Ron Paul's "noninterventionism" Fraud (Same liberalism as blaming society for crime)

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New member
Sep 21, 2004
read your history and stop listening to juan mcamnesty

also, dont forget to stock up on duct tape and plastic wrap... it'll come in handy when the big bad muslims come to attack you

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
read your history and stop listening to juan mcamnesty

also, dont forget to stock up on duct tape and plastic wrap... it'll come in handy when the big bad muslims come to attack you


Okay, genius...keep tossing out the straw men because you can't/won't face reality.

When you've done your homework and think you're ready to debate "history" (specifically, how human nature always leads us into these conflicts), let me know...

Remember, "anti-war" is not a real policy and not even remotely rational, and if you're coming from that demented mindset looking to make your case and "justify" it, you've lost before you've even begun.

You are therefore an ideologue.

An ideologue is defined as, someone who's life revolves around THEORY and views every bit of news and every event through that narrow prism -- no analytical thinking skills required.

Jimmy Carter is an ideologue. Ron Paul is an ideologue. Neville Chamberlain was an ideologue. Osama bin Laden was an ideologue. Karl Marx was an ideologue. The dykes in Code Pink are ideologues.

Ideologues are an impediment to all human progress (see the Taliban and Mullahs in Tehran) because a reasoned give-take discussion is not an option. They're not looking for pragmatic solutions, they just believe the world will bend to their warped delusions.

Allah Ahkbar, hellah!


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Okay, genius...keep tossing out the straw men because you can't/won't face reality.

i have faced reality...its called deployment. And what branch of the military do you belong in? Like Ive said before, your a paper patriot... you want to shoot em up and kill all those that define America... yet, you don't want to carry the burden of war - you want to surf around the blogosphere and message boards telling people that anti-war is bullshit. What do you care if soldiers are going on a 4th..5th tour? The REALITY is.... that you don't care.

I'm more then happy to debate that "non interventionism" did not cause Hitler to rise to power

Ideologues are an impediment to all human progress (see the Taliban and Mullahs in Tehran) because a reasoned give-take discussion is not an option

Hmmmm right. Our enemies today are our enemies tomorrow... Taliban, OBL, Saddam Hussien... what a great foreign policy Mark.

so when are we gonna declare war on Saudi Arabia?


Anti-War is not rational? Since restauration how many wars has Switzerland been involved in?

get a clue man... or get some balls... or get both - either way, your a lost cause

New member
Apr 21, 2007
And all those who called out the beast for what it really was were vilified as "warmongers" and "fearmongers"..."paranoid"..."reactionary"....just like today.

68 million people dead because the world couldn't (didn't want to) recognize evil when they saw it.

Well done, holy pacifists! :aktion033: :ohno:

Joe, didn't you already use this before?

Anyway, what do you think Chamberlain should have done?

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005

You respond with one to two paragraphs of personal attacks speculating about my non-military background, making shit up out of thin air, even though most in the armed services agree with MY point of view and not YOUR Cindy Shitcan fantasies -- fact. Btw, we have an all VOLUNTEER armed forces -- fact.

Typical weak rebuttal from a Paultard.

Then without reading the articles I posted and addressing the points made (because you are an ideologue) you compare the United States to a tiny, insignificant country like Switzerland. Laughable but equally Paultarded and irrelevant to his debate. :lol:

Tiny 'neutral' Switzerland is a direct beneficiary of United States 'intervention' ...I'm speaking of the security of international airspace, waterways etc. that makes the free flow of goods in and out of Switzerland possible -- fact. Trade between nations is only possible in the absence of terrorists and other rogue players. Whose job is it to get rid of them every time they rear their ugly heads, hellah? Switzerland? :ohno: :lolBIG:

If fascist Russia or Communist China decided to invade Switzerland tomorrow -- the way, say, Saddam invaded Kuwait -- the Swiss wouldn't have the resources to defend themselves -- fact. They would either perish or the United States would bail them out (Europe wouldn't have the resources to fight Russia, either) -- fact. Europe had to practically beg the United States to "intervene" in Bosnia, because they couldn't handle the smallest skirmish in their own backyard -- fact.

The United States is the most powerful, influential country on the face of the Earth -- fact. It's culture and trade is spread by it's growing capitalist influence, not because of any government policy -- fact. Your people who cover their women with black from head to toe and treat them like cattle, don't like this libertarian culture and want to keep living in the stone ages -- fact.

If you take away all the oil, the entire middle-east has a smaller GDP than Sweden -- fact. Your part of the world is economically, culturally, and politically BACKWARD -- fact. Or, what normal folks just call, "fucked."

