RIP America


New member
Oct 9, 2004
They need a way to pay for all the Stimulus packages of the last 12 years

In Canada the Liberals are considering a tax on your home equity when you sell your principle residence.

That use to be the case in the US

New member
Apr 7, 2016
When the Republicans controlled the house, senate and Presidency they cut taxes and increased spending........calling this fiscally conservative is a joke. There is zero chance this economic plan works for any period of time. To continue it would be a disaster. The republicans are not fiscally conservative and the debt increases more under their leadership.
the debt is a lost cause...both parties spend and spend some more....and they won't stop either

New member
Oct 9, 2004
This is probably too nuanced and beyond something your willing to consider, but who do you think put all the programs that drive the debt there?

The great society programs, medicare/SS/medicaid, obamacare expansion...This pretty much drives all debt growth over time, the increase of the entitlement state.

Which party is more heavily in favor of all of these things or originated them?

Look at the biggest piece of the pie....defense budget. Start by cutting the defense budget and then we can have a real discussion about waste. I worked in the defense industry and it is as dirty as politics. The waste is out of this world. Just take some of that money and make sure every kid shows up to school and gets a good breakfast and lunch. Would be a much better use of our money. Kids in the USA should never be walking around hungry

Jul 14, 2007
The defense budget isn't the biggest driver of growth in the deficit, entitlements are. You can look this up if you want.

And any Republican that talks about cutting them is going to get ads of him pushing granny off a cliff or a 9 year old kid starving, it is what it is.

Why are we spending more on entitlements now than before? Well, probably because liberals glorifying single motherhood and multiple decades of open borders, but again this stuff isn't allowed to be said on TV and probably aren't points your willing to consider.

New member
Oct 9, 2004
This is probably too nuanced and beyond something your willing to consider, but who do you think put all the programs that drive the debt there?

The great society programs, medicare/SS/medicaid, obamacare expansion...This pretty much drives all debt growth over time, the increase of the entitlement state.

Which party is more heavily in favor of all of these things or originated them?

Also programs like social security are not entitlement pay for them with the concept that you will eventually collect on them when you become of retirement age. The government has taken those funds and basically spent them.

Jul 14, 2007
Also programs like social security are not entitlement pay for them with the concept that you will eventually collect on them when you become of retirement age. The government has taken those funds and basically spent them.

Programs that involve the population going up at unsustainable rates to pay for themselves, gee, what could go wrong?

And no, the gov't hasn't taken those funds and spent them. They just weren't sustainable programs. You need to educate yourself.

Split the country in half and we would see pretty fast which side needed debt to finance their lifestyles and which side didn't. But we never will so ignorance is bliss.

New member
Oct 9, 2004
The US spends more on defense that the next 10 countries combined. The money can be spent better on other things

Jul 14, 2007
Well, I'm glad you learned something today.

When Obama passes Obamacare and expands medicaid in nearly every state, that goes on the debt forever. That's his policy. Without him it doesn't happen, how are subsequent Presidents responsible for this growth? You can agree or disagree with medicaid expansion all you want, but that is where the growth in the debt is from.

Totally disingenuous.

You know what is a good way to shrink the government budget? People being less reliant on government but 1 side isn't really for that so we do what we can.

New member
Oct 9, 2004
Personally I think their should be an age tax of some sort that goes directly to paying off the debt. The older you are the bigger the tax. You basically let our country run up debt and never paid for it. So instead of some 80 year old going to Florida for the winter....let them pay off some of the debt they ran up in their lifetime so their grand kids dont have to.

Also there needs to be some sort of balanced budget like states have. If you want to spend money on anything like a war you have to cut someplace else or raise taxes.

Jul 14, 2007
Personally I think their should be an age tax of some sort that goes directly to paying off the debt. The older you are the bigger the tax. You basically let our country run up debt and never paid for it. So instead of some 80 year old going to Florida for the winter....let them pay off some of the debt they ran up in their lifetime so their grand kids dont have to.

Also there needs to be some sort of balanced budget like states have. If you want to spend money on anything like a war you have to cut someplace else or raise taxes.

You wanna say "People just need more personal responsibility and to not rely on government" so bad, just let it out man.

The anchors cause the debt, but they vote (for the same party as you) so tough to cut em lose.

Also, for a lib I'm surprised you don't know what MMT is? Debt doesn't matter anymore, we can spend as much as we want according to Stephanie Kelton and co. Nothing to worry about anymore.

New member
Oct 9, 2004
Well, I'm glad you learned something today.

