All of this conjecture surrounding imminent sportsbooks demise is a total joke. The bottom line here is that if you have done business with a book for a long time, and they have treated you professionally, you probably have zero to worry about. The things to look for when worrying about a book going under are the warning signs that indicate that any business is in trouble. First of all, are people getting out and out stiffed? In other words, is the book having issues, and making no effort at all to pay back its players. All we have to do is look back at Jazz a little over a year ago. Jazz was 10 million in debt. Their owner, a very honorable man, scratched,` clawed, begged, and borrowed to pay everyone off. Eventually he was back on his feet and better than ever. Why did people not have to worry about him? Because he is a decent guy who vowed to do the right thing. Players should worry if their sportsbook is not paying them, and is showing no good faith to do the right thing. If those factors are not in place, then people should stop worrying. Trying to guess who is going under is totally assinine. The bottom line for people who have money off-shore is that they should keep their balances reasonable, and stay with people who have treated them right. If a book starts to act improperly by either being non-accessible, posting lines that are too good to be true, etc. etc. then start to worry. if nothing weird is going on other than some forum morons stirring up the soup, then sleep well as the only thing you should be worrying about is beating the pointspread this weekend. Good luck.