None of your crackpot left wing beliefs are remotely constitutional or legal, especially the executive and judicial activist crap you advocate. If they were, there would be a constitutional amendment for every last one.
Your only saving grace is the fact enough brainwashed spineless lemmings like you 'choose' tyranny in the name of the "common good" (or so you are told).
The framers would have been shooting by now.
Joe, cut him some slack. He doesn't even know what the fuck "enumerated powers" mean...and probably has no clue that the majority of the shit progressives advocate like the "general welfare clause = redistribution" has already been debunked in the Federalist Papers (oops, alkiefagdelt doesn't know what that means you junior?). Christ, I'd put it at about -250 that alkiefagdelt has never even read the entire Constitution in his life.
Nonetheless, even in the above quotes, nowhere does Jefferson suggest just changing the Constitution on a whim or having some special elected representatives re-interpret what it means every so often so we can re-apply everything to today's standards. If you want to change it, then the process involves getting the approval from 2/3 of the House, 2/3 of the Senate and 3/4 of the States. That's why I'm 100% against federal agencies such as the EPA, Dept of Education, Social Security, and many others. Nowhere in the Constitution is the federal government granted the authority to operate those agencies.