When Obama passes Obamacare and expands medicaid in nearly every state, that goes on the debt forever. That's his policy. Without him it doesn't happen, how are subsequent Presidents responsible for this growth? You can agree or disagree with medicaid expansion all you want, but that is where the growth in the debt is from.

Totally disingenuous.

You know what is a good way to shrink the government budget? People being less reliant on government but 1 side isn't really for that so we do what we can.

So I take it you are against any kind of socialized medicine. We already know there is a cost to it. But you think there should be any kind of socialized medicine?

Jul 14, 2007
So I take it you are against any kind of socialized medicine. We already know there is a cost to it. But you think there should be any kind of socialized medicine?

Healthcare a complex issue but the point is the drivers of the debt were all put there by democrats (SS/medicare, great society programs, obamacare) and once those programs are there, they ain't going anywhere. So while the GOP hasn't quite fought for a smaller federal government as much as they should, most of the excess debt on the books is from democrat programs.

To just line up each President and say "ABC added XYZ to the #" is clearly foolish, yet liberals do it all the time.

New member
Oct 9, 2004
You wanna say "People just need more personal responsibility and to not rely on government" so bad, just let it out man.

The anchors cause the debt, but they vote (for the same party as you) so tough to cut em lose.

Also, for a lib I'm surprised you don't know what MMT is? Debt doesn't matter anymore, we can spend as much as we want according to Stephanie Kelton and co. Nothing to worry about anymore.

I have said for 30 years the eventual downfall of the USA will be the debt. May or may not play out in my lifetime but it will be.

New member
Oct 9, 2004
Healthcare a complex issue but the point is the drivers of the debt were all put there by democrats (SS/medicare, great society programs, obamacare) and once those programs are there, they ain't going anywhere. So while the GOP hasn't quite fought for a smaller federal government as much as they should, most of the excess debt on the books is from democrat programs.

To just line up each President and say "ABC added XYZ to the #" is clearly foolish, yet liberals do it all the time.

Read about the Oregon healthcare plan. It is the way to attack healthcare. It was never put in place. It basically says we will cover everyone in the state. We have a pool of money and we will rank what is most important. We will cover all of the items for everyone until the money is gone. SO lets say that is 1,000 things. If you have a sickness that is item 1001 or higher you dont have any coverage for that. There would be suplemental coverage you could then buy to cover 1,001 and on.

If you dont want to buy it fine. If you would rather go to Cancun on vacation. Your choice. But if item number 1001 is a hip replacement and you need can pay for it in full or you dont get one.

The difference is we cover everyone for basic coverages. We have a budgeted amount of money. Versus now we cover everything and try to figure out how to pay for it.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Personally I think their should be an age tax of some sort that goes directly to paying off the debt. The older you are the bigger the tax. You basically let our country run up debt and never paid for it. So instead of some 80 year old going to Florida for the winter....let them pay off some of the debt they ran up in their lifetime so their grand kids dont have to.

Also there needs to be some sort of balanced budget like states have. If you want to spend money on anything like a war you have to cut someplace else or raise taxes.

so institute death panels and force retired people to pay a gradually higher tax for every year they're allowed to stay alive?

anyone wonder why the avg life expectance for a Russia was 8-9 years less than an American in the latter days of the cold war?

insane leftist ideals, that's why. let govt decide if you can live and, if so, pay a little more each year for the honor and privilege

fn nutjobs

Dec 15, 2017
How is Biden surging ahead late on Election Night evidence of fraud? That's what I don't understand.

A lot of us saw that coming because of mail-in voting.

Jul 23, 2006
Was a great run!

Lefty loons have taken over our country. Will never be the same. My Wife and her family came here for a better life and are now scared of what America is becoming.

Looney leftists are trash.

marxist/commies you mean.

We still have 12 days. Let's see what happens. Lot going on still.

Oct 18, 2008
ha, a roth IRA has a max contribution of 6k/yr and is not eligible to anyone making more than 140k/yr

Anyone can contribute to a Roth IRA via a backdoor contribution that most people making over 140K take advantage of if they are investors. Any financial planner has their clients doing this. I've seen lots of wealthy people's investments and the majority have large chunks in Roths

Sep 21, 2004
The USA is finished as a great Country , the Left has destroyed it over the last 60 years, no chance at recovery , I pray for all you young people , I really do

Nov 17, 2004
marxist/commies you mean.

We still have 12 days. Let's see what happens. Lot going on still.

Sure pal.


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