Rochester Rioters


Jan 13, 2019
Not ok either.

If other peoples use of certain words makes your pussy hurt, then thats your problem. Seek professional help. In the mean time quit acting like you are running something around here!

Sep 18, 2006
NY assistant principal goes off at Rochester protests: ‘F–k the police!’

The assistant principal of an upstate high school has sparked outrage with a Facebook Live video he recorded during the Rochester protests — in which he screamed, “F–k the police!”

Steven Lysenko, a ninth-grade AP teacher at Spencerport High School in suburban Rochester, complained about officers targeting protesters even though “we didn’t do anything but chant and sing,” according to copies of the video that have gone viral online.

“Our peacekeepers ended up shooting pepper spray at us for singing and chanting and telling them what a s—ty-assed job they were doing,” he complained in the clip, which was saved and shared on social media.

“They can f–k right off, America!” he shouted.

“F–k the police! F–k Rochester Police Department!” screamed the school official while wearing a Black Lives Matter shirt.

After his expletive-laden tirade, Lysenko calmed himself enough to sign off with a polite “thank you,” according to the clip that started making rounds Sunday.

School officials in the suburban village addressed the uproar over the post in a message Saturday — while stressing the scandal will be “addressed as a confidential, personnel matter.”

“We apologize to our students, parents and community that you had to hear this language from one of our employees,” Spencerport Central School District said in a statement.

The district insisted it “stands in solidarity in support of racial equality and systemic change” and stressed that “we further stand in solidarity with peaceful protesters.”

“However, when a District employee uses language in public or on social media that does not align with our Code of Conduct or demonstrate appropriate role modeling for students, that is something that we will not condone,” the statement stressed.

“These statements by our administrator have caused disruption within our school community,” it conceded.

The response was not enough for some outraged at his tirade.

“Any Spencerport student with a similar rant on social media would have consequences. This is not respectful and encourages hate. Fire him,” Jeff Belles wrote to the district.

However, more than 2,500 people appeared to have signed a petition demanding he not be fired.

“He is setting a good example to the students at Spencerport showing us to fight for what we believe in. Swear words are just words and should not be a reason to be fired,” the petition says.

Lysenko, the president of the local chapter of the National Association for Multicultural Education, has previously used his social media to stand with the Black Lives Matter movement.

“To any students-past or present-who follow me here: know that when you post “#WhiteLivesMatter, you are condoning White Supremacy. In that I will not abide!” he wrote in a post in June.

He also posted a Facebook video apologizing for using “police-centric and police-friendly language” in earlier discussions.

His profiles describe him as an “Advocate for Social Justice, Educator, Child of God” — with one follower, Michael Reed, telling him, “You are not a child of God, Mr. Pottymouth.”

Lysenko did not immediately respond Sunday to messages from The Pos.

Rochester has seen four nights of protests following the release of disturbing police video showing the arrest of Daniel Prude, who died in custody after his arrest in March.

Sep 18, 2006
Can't wait for the bitter cold of winter & will stop all these protests & riots. You never see protests in the winter.....they can't stand the cold.

Apr 2, 2020
This is uncalled for here.

Exactly WHAT is uncalled for here? That I called him a nigga? First Amendment, douchebag.

Or is it that I misspelled the nigga's name? (It's Prude).

And DON'T give me that lame shit about "only blacks can use that word", you pussy.
Blacks use it all the time; so can I.

So can you, although you're too afraid to...So-Sorry-935&

Apr 2, 2020

my clock is stuck on 420 time to hit this bong
Sep 21, 2004
Can't wait for the bitter cold of winter & will stop all these protests & riots. You never see protests in the winter.....they can't stand the cold.
That’s when the Jesse smollett acting school begins

Apr 2, 2020
What's weak? Calling out a blatant racist? We're all better than that. I'd expect you to call out that shit too.

Classic, weak response by ANOTHER spineless wimp who's been conditioned (read: intimidated) into
believing he doesn't enjoy the same First Amendment rights that blacks -- who routinely address each
other as "niiger" or "nigga" -- do.

...And you expect others on this forum to join you in your dweeb bullshit? Hilarious.

I notice that several forum members agree. So I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and call your "leadership"
skills into question. I suggest you find a Boy Scout troop to lead. Adults are using this forum.

Oh, and I see you've sent me a PM, which I won't ever read.

Just go ahead and say whatever's in it right out here on the open forum!

Don't be scared, homie. :hahahahah

May 27, 2007
Exactly WHAT is uncalled for here? That I called him a nigga? First Amendment, douchebag.

Or is it that I misspelled the nigga's name? (It's Prude).

