Rishi Sunak makes history as Britain's first prime minister of color-- CONGRATS!


Oct 13, 2021
@HacheMan I completely appreciate all of your points. From all my relatives and friends' point of view, Indians in the West, and residing in India have always respected Russians and still do. There was a lot of propaganda during the Cold War by the U.S that made Russians out to be evil af. But many people in the East give way more credit to the Russians than the U.S for saving the world from Hitler. (Not going to get into the debate about this. I'm just saying how they feel not how it is so we won't go down that road) I for one love Russia and Russians in general and their culture.

Indians respect Russia's culture, toughness, and a lot more. But at the end of the day, India is the world's biggest Democracy. And it's more about being nicer to powerful countries that are near you than actually siding with them. Kind of like how life is easier and more practical if you play nice with your neighbors. Which brings me to China....

Indians have major trust issues with China. Always have. Even when India and China seemingly had great relations it was all a facade. India and China never liked eachother and never will. It's all fake and diplomatic. They are all about Communism and India about Democracy.

The Chinese don't trust the Indians because of their constantly changing, expressive facial expressions and hand gestures while talking lol. And the Indians don't trust the way the Chinese make NO facial expressions, and seemingly have cold dead eyes. No racism intended here. Just giving the general opinions of average Indian people. I have many Indian friends (obviously) and a few Chinese friends.

I have an uncle that holds a very high ranking position in the Indian army. The U.S and the West in general have an EXCELLENT rapport and behind the scenes, the U.S trusts India heavily to help them keep eyes/tabs/ and share intel on Pakistan and China. Now China and Pakistan have much better ties. That is true.

India is an up and coming country with a huge growing economy with a very on average young population, and as mentioned, it's the biggest Democracy in the world and their position in Asia is very important given Communist countries like Russia and China lurking there. It's very strategic for the U.S to have good ties with them and they do. A lot goes on under the table between countries that the general public never knows about.

India is all about being westernized. Everybody there wants to learn English, however goofy their accent is. They love everything about the U.S and the West in general. Hollywood, sports, white people, etc they love them all to the point that they are obsessed. And they migrate in hoards and Western countries let them in because they've proven they will fucken work like crazy, holidays, overtime etc? No problem.

Now with the Chinese, sure many of them have the same aspirations to earn money. But according to a couple of my Chinese friends of mine, where Indians are taught at a young age to love the U.S, study hard, learn English so you can go to the U.S and earn dollars and make a good life for yourself, Chinese kids are taught to not trust the U.S, always be loyal to China and it's aspirations as a country to be the next Superpower. They send them here to spy, gain high powered positions and report back to China. If anybody thinks all this is crazy, they're being naive. China is well on it's way to spreading it's tentacles all over the world and will become the next Superpower by hook or by crook. They are already invading India's border and in the ocean inch by inch. What was that story about that Chinese cop in New York caught spying and reporting back to China or something? Google it. Most other immigrants when they come here, their kids are so whitewashed and their loyalty it to the U.S. However, even Chinese dudes born here, have this quiet, intense, loyalty and need to see China rise, even at the expense of the U.S. This is according to a couple of Chinese dudes I hang with. And we aren't that tight because again, their values and their unwillingness to fully open up to people that aren't Chinese is sus. Of course that's not all Chinese people and I'm not going to profess to get in the mindest of all Chinese people. But there's something there.

So whatever somebody said about picking and choosing the right immigrants. Yeah I guess I can see how that matters.

But since I'm rambling on and on avoiding getting my work out in cause I feel lazy today...I'll say this. From a sort of middle person's perspective..this whole social issue in the U.S with Liberals vs. Conservatives and Blacks vs. Whites..(and for all the bashing I do against Republicans, the funny thing is, Indians in the U.S mostly vote Conservative haha I just talk shit in the politics forum because I can't stand Trump or some of the opinions down in that room. my family does too. I've voted both, but mostly vote Democrat. At the end of the day, I really don't give a fuck who's in power. It doesn't affect my life which I'm living very happily.) Where the fuck was I?

Oh yeah. This whole division in America. I mean I have black friends and have white friends that are from 2 different groups that won't hang together. They shit they say about each other. Damn. I have a lot of white and black friends that are cool with each other. But the ones that aren't? Damn. Why you hanging around those ghetto thugs? Or why you hanging around those preppy white boys? Fucken Trump voters etc.

