My record last year in mid Oct was 32-16. It started slowing down (my wins this week coming). To where I was making 1-2 units a week rolling to mid oct.
There is No doubt I will obviously regress to the mean.. but i should not hurt anyone that is coming in late.
At that Oct mark I started spinning my wheels.. up down 2.. soooo when you look at it from a pure math perspective at that point the house.wins with me... soooo I will Probabaly pack it in and take 2 weeks off going into Nov nba season..
Remember 1 thing guys.. this isn't about beating a sport up for 4 months.. it a about recognizing when your spinning your wheels and not give back VIG OR PROFIT.
Soooo I will figure out my move in the next month.
Bet conservative guys I will have some losses it is inevitable. . And let's kik the man in his ASS!!
Well my play is 2000 risk on every play.. and on Sunday we have 3 sessions typically I am 2-3 plays a session.. my % per session is 10-15% of my total br. In a day (sunday) would be 35% ish in the total day?
Is that what your asking?
I look at line openers for every game monfay then cap the day of in the late afternoon.. I c@n look at line movement. . Know all injuries by that time..