With the crew we’ve had for the last 8 years? C’mon man, good luck with that. There ain’t a set among em.Congress needs to keep obstructing and defunding the progressive agenda until Democrats stand for Liberty again. Why are Republicans enabling the destruction of America by continuing to fund Obamacare, the EPA, the NEA, the UN, massive illegal immigration and massive regulations etc?
Shut it all down until Democrats come to the table with serious reforms and compromise.
No more conformation of radical left judges under Obama and Hillary, either. Only those who respect the supreme law of the land need apply.
If people are stupid enough to elect the Hildabeast, reopen the Benghazi hearings and start a criminal investigating of the Clinton Foundation.
These gutless RINOs pissing and moaning about not winning elections are their own worst enemy.
I'm not asking anyone to change their values, in asking what strategy can they go with to win? The current strategy is provin to fail time and again. I think there are a lot of democrats or independents who could go
With the right if they had a viable candidate. Trump would have had a decent chance if he could have just shut is damn mouth instead of spewing hateful nonsense, the republicans seen to always put their foot in their mouth. I would have voted Kasich
Well he beat 16 other wannabes using those tactics. Democrats aren’t going to vote for him whether he’s Mr. Goody 2 shoes or not but a record number of Republicans did.I'm not asking anyone to change their values, in asking what strategy can they go with to win? The current strategy is provin to fail time and again. I think there are a lot of democrats or independents who could go
With the right if they had a viable candidate. Trump would have had a decent chance if he could have just shut is damn mouth instead of spewing hateful nonsense, the republicans seen to always put their foot in their mouth. I would have voted Kasich
47% of the voting public wouldn’t understand it.Strategy? Be front and center on TV, twitter and every available media outlet exposing the left's evil agenda while articulating a positive vision of liberty and prosperity for America.
Basically, a conservative Trump without the blowhard-ness, pettiness, flip-flopping, "deal making" and personal attacks.
I think the fact that he won speaks volumes about the Republican Party, Ted Cruz? Rubio? It's bad when they can't beat Hillary assuming they loseWell he beat 16 other wannabes using those tactics. Democrats aren’t going to vote for him whether he’s Mr. Goody 2 shoes or not but a record number of Republicans did.
He’s the clear Republican choice. We’ll see what happens.
Hey guess what, no one can answer this question. Good topic. Willie came closest because at least he knows [R] can't win by simply abandoning its core principles.
I really don't know. It appears to me Dems have won the game and may hold the White House for another quarter century. The only thing that might derail that is a scandal so big even the press can't keep it down.
IMO if a Dem president was involved in the Watergate breakin it never would have become a big story. Russ would be the only guy talking about it, and with no inet he'd just be muttering to himself The main reason Watergate became a full blown scandal is because 2 LEFTY reporters would not stop digging. You don't have that type of investigative 'journalism' on the [R] side. R is in trouble for a long time.
Yes that's what they thought, hopefully they can come up with something going forward
from the party who gave us Obama and maybe Hillary, we have to top that (it keeps getting worse by the day face)(*^%)
we have to hope the fucking idiots become educated and productive
and since Romney won every income demographic > 50k, maybe a growing economy and increased wages will help too
we're not going to win the 47% crowd, and we can't compromise ourselves to be more like them
we don't want to be the parasites, and the country still needs taxpayers
The blueprint for republican to win a presidential election is pretty simple. Run far away from the far right. Give up the archaic mindset on guns, abortion and religion.
Trump has a chance because he's not even close to a conservative. The dems were praying for Ted Cruz to win the primary.....Trump was their second choice but the dems realize they struggle against Kasich or Rubio because of their ability to appeal to dems that dislike Hillary.
eventually the younger generation republicans will grasp this. Once the sheriff Joe, Acebb, dave007, russ1945 types start dying off.....repubs will win presidential elections again with moderate candidates.
BP: Hey Republicans! Blue states have lost their minds...what are you going to about it? face)(*^%
Just because Republicans have become nationally unelectable with states like CA and NY completely going off the end, doesn't mean Republicans can't be successful politically while sticking to their conservative principles.
- obstruct and defund the left's agenda
- investigate and expose criminals like Hildabeast (the GOP had their chance with Hussein but blew it)
- block their radical judges
- with the electoral college looking bleak for the foreseeable future, focus on increasing their political power though midterms and state elections (the inner city doesn't vote in midterms and ACORN practically ignores elections on state and local levels - easy pickings)
- Sane Governors to the left's Fedzilla and future anti-American globalist Supreme Court: JUST SAY NO!
If all else fails, begin a serious conversation about succession.
I think you hammered the nail on this one, I know republican's who think the reAson they are losing is they aren't going far right enough. That's serious denial
I think you hammered the nail on this one, I know republican's who think the reAson they are losing is they aren't going far right enough. That's serious denial