I don't know what the solution is but I see both sides have to meet somewhat in the middle. To my black friends I say, Indians and Chinese come here, they work hard and are known to accumulate wealth within one generation. So y'all have to get your shit together and don't let racists or haters bring you down. You did nothing wrong? They just comply! Do what they cops says man. He has the gun so you just do it. Don't argue. Don't be hypersensitive to comments at the same time don't let racist shit slide either. Same goes to the very Liberal white people, seriously stop with the cancel culture unless it's really warranted. Stop shaming white ladies and men that are having a bad day at the supermarket and ruin their lives online. Yeah if they are blatantly being racist then go for it, but it's become a thing to record and humiliate people, especially white people who might be having a terrible day and go off on a customer service rep or something. Not cool to ''make them famous'' Hate that fucking shit. How would you like it if somebody did that to you on YOUR worst fucking day.

The U.S will never split into the North and South again. Gotta work this out. To the whites that go off on Black people for kneeling during the anthem. Do you REALLY think they want to do it to disrespect the flag or the soil they were brought up and raised in? Even if it offends you, why not see that they are hurting about something or feel like they aren't getting the same respect in America. And I don't want to hear about, oh, poor rich black dudes, whining about not getting their fair share. Most of these rich black athletes came from the hood and probably experienced their fair share of racist cops or the general public. They are allowed to express themselves for those experiences, or for the family and friends or black people in general. What is fighting with them going to resolve? If you don't want to back their kneeling then let them be and protest. It doesn't hurt you and they aren't hating on the U.S. That's not their motive. They aren't trying to disrespect the country that they live in.

Liberals and Conservatives going at each other's throats and sabotaging each other is like people in the same house fighting and warring and working for the betterment of their own rooms in the house. No point. The house is going to fall.

There's foreign powers that want to see the U.S fall and they are loving this and I'm sure they add fuel to the fire whenever they can.

There's rich white Republicans that don't give a shit about the U.S and want to make us many millions or billions and then run off to whatever warm climate country and retire.

There's lazy, white, extremely Liberal young people that are taking over in huge numbers in America that want to make it more Socialist because they are lazy and don't want to work, they want equal money for everybody no matter how much work is put in, they want to break down the traditional nuclear family, and spend time protesting their pronouns and shit because it's easier to do that than work or do something actually productive for their country.

There's extremist white supremacists in America that want to tear up the U.S and divide it in two.

There's extremists from other middle eastern countries living in the U.S that are fucking pissed off at the U.S because we won't stop meddling in the Middle East and have fucked it up decades ago then took off leaving behind people fighting over the land that was invaded, then divided and drawn up on a map and just took off, leaving them warring to this day (especially the British)

I can go on. But point is, it's coming to a boiling point. I see it everywhere. In the supermarket, whitetrash men or women yelling at Mexicans to speak English, starting shit for no reason. Like just let it go, how's it matter? I know foreign languages sometimes sound like nails on a chalkboard but you can't bite your tongue and just let it go?

I see it at my office, white women hating on white men. They are evil, priviliged and ''manspeaking'' all the time. Wtf? Yes, white men in America had it way too good for way too long and there's a much needed OVERCORRECTION going on right now to level the playing field. But at times I see that it's discrimination.

Yeah. Against white dudes. You're automatically the bad guy if you're a white dude. The offhand casual comments and jokes about it in teen movies etc. They are going out of their way. But hey, for the longest time white men did the same, using movies to make all Indian dudes or Chinese dudes geeks and that's now changing. So the overcorrection again. But I do see how it's getting out of control. Especially for the young white dudes that had nothing to do with the sexism and racism from previous generations. White dudes should be allowed to be proud to be white and they should be allowed to say it just as other races openly express their pride. Unless it's about white supremacy, White dudes should be allowed to express their white pride and own it. Not cower their heads to appease white women and minorities. I get it. I get what some of you have a gripe with. But also know, that the days of white majority and running shit is over, and if not completely over it will be soon. That's just how it is. You had a good run. So if you're cool with that, then it's cool.

I don't know. From a middle person's view who loves white people, black people and all races, I watch these social interactions on a daily basis. The whole feminist movement is stupid af. The hating on white dudes is stupid af. The whole pronouns make it up as they go shit is stupid af. But I try to be open minded. Meh. All groups love me anyways haha. I get along with each group of friends for different reasons.

But not to go with hyperbole but we need to all take one small step and try to understand each other. Minorities aren't going anywhere and neither are white people. What are we really pissed off about anyways?

Pick your battles. Black dudes kneeling for the anthem? Ask yourselves why that really pisses you off? Because it shouldn't. They feel attacked and slighted by cops and whether it's true or just perceived by them, it's an issue because it's an issue for them. And we have to hear them out. That's what America is about and maybe they didn't feel they got the attention before kneeling. I don't agree with kneeling but I sure as hell don't get pissed off about it. I go with the flow. Try to understand. Be an intellectual and be objective.

