Roxygurl and the rest of you


I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
roxygurl said:
steve perry,lou gramm and journeyman.wheel in the sky baby a girl can want a great make out/sex tip? some fine drink:grandmais and low lighting and a sexy voice combined with steve perry singing lights in the city. j-man can you post the lyrics to that?the long version is always the deal sealer for me.

i think this is it - and knowing what it "does" to you - i'll be more than happy to get a copy of this so you can see how big my (gambling) unit is (i'd offer to sing it to you - but the only "mood" you'd be in - is one to RUN AWAY as fast as possible to a sound-proof room anywhere i am not. the only thing worse than my singing skills is my dancing "skills" and we addressed that issue earlier). this is only the short version - i think - but i will be like most guys and lie about "size" to try and impress you :lolBIG:

When the lights go down in the City
And the sun shines on the bay
I want to be there in my City
Ooh, ooh

So you think you're lonely
Well my friend I'm lonely too
I want to get back to my City by the bay
Ooh, ooh

It's sad, oh there's been mornings out on the road without you,
Without your charms,
Ooh, my, my, my


Last night I drank enough to kill a small Asian fa
Jan 25, 2005
I'm going to try to do something I don't do often and do not want to start a flamewar or criticisms or anything of the nature. The only thing that DP could have rationally meant with that point was this fact......At first, Hitler DID NOT want to kill any of the Jews, he just wanted to move them out of Germany. At the onset of World War II, Hitler's position began to change and by the time the Final Solution was implemented in 1941-42, Hitler's new plan was clear. Now, the first concentration camp opened in 1933 at Dachau and was used for Communists and political prisoners. In fact, until 1939, very few Jews were put into concentration camps.....the camps were mostly filled with other ethnic groups and political prisoners (mainly Commies). It can be shown that prior to 1939, all Hitler wanted to do was expel all these non-ethnic groups from Germany. For example, two other ethnic groups that Hitler disliked were African Americans and Gypsies, and during the 30's he called for both groups to be sterilized. Same went for known homosexuals. Barbaric and cruel? Of course But he never killed any of these minorities. It was with the Jews that he ran into a problem simply because the Jews were a much larger group than any of the other persecuted groups in Germany at the time. Now here comes the kicker. Hitler wanted to expel these people from his country, but where could they go? The USSR did not want to be flooded with immigrants as did most other countries around them. Britain and the United States tried to help out in the beginning of Hitler's term as evidenced by the steep rise in immigrant levels from Germany to those two countries. However, the world was also going through a depression then and soon Britain and the US could not support these immigrant levels. This was truly a travesty because much like the Lienz Cossacks after the War, these people (from ALL groups not just the Jews) were in the hands of an absolute madman. Also, most people seem to think that we had no knowledge of these mass atrocities, however the truth is we had knowledge of the horrors of Auschwitz-Birkenau, Buchenwald, Sobribor, Treblinka, Bergen-Belsen, and the other camps as early as 1939 and the knowledge of what was going on in these camps. There are notes from a meeting between Roosevelt and Churchill in 1941 in which both individuals lament that something horrible is happening but they cannot open their borders to these individuals because Hitler (at this point) was still wanting to expel them. The fact is that neither Britain nor the US could handle the rush of ~25 million people suddenly moving into the country. Both leaders knew that such immense influxes of immigrants into their country always cause massive civil unrest. (If you want to check, look at post-colonial Africa and 1948 Israel). This is unbelievably sad no question about it. But I just wanted to point out that Hitler DID NOT want to exterminate every non-Aryan from the start. It took time and other country's closing their borders to immigration for that to happen. Again, I'm just theoreticizing on what DP could've meant by saying Hitler was misunderstood. At the very least I hope I have enlightened anyone unaware of this. Thank you.

Sep 20, 2004
roxygurl said:
steve perry,lou gramm and journeyman.wheel in the sky baby a girl can want a great make out/sex tip? some fine drink:grandmais and low lighting and a sexy voice combined with steve perry singing lights in the city. j-man can you post the lyrics to that?the long version is always the deal sealer for me.

I am assuming the 'long version' you are referring to is combined with "Stay Awhile"....that is a great song and one of my favorites.:toast:

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
roxygurl said:

Thank you for your very kind post. I have avoided reading this thread until now as I was sure that I wouldn't like it. I was incorrect and you guys have lifted my spirits much. I appreciate your kind words and the kind words of the others, Journeyman, RobFunk and yourself. I meant to do right and as Zapster (a good fellow too along with t3a) said, my execution was poor.

I do not want to continue this at all but I want to say one thing: I have been a serious student of the early to mid 20th century and the major conflicts therein. We must never accept racism or ignore racial agendas. I am not saying anyone here in this thread is. I know you are not. Just know I may annoy everyone again someday, please love me as much then too and I will try to do a better job of execution. Love, tulsa

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
By the way...that was the last of my emotional for a while, Robfunk. Also, I forgot to mention that oldmanTED's words were a salve to me. tulsa

Jan 21, 2000
I saw a great movie today......and it is a must see for anyone who has experienced racism, practiced racism, or even HEARD of racism. And not just limited to black/white or aryan/jewish.......lots of different angles are covered and I daresay a lot of us have felt a lot of the ways some of the characters feel as they express their points of view....and I don't just mean the tolerant points of view. Some of the characters manage to give very eloquent portrayals of very scary outlooks. To say much more would begin to give things away, other than to say it has an INCREDIBLE ensamble cast and has a very busy & complicated plot.

Anyway....the movie is called "Crash." I'll stake my reputation as a movie critic on this one.....especially for people who are involved in this thread. It was a good one for me to see today after the unexpected rage I felt yesterday as a result of looking at some of the places this thread brought me to.

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005

Zapster, I'll watch it this week and let you know when I do. Thanks, tulsa.

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
Tulsa said:
Thank you for your very kind post. I have avoided reading this thread until now as I was sure that I wouldn't like it. I was incorrect and you guys have lifted my spirits much. I appreciate your kind words and the kind words of the others, Journeyman, RobFunk and yourself. I meant to do right and as Zapster (a good fellow too along with t3a) said, my execution was poor.

I do not want to continue this at all but I want to say one thing: I have been a serious student of the early to mid 20th century and the major conflicts therein. We must never accept racism or ignore racial agendas. I am not saying anyone here in this thread is. I know you are not. Just know I may annoy everyone again someday, please love me as much then too and I will try to do a better job of execution. Love, tulsa
tulsa you are by far the most loveable character we have at the rx. we know your no racsist and poor execution was your only misque. we wont execute you for it. bless you tulsa,your one of my favorite guys here i want you to know that. your prescious beyond words.

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
Wow....what DP wrote is nothing short of frightening. People like him make me believe that the only cure for human stupidity is a meteor the size of Texas.

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
Death Eats a Cracker said:
Wow....what DP wrote is nothing short of frightening. People like him make me believe that the only cure for human stupidity is a meteor the size of Texas.
:suomi: :suomi: :suomi:

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