And DON'T give me that lame shit about "only blacks can use that word", you pussy.
Blacks use it all the time; so can I.

So can you, although you're too afraid to...So-Sorry-935&

I understand what the First Amendment is. We don't need racist assholes here at the RX. If you don't understand that, I can't help you.

May 27, 2007
Classic, weak response by ANOTHER spineless wimp who's been conditioned (read: intimidated) into
believing he doesn't enjoy the same First Amendment rights that blacks -- who routinely address each
other as "niiger" or "nigga" -- do.

...And you expect others on this forum to join you in your dweeb bullshit? Hilarious.

I notice that several forum members agree. So I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and call your "leadership"
skills into question. I suggest you find a Boy Scout troop to lead. Adults are using this forum.

Oh, and I see you've sent me a PM, which I won't ever read.

Just go ahead and say whatever's in it right out here on the open forum!

Don't be scared, homie. :hahahahah

We don't know each other. I've never sent you a PM.

Apr 2, 2020
I understand what the First Amendment is. We don't need racist assholes here at the RX. If you don't understand that, I can't help you.

And we don't need hypersensitive, brainwashed language-scolds here at the RX either. Particularly those
that can't handle someone using the word "nigga" to describe an alleged rapist who gets himself shot while
violently resisting arrest.

Apparently you don't understand the First Amendment as well as you think. It allows freedom of speech
without suppression from those who are -- horrors! -- "offended" enough to call the speaker a racist asshole.

Of course you're free to say, or think, that I am indeed a racist. But you'd be wrong. Believe what you will....
but I'm not going anywhere. And if I do, it won't be because you say so.

May 27, 2007
And we don't need hypersensitive, brainwashed language-scolds here at the RX either. Particularly those
that can't handle someone using the word "nigga" to describe an alleged rapist who gets himself shot while
violently resisting arrest.

Apparently you don't understand the First Amendment as well as you think. It allows freedom of speech
without suppression from those who are -- horrors! -- "offended" enough to call the speaker a racist asshole.

Of course you're free to say, or think, that I am indeed a racist. But you'd be wrong. Believe what you will....
but I'm not going anywhere. And if I do, it won't be because you say so.

You dropped the "N" word but aren't racist? Got it.

I hate fucks like you. You set our nation back 100 years with your bullshit. Are you still going to claim I sent you a PM for whatever reason?

Apr 2, 2020
We don't know each other. I've never sent you a PM.

My mistake. The PM I got was from sportsm60; it was entitled Enfuego and I initially didn't
open it. The subject was you of course; apparently you tried playing wannabe censor with
him as well. Oh well, maybe sooner or later someone will humor you....or if the coarse
language is too much for you on here, I guess YOU could always leave!

Thanks for the heads-up, sportsm60. cheersgif

May 27, 2007
My mistake. The PM I got was from sportsm60; it was entitled Enfuego and I initially didn't
open it. The subject was you of course; apparently you tried playing wannabe censor with
him as well. Oh well, maybe sooner or later someone will humor you....or if the coarse
language is too much for you on here, I guess YOU could always leave!

Thanks for the heads-up, sportsm60. cheersgif

Yeah, how dare I try to tell a guy using the "N" word to knock that shit off. What a terrible guy. And you can call me a censor or whatever but that word has no place in our society out of anyone's mouth.

And I don't know who this sportsm60 guy is but fuck him too. He's a giant vagina for running to PMs instead of saying what he has to say.

Apr 2, 2020
I hate fucks like you. You set our nation back 100 years with your bullshit.

Quoted for its comedic value.

And by your insipid, limp-wristed "logic", nearly every black I've ever met is a racist as well!

I guess that means you hate blacks? Because using that word sets us back 100 years! LOL....

cockingasnook() :):)

Apr 2, 2020
Yeah, how dare I try to tell a guy using the "N" word to knock that shit off. What a terrible guy. And you can call me a censor or whatever but that word has no place in our society out of anyone's mouth.

And I don't know who this sportsm60 guy is but fuck him too. He's a giant vagina for running to PMs instead of saying what he has to say.

That's odd. He says the EXACT SAME THING about you. You whiny pussy. face)(*^%

May 27, 2007
Quoted for its comedic value.

And by your insipid, limp-wristed "logic", nearly every black I've ever met is a racist as well!

I guess that means you hate blacks? Because using that word sets us back 100 years! LOL....

cockingasnook() :):)

You're a white guy using the "N" word. Don't twist it. You're a racist fuck and so is your boy Sportsm60 who talks shit over PMs because he isn't man enough to say what he has to say here.

The funny thing is you know you're wrong in using that word. We all know it but you don't see a problem with it. That makes you racist and flat out dumb too.

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