Liberals fighting for socialism and shoving pronouns and shit at us? Yeah, that's a real issue in my opinion.

Republicans fucking over average Americans for their own greed? Or war mongering? That's an issue. Fucking Louis Dejoy? Don't even get me started on him.

We all have to work it out because I don't want to see this country go down. Not to be melodramatic but it's getting to the point where I feel like it's going to boil over. I my put on an act online. But in real life, I'll wave at a cop, try to be objective and cool to everyone and try not to judge. I'll do my small part in real life. I do. There was a lot wrong in the old days with racism etc. But one thing they had right IMO is the nuclear family being priority, saying a hello when you pass by a stranger on the sidewalk and common courtesy on the streets, the stores, and the roads. Anybody that wants to cut in, I wave them in. Other motherfuckers see somebody trying to get in and they speed up and hug the bumper in front of them. Why? Fuck all the big social issues and things and politics etc. It's the little things that will fix things.

And I've successfully procrastinated and skipped my work out. I just don't have it today. Going to start THE PERIPHERAL. Anybody watching this show? Seems pretty good. And I love Chloe Grace Moretz.

Don't bother reading any of the above rambling. Just passing time. I meant most of what I said. But don't bother.

New member
Oct 20, 2022
His race won’t matter as long as he stay’s conservative for the conservatives who voted for him and is effective

Oct 13, 2021
His race won’t matter as long as he stay’s conservative for the conservatives who voted for him and is effective
His color matters as a symbol of change, a source of pride for Indians (who usually vote conservative) and signs of the world changing for the better. It's very symbolic and is a very big deal to Indians where a country that invaded them and occupied and terrorized them, now has a British-Indian Prime Minister. Every Indian and British person, including Sunak understands the significance of that fact. We can move on but don't have to forget the past. Many people from that era are still alive today. Can you imagine their reaction? Or that of their children? It's not as if it was 200 years ago.

But yes, I agree. His color won't affect anything he does in office. And after the initial celebration and acknowledgement of his color, the discussion will fade. All that will matter is how he performs.

I know color shouldn't matter period. But the significance of an Indo-British person becoming Prime Minister of England can't be dismissed and can't be denied.

New member
Oct 20, 2022
I think that it’s also a testament to western democratic countries that even with their track record of colonialism and at times racism they have the most fair and democratic means of governing and I think it underscores that

Oct 25, 2022
@HacheMan I completely appreciate all of your points. From all my relatives and friends' point of view, Indians in the West, and residing in India have always respected Russians and still do. There was a lot of propaganda during the Cold War by the U.S that made Russians out to be evil af. But many people in the East give way more credit to the Russians than the U.S for saving the world from Hitler. (Not going to get into the debate about this. I'm just saying how they feel not how it is so we won't go down that road) I for one love Russia and Russians in general and their culture.

Indians respect Russia's culture, toughness, and a lot more. But at the end of the day, India is the world's biggest Democracy. And it's more about being nicer to powerful countries that are near you than actually siding with them. Kind of like how life is easier and more practical if you play nice with your neighbors. Which brings me to China....

Indians have major trust issues with China. Always have. Even when India and China seemingly had great relations it was all a facade. India and China never liked eachother and never will. It's all fake and diplomatic. They are all about Communism and India about Democracy.

The Chinese don't trust the Indians because of their constantly changing, expressive facial expressions and hand gestures while talking lol. And the Indians don't trust the way the Chinese make NO facial expressions, and seemingly have cold dead eyes. No racism intended here. Just giving the general opinions of average Indian people. I have many Indian friends (obviously) and a few Chinese friends.

I have an uncle that holds a very high ranking position in the Indian army. The U.S and the West in general have an EXCELLENT rapport and behind the scenes, the U.S trusts India heavily to help them keep eyes/tabs/ and share intel on Pakistan and China. Now China and Pakistan have much better ties. That is true.

India is an up and coming country with a huge growing economy with a very on average young population, and as mentioned, it's the biggest Democracy in the world and their position in Asia is very important given Communist countries like Russia and China lurking there. It's very strategic for the U.S to have good ties with them and they do. A lot goes on under the table between countries that the general public never knows about.

India is all about being westernized. Everybody there wants to learn English, however goofy their accent is. They love everything about the U.S and the West in general. Hollywood, sports, white people, etc they love them all to the point that they are obsessed. And they migrate in hoards and Western countries let them in because they've proven they will fucken work like crazy, holidays, overtime etc? No problem.

