Rod screws Dogball out of $3500


New member
Sep 21, 2004
if he is banned her, why is he still talked about? how would anyone know if he was "screwed". i don't need to pull the thread, he is bad news and you need to stay away. it's probably another scam

New member
Sep 21, 2004
why isn't panther, irish and the general respoding?. they all had something to say earlier, why not now|?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
respond any way you want!!! again, why is dog the "good guy here"? he doesnt pay his debts,and you and patrick have decided to to state, oh dog is a good guy and he mest be telling the truth , when, he is a scammer that hasn't payed or lived up to his committments. oh, he's a good guy,and his word must be golden

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
I do not condone rods action if true. I do not know if dog is telling the truth.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Hen - what are you talking about? I am here and anxious to respond. What?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
here is my point. why is everyone her to back up dog, where is dog?, is he here under a diff name? probably not!! why are the mods backing him here? where is ken?, where are the people that can back up the fact that he hasn't payed a debt?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
where are the board of directors? dog claimed he sast on the board for years. all board members please rise, and explain why he hasn't payed or lived up to hi agreement with the book after claiming som e kind of foul wich we all know is a bail out

New member
Sep 21, 2004
JD you low life the debt was paid as per settlement agreement .
Did you miss remedial spelling class or you blowing to much powder tonight? I know you cannot pick your ass without me but thats the way it goes...
Proper gratitude to the rx mods for listening and posting this information. Pat has some of the e mails and all the proof you need on this one.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Hen - sit down, you are going to burst a blood vessel in your neck. Dogball has not posted here in 2 months or so after a falling out. We would not protect him here, why would we? He is with the Butch, Banned4Life and other ex-employees who all have a common hatred of us here at the RX. If anything most would be tempted to pile on him rather than "back him" as you suggest. We are posting this here as I believe it is true, if it wasn't don't you think Rod would reply by now? However in this case regardless of his intentions (getting his money back for example) this is something that other posters should be aware of. It is a good idea to make others aware of this, how can you say otherwise. What do you suggest? Let others get taken in because you have bad feelings about Dog on a seperate deal?

I do not have any knowledge of him not following through on any deal he had. Not saying it happened or not, just that I have not heard one word on it either way. What does that have to do with this other than you are happy he got boned? This is where the agenda's creep in. You are pissed at him so you don't want us to warn anyone else. In fact you are personally glad Dog got stiffed and if others get scammed that is okay with you too, you just want revenge. Move past it brother, we had nothing to do with any of that. Just trying to post a warning about a regular poster here, sorry if it doesn't fit into what you are after. If Rod wants to counter some of this he is most welcome to. As I said I think every word of this is true. Peace Hen.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
iago, 2 posts, i wonder who that is. posting under a different name and knows all that has been going on with this event. sleep well, i'm done. just all beware, don't take a bet or give anyone an account that you havenmt met.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
well said pat. i'm not pissed but bitter. no biggy, i was alerted that there was talk about the scammer on the rx, and responded. all i've done is been reminded od what a scammer he is and i reactedd. my bad.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
I don't know who IAGO is to be honest Hen. I have not checked. I see you are upset but we are not doing anything here except allowing this post to be copied here from somewhere else. I don't want to get in the middle of a war with you and him. Seems a little farfetched that Dog would sit around and dream up some elaborate story like this. Been wrong before but I believe every word of this.

One of the problems in this world is people can't move on. Not only they can't move on but they do all they can to influence other gullible people to fight their wars for them. "You want to be a friend of mine and fit in here than hate the same guys I do". I make my own mind up on people and let the chips fall where they may.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
This is dogball and I am specifically stating to ban this name after this post. I suggest allowing me to post under my proper name " dogball" with over 5000 posts and moving on with any past issues. I do not want to post where I am not wanted but I also know you guys have deep rooted histroy with me and know I would not present this information if it were not true.
I absolutley do not hate anyone here and believe I always contributed a lot as a poster. ANyway you toss it, I really respect the fact you guys collectively allowed this to be posted given the circumstances, my only intent was as Pat states above, to prevent anyone else from getting shafted.
If you unbanned me, I would continue to post at other sites, but I would sure contribute to the football forum where I am sure the 2002 NFL challenge champ would be welcomed by your posters. I have no ill will or hard feelings toward the rx or any staff, a situation got out of hand and I apologize for my role in it.
Either way I remain respectfully


SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Hen - I posted that last one before you posted. Thanks for the nice post, I have no beef with you at all. I have had nothing but good experiences with Corby and his shop. Believe me I have a lot of experience with stiffs, my Pop was a book for 25 years. Even though he was a small operation we got it up the ass many times. It is hard to forget about it when it happens to you. Like everyone else it is easier for me to give advice rather than take it. As far as Dogball I was under the distinct impression that was a done deal. If not and you want me to look into it drop me a line. Regardless I still want to make this post to warn others as they are seperate issues. I believe it is best for the forum to be aware of this. Thank you Hen, have a good one.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
pat, i let shit go a long time ago. it was uncle and ham that asked me to come back and retell the "story" months ago to prove dog was a scammer. again, i was alerted that ther was "dog" talk on the rx tonight and i chirped in. as you can tell by the chatter in the other forums on the rx, i'm nt really sure who is on the A team and who is on the B team. i have never posted a play here and never will, i have always said that i enjoy logging on to see and hear wehat people are doing, when those same people are messing with my money, i'll chirp in.

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