As the world becomes smaller through technology and trade, these backwater regions in the world can no longer be ignored -- especially when they try to acquire weapons of mass murder. Normal, rational folks call it the "don't let children play with matches" rule.

So either we confront (and reform) them, or they will believe their God has called them to make our lives hell -- as they did through the 90s during Bill Clinton's "holiday from history" -- fact.

Not once, have I ever heard a Paultard acknowledge the alternative universe had Saddam and the Taliban remained in power -- not once. When an ideologue like Paul is confronted with reality, he just brushes it off in one sentence saying things like "Kuwait could have defended itself" or "Taiwan could defend itself."

And you call yourselves and your retarded "anti-war" views rational? And you wonder why Paul remains on the fringest of the fringe, considered by most to be a walking talking eating shitting Martian? :ohno: :missingte

George Orwell once observed that pacifism is a doctrine that can only be preached behind the protective cover of the Royal Navy. Similarly, libertarianism can only be seriously espoused under the protective cover of Leviathan.


You are entitled to your own opinion, hellah, you are NOT entitled to your own FACTS.

New member
Jun 16, 2007
i have faced reality...its called deployment. And what branch of the military do you belong in? Like Ive said before, your a paper patriot... you want to shoot em up and kill all those that define America... yet, you don't want to carry the burden of war - you want to surf around the blogosphere and message boards telling people that anti-war is bullshit. What do you care if soldiers are going on a 4th..5th tour? The REALITY is.... that you don't care.

I'm more then happy to debate that "non interventionism" did not cause Hitler to rise to power

Hmmmm right. Our enemies today are our enemies tomorrow... Taliban, OBL, Saddam Hussien... what a great foreign policy Mark.

so when are we gonna declare war on Saudi Arabia?


Anti-War is not rational? Since restauration how many wars has Switzerland been involved in?

get a clue man... or get some balls... or get both - either way, your a lost cause

Oh my! Bin Laudin will be jealous, big boy. He does look at home
there don't he guys. What a man!!!!!:nohead:

New member
Sep 21, 2004
how is that a personal attack? Im giving you my opinion about your opinion - yet your cry, bitch, and moan when someone disagrees with you. Your a fucking pussy... deal with it

Take it for what its worth... you can call it a weak rebuttal from a Paultard... fact of the matter is that you have no problems sending soldiers from one war to another doing 4 to 5 tours (at least) while your nothing but a cheerleader. You cant rebut that. Believe me, nobody is fighting for Mark's freedom

whats not fact about Saddam, Taliban, and OBL being our friends... then our enemies?

for you to not think that provoking other nations doesnt piss them off?

your off your rocker

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I just wanna know why you don't go fight the war that you so truly believe in?


Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
It's easy to be proclaim oneself a 'pacifist' strolling through the streets without a care in the world preaching "peace" and "love" and "nonintervention" while other members of society are doing the heavy lifting and dirty work -- risking their lives by going into the dark alleys and confronting the bad guys.

"For it is the soldier, not the reporter,
who has given us Freedom of Press.
It is the soldier, not the poet,
who has given us Freedom of Speech.
It is the soldier, not the campus organizer,
who has given us the Freedom to Demonstrate.
It is the soldier, who salutes the flag,
who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag that allows the protester to burn the flag."


Talk about the mother of all delusions..I give you the latest 'leader' of this ignorant, demented cult...


Thank the Lord R-E-A-L-I-T-Y hates him more than I do! :missingte

Rx junior
Sep 21, 2005
I just wanna know why you don't go fight the war that you so truly believe in?

...mark also claims to be against rascism YET has not said one word about the war on drugs.
mark also says that radical islamists are gonna get us YET he's not up in arms about OUR border being wide-open.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Roscoe... Mark is the biggest bullshitter here

says he's not a racists... clearly is
loves war and blowing up nations... does not want any part of that
says that non-intervention caused the rise of hitler... history shows that is false
scared shitless about people running around with RPGs 7000 miles away... never talks about domestic terrorism

Mark, nobody takes you serious because your constantly contradicting what you say

It's easy to be proclaim oneself a 'pacifist' strolling through the streets without a care in the world preaching "peace" and "love" and "nonintervention" while other members of society are doing the heavy lifting and dirty work -- risking their lives by going into the dark alleys and confronting the bad guys.

hmmmm thats funny... I guess I didn't do anything in the service according to you

or are you talking about policemen going into section 8 housing and other parts of the "hood" and busting drug traffickers, rapes, and homicides?


whats your next post mark? Fred Doltan Thompson for President?