Now with the Chinese, sure many of them have the same aspirations to earn money. But according to a couple of my Chinese friends of mine, where Indians are taught at a young age to love the U.S, study hard, learn English so you can go to the U.S and earn dollars and make a good life for yourself, Chinese kids are taught to not trust the U.S, always be loyal to China and it's aspirations as a country to be the next Superpower. They send them here to spy, gain high powered positions and report back to China. If anybody thinks all this is crazy, they're being naive. China is well on it's way to spreading it's tentacles all over the world and will become the next Superpower by hook or by crook. They are already invading India's border and in the ocean inch by inch. What was that story about that Chinese cop in New York caught spying and reporting back to China or something? Google it. Most other immigrants when they come here, their kids are so whitewashed and their loyalty it to the U.S. However, even Chinese dudes born here, have this quiet, intense, loyalty and need to see China rise, even at the expense of the U.S. This is according to a couple of Chinese dudes I hang with. And we aren't that tight because again, their values and their unwillingness to fully open up to people that aren't Chinese is sus. Of course that's not all Chinese people and I'm not going to profess to get in the mindest of all Chinese people. But there's something there.

So whatever somebody said about picking and choosing the right immigrants. Yeah I guess I can see how that matters.

But since I'm rambling on and on avoiding getting my work out in cause I feel lazy today...I'll say this. From a sort of middle person's perspective..this whole social issue in the U.S with Liberals vs. Conservatives and Blacks vs. Whites..(and for all the bashing I do against Republicans, the funny thing is, Indians in the U.S mostly vote Conservative haha I just talk shit in the politics forum because I can't stand Trump or some of the opinions down in that room. my family does too. I've voted both, but mostly vote Democrat. At the end of the day, I really don't give a fuck who's in power. It doesn't affect my life which I'm living very happily.) Where the fuck was I?

Oh yeah. This whole division in America. I mean I have black friends and have white friends that are from 2 different groups that won't hang together. They shit they say about each other. Damn. I have a lot of white and black friends that are cool with each other. But the ones that aren't? Damn. Why you hanging around those ghetto thugs? Or why you hanging around those preppy white boys? Fucken Trump voters etc.

I don't know what the solution is but I see both sides have to meet somewhat in the middle. To my black friends I say, Indians and Chinese come here, they work hard and are known to accumulate wealth within one generation. So y'all have to get your shit together and don't let racists or haters bring you down. You did nothing wrong? They just comply! Do what they cops says man. He has the gun so you just do it. Don't argue. Don't be hypersensitive to comments at the same time don't let racist shit slide either. Same goes to the very Liberal white people, seriously stop with the cancel culture unless it's really warranted. Stop shaming white ladies and men that are having a bad day at the supermarket and ruin their lives online. Yeah if they are blatantly being racist then go for it, but it's become a thing to record and humiliate people, especially white people who might be having a terrible day and go off on a customer service rep or something. Not cool to ''make them famous'' Hate that fucking shit. How would you like it if somebody did that to you on YOUR worst fucking day.

The U.S will never split into the North and South again. Gotta work this out. To the whites that go off on Black people for kneeling during the anthem. Do you REALLY think they want to do it to disrespect the flag or the soil they were brought up and raised in? Even if it offends you, why not see that they are hurting about something or feel like they aren't getting the same respect in America. And I don't want to hear about, oh, poor rich black dudes, whining about not getting their fair share. Most of these rich black athletes came from the hood and probably experienced their fair share of racist cops or the general public. They are allowed to express themselves for those experiences, or for the family and friends or black people in general. What is fighting with them going to resolve? If you don't want to back their kneeling then let them be and protest. It doesn't hurt you and they aren't hating on the U.S. That's not their motive. They aren't trying to disrespect the country that they live in.

Liberals and Conservatives going at each other's throats and sabotaging each other is like people in the same house fighting and warring and working for the betterment of their own rooms in the house. No point. The house is going to fall.

There's foreign powers that want to see the U.S fall and they are loving this and I'm sure they add fuel to the fire whenever they can.

There's rich white Republicans that don't give a shit about the U.S and want to make us many millions or billions and then run off to whatever warm climate country and retire.

There's lazy, white, extremely Liberal young people that are taking over in huge numbers in America that want to make it more Socialist because they are lazy and don't want to work, they want equal money for everybody no matter how much work is put in, they want to break down the traditional nuclear family, and spend time protesting their pronouns and shit because it's easier to do that than work or do something actually productive for their country.

There's extremist white supremacists in America that want to tear up the U.S and divide it in two.

