Rest in peace Bobby Bryde


I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
heart222 said:
Bobby was unique. being a hockey buff i met him first online at this site when he was thehockey guy. we continued an email friendship for 3 years. the one time i was in vegas early on he could not shake freee as it was mid football season. whenever wesaid hey you have been terrific what can wee do for you he would say nothing but take care of thewife. So 3 of the the 3 amigos from wasington s he called us would send gifts to d. he always sent us military music discs etc.

THIS sounds like the BB i know - ALWAYS caring more for those who were his friends than he did about himself. as i said before - when you stop and think about it - he led a very unusual life. he rarely went out and when he did he stayed as far away from the Strip as possible

i would expect BB and Alan Boston to be good friends since they were sooooooooooooooooooo much alike in too many ways

and fish - ZERO objections to merging 1 thread about BB - and actually i like it this way - ONE thread for a ONE of a kind guy

Rx. Senior
Sep 20, 2003
Wow, impressive tributes by Winky and Soccerbob. Sounds like a guy I could have talked to and enjoyed his insight as well.
Great words of advice by soccerbob, that should be heeded by us all.


I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
GreenDoberman said:
Wow, impressive tributes by Winky and Soccerbob. Sounds like a guy I could have talked to and enjoyed his insight as well.


NOT so sure about that. i met you and you are a COOL guy and all. but BB HATED "suits/authority figures" and knowing what you do - i am not so sure he would have liked you because of what you did - even though you are sooooo UNLIKE most people who do what you do

if he didn't know what you did he would have gotten along great with you. i know thats ounds weird and complex - but that is/was Bobby Bryde - as weird and complex a person as you will ever meet

Sep 21, 2004
I considered BB a watchdog for the sports gambler, would expose the book for its poor lines and CS. I was fortunate to meet him and was invited over to his home to see all the numerous logs, tapes, game info dating way back. We had some good conversations talking about many sports but specifically 2 I have a passion for, CFL and Hockey. Although we didn't always agree on certain topics we had some good laughs about his experiences in town over many yrs and knowledge that was transfered threw articles, radio and his website. Thanks BB:103631605

New member
Sep 20, 2004
There is a good article written by Phillip Hogan on the front page of The Prescription. I hope you will all read it. I thought it was very well done and was a nice tribute to Bobby Bryde. Bobby was a wonderful writer and I think he would have liked the article.

In the Sunday, June 25, 2006 edition of The Las Vegas Review Journal, Bobby's obituary is listed and there is a memorial book that anyone can add to by sharing their thoughts about Bobby. You can go to and click on obituaries in the left hand column. From there, you can pick the day you want which would be June 25, 2006. That calender you can click on is in the center of the page.

You don't have to be a subscriber to do that. It would be really nice if you would like to add your thoughts to the memorial book. I think the paper then has a book form copy of all the entries in the memorial book that can be purchased. If they do, I am going to buy a copy for his girlfriend Debbie and one for his family. Thanks everyone.

New member
Dec 30, 2005
Kudos to Winkyduck for starting the Bobby Bryde thread, to Phillip Hogan for his RX retrospective and especially to Las Vegas Sun reporter Jeff Haney for his fine piece in this morning's paper. I'm glad that Hogan mentioned Bobby's crackerjack article about Bill Brennan, the Stardust night cashier who "forgot" to clock out one night and walked out the door with a half-million or so in receipts. I was one of the last people to talk with Brennan before he disappeared like Judge Crater. If memory serves, Bobby wrote two different stories about that episode, one for the Las Vegas Weekly that stayed true to the known facts and another that had the tone of a non-fiction novel with Brennan getting murdered by the accomplice that set him up. I was surprised that Bobby had so many admirers, because his negativity was so off-putting. I know that he never forgave me for continuing on as a radio spokesperson for the Stardust after Scott Schettler was let go. I once wrote something about Ring Lardner to the effect that his fiction didn't read well anymore and Bobby got sorely pissed at me for "dissing" one of his favorite writers -- a guy who had been dead for about 70 years. Phil Mushnick of the NY Post wrote several damning columns about TV touts that were passed along to me in the proverbial unmarked brown envelope by someone that never identified himself. I'm 99 percent sure that the donor was Bobby, because he knew that I collected this kind of stuff. The comparison that a forum contributor made between Bobby and Alan Boston was interesting. I agree that had they known each other they would have eventually warmed to each other, or at least developed a mutual respect. In common with Alan, Bryde had nothing but contempt for corporate suits who derived their authority from their post in the hierarchy rather than from their ability. Above all else, Bryde was an uncompromising maverick. RIP.

