I read an interesting piece that Cruz will likely try to make the case that he should've been the nominee (obviously wording will be pretty selective here, not outright saying it) and set himself up for 2020.
Similar to Reagan at the '76 convention.
Already some rules being put into motion to make the early states closed primary going forward.
Cruz's only constituency if he has any at all are the litmus-test conservatives. Those who were campaigning
for Sharon Engle in Nevada rather than Suie Loudon ( who was way ahead of Reed in the polls for the senate seat),
and those who championed the disastrous Christine O'Donnell over Castle in the Delaware Primary. Polls showed
Castle leading Democrat Chris Coons by 10 pts., the New Castle County executive, and many Democrats
considered the seat virtually gone. They LITMUS TEST Republicans lost 2 sure senate seats offering up
candidates unhinged from reality.
Cruz would do much better in a parliamentary goverment rather than our 2 party system maybe garnering
10-15% support with some influence as kingmaker in multi-party systems. The idea that Cruz is the
favorite of most real conservatives is nonsense. In one of the most conservative states in the union
Alabama Republican 2016 exit polls reveal that his assumed constituency was never there.
[h=3]White evangelical or white born-again Christians[/h]
Trump 43%
Cruz 23%
Those consider themselves conservatives
Trump 43%
Cruz 23%
Now he's starting to campaign already for 2020. He's an extremely unappealing figure.
If Trump doesn't win this year I predict there will be 2 or 3 ahead of Cruz come 2020
by New Hampshire he'll bow out. His VP pick this year before he got sent packing
was the funniiest event of the primary season. maybe in 2020 he'll ditch her
and go with Glenn Beck, or Mark Levin what a group!