's almost a subconcious reminder to let you remember what gender you are posting under. Either you are a girl, and you pretended to be CFBGUY, or CFBGUY is a guy and pretended to be you, a girl. Either way what you did is pretty sketchy, transvestite, and just weird.
This whole message board thing seems to be pretty important to you. Call the SHRINK or Xpanda, talk civil for 5 mins, answer a couple questions and move on. You refuse to do it, so you will never get respect here. It's very simple. Put the pride aside. Its just an excuse. Would I call, Shrink or xpanda? If this message board was as important to me as you make it out to be, hell yeah. Calling ace-ace proves nothing. For all I know ace-ace is your cousin. If you call Shrink though and prove you are a girl that doesnt do anything for me anyway. Because then it just means you are a girl and you pretended to be CFBGUY, and you are still handing out fake pictures over the internet. Real genuine of you.
Either way, you are sketchy and a loser.

Ron Mexico. #7
Sep 20, 2004
doug stewart said:
No, I would not! The Shrink and Xpanda have treated Roxygurl very unfairly. They have no evidence, only suspicions, that Roxygurl is a man. Roxygurl has said repeatedly that she is a gurl, inspite of Max's reading comprehension issues. Frankly I could not care less whether the poster Roxygurl is a boy or a girl but I would give the poster Roxygurl one piece of advice. Tell the posters like PRJ and Cincy_Hugg to fuck off!

MAX: LMAO..thats funny

DOugS: Are by chance a homosexual???

New member
Jan 1, 2001

there she is...riding in her roxymobile....

New member
Sep 20, 2004

I think you're OK regardless of the soap opera which I didn't really follow anyway. I figured you for a guy all the time because of your avatar...ever see that shit in women's magazines!? No chance. Men's magazines? All the time! Nuff said.

Cyberspace is a great place to experiment and learn about real life. You helped stir things up which is always good. Nobody died so according to the saying we all got stronger. I guess it wasn't nice what you did to XP but you paid your dues and took it like a man. You're on a clean slate now as far as I'm concerned.

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
Darryl Parsons said:

I think you're OK regardless of the soap opera which I didn't really follow anyway. I figured you for a guy all the time because of your avatar...ever see that shit in women's magazines!? No chance. Men's magazines? All the time! Nuff said.

Cyberspace is a great place to experiment and learn about real life. You helped stir things up which is always good. Nobody died so according to the saying we all got stronger. I guess it wasn't nice what you did to XP but you paid your dues and took it like a man. You're on a clean slate now as far as I'm concerned.
you need to think for yourself darryl and not what xpanda tells you to think. im not a dude. i did nothing to x except be nice to her. i invited her to a very harmless website. i recruited no one with the intent to harm the rx. this was my home so why would i try?i have no website. my past relationships never should have been a topic from 3 years ago. theres such a thing as privacy laws in america that dont apply here.i excercised my right to privacy and you saw how that was violated. theres got to be laws broken in some way. anyway its pointless to talk to people who are told what to think as everyone here seems to be.good luck to all of you.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
What would the Rx be without a little drama? :digit:


Finally saw an answer. Gl on your sports betting.
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