New member
Oct 15, 2004
Thanks Arne K, for providing some balance to this memorial to Bobby Bryde thread.

Are you still going to be associated with the Leroy's sports hour and in particular, the Fezzik-Bogdanovich challenge, this year?

New member
Dec 30, 2005
With the demise of the Stardust Line, my services won't be needed. John Kelly and Jimmy Vaccaro will handle the Leroy's radio promotions, but I may lurk around and try to make myself useful.

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Arne K. said:
With the demise of the Stardust Line, my services won't be needed. John Kelly and Jimmy Vaccaro will handle the Leroy's radio promotions, but I may lurk around and try to make myself useful.

Looking forward to meeting up with you again at this years bash Arne.

New member
Nov 27, 2004
Sad to se Bobby go

Along with heart222, I am one of the 3 amigos from Wash, D.C. who used to correspond with Bobby about hockey, CFL and many other topics. He was a great guy to his friends. One thing with Bobby-you always knew where he stood. No waffling. He was a generouis guy too, not only with his picks and opinions but with books, tapes etc. Bobby had a passion for the military and martial music-I think he had been in the army.
His passing is doubly sad for those who knew him since it happened so quickly once his illness was diagnosed and many were unable to say their goodbyes to him. But maybe it was a blessing to Bobby that he did not have a long drawn out period of suffering. Whatever the case, he will be misssed.

I don't know enough to know I don't know
Sep 21, 2004
I just read about Bobby Bryde’s passing in today‘s issue of “Gaming Today”. I was shocked and deeply disturbed. It hurt to read the words. I immediately thought how strange the timing was considering the Stanley Cup Finals had just ended three days before. Or perhaps how appropriate.

I first met Bobby Bryde one night in the Stardust sports book as the east coast NHL games had just begun. We happened to be sitting a couple seats apart in the front row. The exact year escapes me today but I’d guess it was around 1991/92. Something happened in one of those games we were watching and I commented about it. I wasn’t really expecting a response from anyone but of course he wasn’t shy. Before I knew it we were talking hockey. Everything hockey. From Tommy Barrasso to Teddy Green. From the Winnipeg Jets to the original six. About my Boston Bruins to his New York Rangers. It didn’t take me long to see we shared the same love. The love of hockey. By the time the first period was over I had made a friend.

I continued to be his friend for the next couple years but slowly our paths went different ways. I’d bump into him every now and then. He’d invite me over to watch the hockey games. He’d tell me about his new satellite dish and how he could get all the games through CBC.
I laughed and remembered how we always used to complained to each other about the sports books never giving any consideration to the hockey players. Always felt like second class citizens. We always ended up groveling and begging some writer to put a hockey game on amongst the limitless bank of TVs they so generously gave to the NBA players. I guess Bobby finally just gave up the aggravation, bought his own dish, and bank of TVs.

I never did take him up on his offer to watch the games at his place. Today I wish I had.

I’ll always remember when the “Sport of Kings” opened, (located where “The Beach” is today), and the excitement over his appointment of helping to run the sports book. In hindsight I suppose it was ironic. I mean he was so infamous for his disdain of the suits behind the counter and now he was one of them. However he wanted to be part of the solution and not the problem. He clearly knew what didn’t work, what frustrated the customers, and he wanted to do things different. He wanted to be a innovator. He wanted to offer things no one offered. He had high hopes and plans.

He had me take a picture of him from the balcony overlooking the race book on the opening night of “Sport of Kings“. He insisted on wearing his Ranger uniform. A portion of that picture is the same one shown by Journeyman on this thread. One day soon after I read in the paper “Sport of Kings” would be closing and I thought of my friend.

I’ve read what all you people have written about Bobby and it’s hard for me to add much. You’ve covered it all. He was all of the above.

He could be your best of friends or your worst of enemies. I’m blessed and honored that he considered me one of the former.

Sep 20, 2004
Vic, I enjoyed reading that story, very nice post...How have you been?

SportSavant mentioned you had a real nice future price on Carolina ...

Great to see you, unfortunately it took this incident to see you post again.

Hope all is well.

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