WTF man, you were praising me throughout the trial and was on my side, and now you call me a bonus whore?? You bastard!!!
Am I,
Why'd you give the secret away for??
[Posted by Clevfan]
My sources tell me that the scammer didn't get what he really wanted to and that whatever he got has to be rolled over 20x
Clevfan, I have news for you darling, I don't know where you get your sources from, but they are wrong. I swear to GOD you are not even right. In fact, i even swear on Zach your kid's head that you are wrong, and I am not like you and lie on a kids head..
Listen to me good girl, if you are going to spread rumors about me, make sure they are right. Clevfan, have you noticed that i have left you alone and not bothered you at all and took shots at you.. And here you are starting this crap all over again. Isn't this a closed issue Clevbum. Listen here Clevbum, can't you just let go of this topic. Just get your info right, and remember here you deadbeat loser, I got paid in full. Maybe you want to believe I didn't, but I did. And thanks for trying to rat me out. I've had 3 days away from here to think, and I really can't believe what you still did to me Clevfan.. You should be ashamed of yourself, and all out of rage to try to get even....
BTW, thanks for that great weekend in New York that you just paid for.. I really appreciate it. I saw the Cards in NY and it was beautiful. We even had box seats thanks to you. We even ate in Times Square almost everyday.. Thanks for paying everything for me Clevfan. Thanks a lot. And pls don't forget clevfan, I left you alone and didn't take any shots at you, and you started it again..
See ya later you LOSER..And maybe one day I will get my wish and see you again, and you can be sure of one thing girl, I will WHOOP YOUR ASS so badly for what you just did to me..
I still can't believe you did that, but at least I won girl...
This will be me on the left, and you on the right, if i ever see you in front of me again Clevfan... See ya later bitch.!!!