There's extremists from other middle eastern countries living in the U.S that are fucking pissed off at the U.S because we won't stop meddling in the Middle East and have fucked it up decades ago then took off leaving behind people fighting over the land that was invaded, then divided and drawn up on a map and just took off, leaving them warring to this day (especially the British)

I can go on. But point is, it's coming to a boiling point. I see it everywhere. In the supermarket, whitetrash men or women yelling at Mexicans to speak English, starting shit for no reason. Like just let it go, how's it matter? I know foreign languages sometimes sound like nails on a chalkboard but you can't bite your tongue and just let it go?

I see it at my office, white women hating on white men. They are evil, priviliged and ''manspeaking'' all the time. Wtf? Yes, white men in America had it way too good for way too long and there's a much needed OVERCORRECTION going on right now to level the playing field. But at times I see that it's discrimination.

Yeah. Against white dudes. You're automatically the bad guy if you're a white dude. The offhand casual comments and jokes about it in teen movies etc. They are going out of their way. But hey, for the longest time white men did the same, using movies to make all Indian dudes or Chinese dudes geeks and that's now changing. So the overcorrection again. But I do see how it's getting out of control. Especially for the young white dudes that had nothing to do with the sexism and racism from previous generations. White dudes should be allowed to be proud to be white and they should be allowed to say it just as other races openly express their pride. Unless it's about white supremacy, White dudes should be allowed to express their white pride and own it. Not cower their heads to appease white women and minorities. I get it. I get what some of you have a gripe with. But also know, that the days of white majority and running shit is over, and if not completely over it will be soon. That's just how it is. You had a good run. So if you're cool with that, then it's cool.

I don't know. From a middle person's view who loves white people, black people and all races, I watch these social interactions on a daily basis. The whole feminist movement is stupid af. The hating on white dudes is stupid af. The whole pronouns make it up as they go shit is stupid af. But I try to be open minded. Meh. All groups love me anyways haha. I get along with each group of friends for different reasons.

But not to go with hyperbole but we need to all take one small step and try to understand each other. Minorities aren't going anywhere and neither are white people. What are we really pissed off about anyways?

Pick your battles. Black dudes kneeling for the anthem? Ask yourselves why that really pisses you off? Because it shouldn't. They feel attacked and slighted by cops and whether it's true or just perceived by them, it's an issue because it's an issue for them. And we have to hear them out. That's what America is about and maybe they didn't feel they got the attention before kneeling. I don't agree with kneeling but I sure as hell don't get pissed off about it. I go with the flow. Try to understand. Be an intellectual and be objective.

Liberals fighting for socialism and shoving pronouns and shit at us? Yeah, that's a real issue in my opinion.

Republicans fucking over average Americans for their own greed? Or war mongering? That's an issue. Fucking Louis Dejoy? Don't even get me started on him.

We all have to work it out because I don't want to see this country go down. Not to be melodramatic but it's getting to the point where I feel like it's going to boil over. I my put on an act online. But in real life, I'll wave at a cop, try to be objective and cool to everyone and try not to judge. I'll do my small part in real life. I do. There was a lot wrong in the old days with racism etc. But one thing they had right IMO is the nuclear family being priority, saying a hello when you pass by a stranger on the sidewalk and common courtesy on the streets, the stores, and the roads. Anybody that wants to cut in, I wave them in. Other motherfuckers see somebody trying to get in and they speed up and hug the bumper in front of them. Why? Fuck all the big social issues and things and politics etc. It's the little things that will fix things.

And I've successfully procrastinated and skipped my work out. I just don't have it today. Going to start THE PERIPHERAL. Anybody watching this show? Seems pretty good. And I love Chloe Grace Moretz.

Don't bother reading any of the above rambling. Just passing time. I meant most of what I said. But don't bother.
Wow, I've never seen someone reply this long in my entire forum lifetime. :surrender:

L5Y, USC is 4-0 vs SEC, outscoring them 167-48!!!
Sep 20, 2004
U.S.A and India. I stand proudly for both anthems. Born and bred in the U.S.A and Indian blood inside me. I get choked during both anthems and I pray everyday for the safety and success of both countries.

I also hate that the U.S.A is being divided by race and possibly conquered soon (in a sense) by foreign powers like China, maybe Russia and others just like India was. Because that's the only way the U.S can be beat. Not head on, but by dividing and conquering and secretly pouring oil in a flame that's burning.

Not saying I'm perfect. I have many things to work on myself to do my part. Why do you bring up Haiti, Somalia etc? Some of your favorite vacation spots?
The US is definitely erroding from within. No doubt about it. And all the finger pointing and drawing lines in the sand only further excellerate that destruction. Call me crazy but I think TikTok will end America. And China is just sitting back waiting. Especially since they play the 100 year game.

btw. Congrats on the new British PM

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