Hope you guys played??? You stated don't play unless I post them andthen say hope you played? So which is it? Do as I say not as I do? Seriously what the fuck......and you stated last night dodgers no play, then say they helped bail you out- wtf??? Either post before the game starts or don't post- coming in as you do after the fact as you always do does no one any good. This isnt an attack against you personally, just calling it like I see it.
Calm down.
Dodgers were not a RLM play. I played them anyways. They won. I talked about it. No harm done.
I said "play what I post" in regards to other posters saying 4 hours before the game starts "this looks like a play!" or "this underdog is a play!" when the rules are exceptionally clear.
When the lines close, I have to place my own bets. That comes before posting a pick on the forum. I worry about my own bankroll before a forum post.
Because of the nature of the system, I can't always be on here, writing down what teams to play. Instead, I tell you "this is how it needs to be done" and the vast majority understand it. Or at least I think they do. I don't know, there's a ton of stupid posts in this thread.