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
how is that a personal attack? Im giving you my opinion about your opinion - yet your cry, bitch, and moan when someone disagrees with you. Your a fucking pussy... deal with it

Take it for what its worth... you can call it a weak rebuttal from a Paultard... fact of the matter is that you have no problems sending soldiers from one war to another doing 4 to 5 tours (at least) while your nothing but a cheerleader. You cant rebut that. Believe me, nobody is fighting for Mark's freedom

whats not fact about Saddam, Taliban, and OBL being our friends... then our enemies?

for you to not think that provoking other nations doesnt piss them off?

your off your rocker

Once again, it's called REALITY, hellah -- choosing the lesser of two evils in order to defeat a more pressing evil. We teamed up with Communist Russia to defeat Nazi Germany. Are you saying that was 'bad' policy?

Choosing the lesser of two evils is an American tradition -- and what most Euroweenies label as 'hypocrisy.' Choosing the lesser of two evils is a necessary part of foreign policy -- wipe your shoes and check your idealistic beliefs at the door, thank you.

Fact is, in YOUR sick, twisted, FUBARED part of the world, almost EVERYONE is evil in some form or another. Take Pakistan, for example. Who else is there to choose from besides Musharraf? Is Musharraf white as rice? No! But that's REALITY -- the cards we've been dealt with, in a country with 300 loose nukes.

Now, Paultards don't embrace REALITY, and instead regurgitate their delusional, irrational, 'moral' holier-than-thou arguments ("blowback") because they are IDEOLOGUES.

Well, hellah, until you embrace REALITY, you are pissing into the wind -- fighting a HOPELESS cause, forever stuck in political purgatory.

All the name calling ("Joe, the pussy"; "Joe didn't serve"; "Joe, the chickenhawk"; blah blah blah...) won't change a damn thing.

Jul 23, 2006
Ron Paul and Foreign Policy

January 15, 2008; Page A12

Ron Paul invited the audience at last Thursday's Republican debate to entertain the notion that the Middle East would be a better place with the U.S. out of the picture.

"It's time that we come to the point where we believe the world can solve some of their problems without us," said the Texas congressman, who has raised a mountain of cash on the strength of such views. As President Bush completes his swing through the region, it's a thought worth considering.
[Ron Paul]

Dr. Paul is a libertarian, and a libertarian's core belief is that a person's pursuit of happiness is, or ought to be, his own affair. Up to a point, most of us are probably sympathetic to that argument. But is it true of all people? And is what's true of some or all people also true of countries? The libertarian conceit -- which now extends well beyond Dr. Paul's cult-like following -- is that it is.

Thus, speaking of America's relationship with Israel, Dr. Paul insisted at Thursday's debate that "we need to recognize they deserve their sovereignty, just as we deserve our sovereignty." Of the feuds within the Arab world, he offered that "none of the Arab nations wanted Saddam Hussein in Kuwait and I think they could have taken care of Saddam Hussein back then and saved all the mess we have now."

Of Israel's relationship with its neighbors, he argued that if only America got out of the way by cutting off the aid spigot (which, he claimed, favored the Arabs by a 3-to-1 ratio), there would "be a greater incentive for Israel and the Palestinians and all the Arab nations to come together and talk." And of America's relationship with the Arab world, the congressman said in a previous debate that "they attack us because we've been over there."

Dr. Paul's own remedy is that if "we trade with everybody and talk with them . . . there's a greater incentive to work these problems out." But here's a rub.

As historian Michael Oren observes in "Power, Faith and Fantasy," his history of America's 230-year involvement in the Middle East, as early as the 1790s "many Americans had grown dismayed with the country's Middle East policy of admonishing the [Barbary] pirates while simultaneously coddling them with bribes." It was precisely out of a desire to "trade with everybody" that the early American republic was forced to build a navy, and then to go to war, to defend its commercial interests, a pattern that held true in World War I and the Persian Gulf "Tanker War" of the 1980s.

These details of history pose a problem not just to Dr. Paul's views of the Middle East, but to the intellectual architecture of libertarianism itself. Liberal societies are built on the belief in (and defense of) individual rights, but also on the overawing power of government to transform natural rights into civil ones. In the same way, trade between nations is only possible in the absence of robbers, pirates and other rogues. Whose job is it to get rid of them?

A strict libertarian might offer that mercenaries could be authorized to build aircraft carriers, Aegis cruisers and nuclear submarines to keep the freedom of the seas in the Straits of Hormuz and Malacca. But what happens when the pecuniary interests of mercenaries collide with the political interests of the U.S. or some other government? Ultimately, some kind of decisive power is needed there too, at least if the trading opportunities libertarians claim are so precious stand any chance of flourishing.

