You want to know how a low information delusional libtard argues?
Despite the fact that exit poll after exit poll for every election since at least 1980 reflects that high school drop outs, low income demographics and the inner city poor vote democratic by an overwhelming majority 100% of the time, as in without exception, he would argue that because a richer state when blue and a poorer state went red, lower income demographics vote Republican. It's an absolute waste of bandwidth to try and reason with such ignorance.
To make such an uninformed argument, one has to believe that the democratic party I s known as the party of the wealthy and the Republican party is viewed as the party for the poor. One would have to believe that when Romney said 47% of the people will never vote for me, he was referring to high income taxpayers.
Again, scum shows how incredibly ignorant and uninformed he is. His soul reeks.
His dots don't connect, he hates simple math
Once again, he is "categorically incorrect"