The fact of the matter is that American adults simply don't have much interest in voting. So the idea that voting should be made "easier" (it is already very, very easy) which opens the door to more fraud, is silly and stupid. And since liberals are silly and stupid people, of course they take that approach.
I think voting should be just as hard as getting a concealed carry permit for a firearm. And since to get 1 of mine I had to send a fingerprint card to the FBI, of course you should need an ID to vote. Especially since my right to a firearm is enumerated in the text of the constitution and the "right to vote" is not.
The closest thing America has to a national ID is not a Social Security card, it is a Passport. So let's make having a Passport mandatory to vote and double the fee. That way the costs of this flood of new passports will be covered (with any extra money can be returned to actual taxpayers). The fact of the matter is that the person living on welfare in public housing shouldn't have a vote that counts as much as mine. They have a vested interest in voting for anyone that will give them more "benefits" (my money) and do nothing but drain society's resources. Alternatively, I pay a shit ton in taxes, spend a boatload on consumer and grocery products, and my capital is used by businesses to expand, creating more jobs. Therefore, if you're a net tax consumer, you get .25 of a vote, whereas mine counts as 1.
So yes, I support having an ID a mandatory voting requirement.