Sorta like the left mocking Trump didn’t get shot or faked itThey got Alex Jones with his own words, what he said to raise money for himself was a crime. His followers were threatening and mocking parents who lost kids
What Alex Jones did was unconscionable. And everytime the mother fucking cock sucking loser had a chance to prove his case in any court, he rolls over like a puppy dog. He's a loser that does nothing but lose
Citing Alex Jones diminishes whatever argument you're trying to make
Sorta like the left mocking Trump didn’t get shot or faked it
Never watched or kept up with Alex Jones except what read hereThat's as bad an analogy as bad analogies get
For openers, Trump is a public figure and thus more can be hurled at him. And nobody believed the outlandish accusations to begin with.
You're comparing that with grieving parents who lost children being called out for being hired actors. And Alex Jones supporters being front and center
Alex Jones is the scum of this earth, along with anybody who says