It's true that the nature of the American populace is such that underhanded and deceitful Jewish (and other) bankers can wield a disproportionate amount of power while deliberately and deceitfully (did I mention they are deceitful?) staying out of the limelight.
But in cases where you have two populations separated by about 30 IQ points, the question arises as to which bears more responsibility for their actions. I tend to lean towards the higher IQ group because 30 points is enough to pretty much have your way with your underlings. Also, the more awareness you have of your own actions and the ramifications therefrom, the more responsibility automatically goes with it. Same is true for the amount of power you have, regardless of the number of IQ points you needed to get it.
The complicating factor is the imbalance of the sizes of the two groups. I mean, 100 people with IQs of 130 can certainly have total control over at least a couple thousand people with IQs of 100, no matter what type of system they want to impose. But could they do the same with a group of 200,000? Probably not. For that they would need an advantage of at least 50 or 60 IQ points.
So I do agree that, since the ratios in today's world are more like the 100 to 200,000 figure, the responsibility for the current situation lies squarely with the populace. People clearly want to be lied to, have their money stolen from them, etc. And since their average IQ is only 100, there is no chance that they will ever see it differently until they see with their own eyes the inevitable dead end to which the current path leads.
The implications are that people like Ron Paul are pretty much wasting their time spreading their messages at such an early stage in the process. People need to be standing with their pants down, dicks to the wind, before they'll be looking for explanations. That time hasn't come yet, and may not come for a couple more decades.