That isn't to say that Dr. Paul's specific arguments against American entanglement in the Middle East are purely spurious. Does U.S. diplomacy invariably facilitate peaceful outcomes in the region? The seven feckless years of the Oslo process suggest not. Does it make sense to arm Saudi Arabia and Egypt at the same time we arm Israel? The verdict will depend on what kind of governments the two Arab states have in, say, 10 years time. Should the Bush administration have backed Pervez Musharraf to the hilt these past seven years? Had it done more to cultivate democratic alternatives to the Pakistan strongman in years past, it might not have seen its Plan B vanish with Benazir Bhutto's assassination last month.

These questions turn on differences of tactics and strategy, whereas Dr. Paul's objection is philosophical. It helps his case rhetorically that he can tally the costs of America's involvement in the region -- the billions spent and thousands killed in Iraq and Afghanistan; the "blowback," as he puts it, from supporting Saddam at one moment and opposing him the next -- whereas hypotheticals are, by their very nature, costless. But that's only true while they remain hypothetical.

Nobody can say what, precisely, the cost would be of U.S. withdrawal from the Middle East or, for that matter, disengagement from rest of the world. But John McCain was on to something when he quipped, in reply to Dr. Paul, that the only items al Qaeda likes to trade in are burqas, and that they only fly on one-way tickets.

Mankind is not comprised solely of profit- and pleasure-seekers; the quest for prestige and dominance and an instinct for nihilism are also inscribed in human nature, nowhere more so than in the Middle East. Libertarianism makes no accounting for this. It assumes the relatively tame aspirations of modern American life are a baseline for human nature, not an achievement of civilization.

There is a not-incidental connection here between libertarianism and pacifism. George Orwell once observed that pacifism is a doctrine that can only be preached behind the protective cover of the Royal Navy. Similarly, libertarianism can only be seriously espoused under the protective cover of Leviathan.

That's something worth considering as Americans spend the coming year debating the course of things to come in the Middle East. It is beguiling, and parochially American, to believe that things go better when left alone. In truth, as Yeats once wrote, things fall apart. With so much at stake in this election, it's no small blessing that Dr. Paul remains a man of the fringe.

Write to

LOve that they refer to his following as cult like, yet every religion worldwide is based off of cultlike principals. Smoke em if you got em baby!:smoker2:

New member
Jun 16, 2007
Joe, you have a lot of pictures of really bad folks. You don't
worry bout a little country. Why are you so afraid of a
Ron Paul? He's going to get a lot of votes in Texas. That's
all, but that's only because of the Bush shame in Texas.
What you shoud be doing is helping put Bush/Chenny
before the Justice Committee. Get closure and put the crimes
behind us so we can all move forward. Paul is no threat. Pick
a better concern.

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
I hate to interrupt your debate with Hellah, Joe, but would you mind giving me an answer?

The same thing we did as soon as Saddam crossed the Kuwaiti border. Was that a trick question?

In 1936, the French army could have halted Hitler's reoccupation of the Rhineland with a single division of troops -- but chose to do nothing.

In 1938, Britain and France could have joined forces with the well-armed and highly motivated Czech army to administer a crushing defeat to the German Wehrmacht and probably topple Hitler in the bargain -- but chose to do nothing.

Instead the 'leaders' of that time chose appeasement and handed Hitler the Sudetenland, setting in motion the process that in 1939 led to the most destructive war in world history -- 68 million people dead.

Now, you tell me, who was more dangerous? The Neville Chamberlains all across Europe? Or a "warmonger" like Sir Winston Churchill?

Political labels are cute...but the facts and time never side with pacifism and appeasement -- NEVER, EVER!

You can sit back and ignore the little weed in your garden and pretend it'll go away. Why, you might even go and have a conversation with it and ask it to leave politely, only to return a few days later and notice (much to your horror) that the little weed has multiplied.

Or, you can just use this...


...and save yourself a massive headache later on.

Rx junior
Sep 21, 2005
Now, Paultards don't embrace REALITY, and instead regurgitate their delusional, irrational, 'moral' holier-than-thou arguments ("blowback") because they are IDEOLOGUES.

Well, hellah, until you embrace REALITY, you are pissing into the wind -- fighting a HOPELESS cause, forever stuck in political purgatory.
say's the man who's motto is.
"peace ONLY and ALWAYS thru strength, never thru appeasment or surrender"
is against iran having nukes! can iran have peace without strength mark?...ONLY and ALWAY'S right?
you have to drop that slogan from your arsenal if you don't believe iran should have nukes...EVERY SINGLE ONE of mark's "philosiphies" work for the cowboys and not the doesn't get more obvious than mark.
"you've got to stand for something, or you'll fall for anything"...aaron tippen
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