
New member
Sep 21, 2004
Finally someone comes out with the real records. Thanks Exposer, now they will start having to put their money where their mouth is and stop touting.

Sep 20, 2004
cappthespread, who you talking about. Are you talking about me. If so, be a man and say so. I have nothing to hide. Go ahead express yourself to me, if your talking about me, while we wait for the exposer to express himself or herself. CC.

Rx Senior
Dec 10, 2002
Co Captain,

I respectfully disagree about YTD. Some here do follow cappers every play. So YTD Record is important. I came to this site around 2 or so years ago. I did NOT play every play as u said and watched some cappers post. I picked and chose like you said. As time went on I eliminated posters threads as I soon found them not being as solid as people insisted. I did average at best using that system.

From a year of observance I got to see who was solid throughout the year. I then used an approach this season in football in which I took 4 posters plays and played them. I eliminated plays against each other and hit a very high % for the season.

Personally, I am concerned with people that are consistent year in and year out. Not people that come here for a month and blow up. For me, it is almost impossible to get in at the right time. Someone is hot for a month and u watch there plays then u jump in to have them hit a cold streak. This is for new people who come to this site who have no idea who is someone to follow. They come in and see one poster going 10-2 and start following him. Not knowing that he was 8 –26 before that give a false impression.

The thing I disagree about is that you have cappers who have been here for less than 2 months telling new users of this site who is hot to follow. There are many more lurkers here than there are posters. Keep that in mind.

BTW, you had excellent picks and write-ups in college foots last season and will be taking a hard look at your plays next season.

That’s just my opinion.

Take care,

New member
Sep 20, 2004
For Allstar, winning 51%, lets say he left the pushes out, up 32 units? Must have had some ML plays there.

I like the idea of someone going back and calculating long term records, but I'm not too sure about the reporting method here.....

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I posted something earlier today about co captain, hope i didn't start a ruckus.

all i know is co-captain is 11-1 on his plays of *6 units or more since sat.

maybe we should focus on his money plays instead of haftime wagers and bullshit like that. his record for that period wasn't that great game to game, but i do like his money plays.

good luck in capping

Sep 20, 2004
ku, my point exactly, everyone does things differently for different reasons. I chose to do a weekly type of record along with writeups to show. One when I am hitting a good streak or bad. And second, with the writeups, to show why I am playing a play. I feel that this should allow the new posters or lurkers a way of seeing what is happening now and how I think and cap and come out with my plays. This game is filled with peeks and valleys and I cant see how a ytd for the new person can help them out. Your example of a poster going 10-2, but he went 8-26 before. But how about the other way around. I think that what I chose to do gives the person a up to date reflections of how I am doing and my reasonings for each of the different plays for each of the different games. Plus, I try to make it also a point to begin my daily threads with a recap of how I did or am doing presently. Still, I know that there are those that do follow only one capper. But in my opinion, they a few. Also, those people I dont think is starting a thread like this telling how me , us , we , are not keeping it real. So that is my opinion on how I do things to help others out. No one can hide so why try is my thinking. If you not here to help , then you must be here to hurt. The way I do things is geared to help others. But if others dont want it, then I wont force it on them period, I'll just stop. Aloha CC.

Everybody's Friend
Sep 21, 2004
CC, DON'T STOP!!! You are the man! I appreciate all of your hard work and your great plays!! Keep up the good work! - FawvDog

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Not sure of the motivation of this post at all. IMHO these 4 guys are not ego driven at all. They simply post their picks and in the case of Co-Capt. and NY Reb- provide their reasons for each pick. No flamin', bitchin', or any of the bullshit that you get from alot of the other posters who obviously are here to feed their egos! I for one appreciate these guys and am much better off for paying attention to each post. Same goes for Action- no bullshit-just good picks that have fared well since i've been watching. All Star? I'll have to pay more attention to him I guess. Just my 2 cents.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
A lot of work thanks quite misleading on some of thierparts just a hair above dart throwing

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Captain - I have been around here a while. Whenever someone does well, new posters (100% ghosts) turn up, whatever their motive might be, it really does not matter, these ghosts want to discredit any handi-capper doing well and The Rx itself. Belleve me, the best advice for you is to try your best, go on with your business, and ignore this kind of posting. I am going to keep a close eye on this situation. Best of luck tonight, and throughtout the rest of the college basketball season.


[This message was edited by wilheim on February 12, 2004 at 04:12 PM.]

New member
Sep 21, 2004
wil, I know it can be done. So can you or one of the mods check the IP address and see if it matches to anyone?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I'm very curious to why over the last few days
this forum has become more of a bashing thing
than a helpful thing.I believe everybodys goal
is the same in here.There have been some very
hot cappers as of late.Thats great,can't we just
leave it at that.Best wishes to all.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I think more insight should be given not who they played but reason they played then we would find out who is doing the work so I would not hve to do it

Sep 20, 2004
gracie lou, your right. Those bs halftime wagers, I shouldnt have even posted. Most of the time people dont get in time anyway. But, I do it because I play it, and others always asking for some opinion, so I post it. But them things is most time are a feeling play instead of a capping play. There is simply not enough time to do that with them halftime plays. But those other plays that are my Top plays and with a writeups, are plays that I have capped out and which took my several hours to do, so they of course they are of value to me. CC.

Professional At All Times
Dec 3, 2003
It is a shame that just at a time when handicappers on this forum have been doing so well and have been sharing valuable information both for each other as well as the viewers, that someone would start comparing them and their records as if this were a competition. Many of you know that it has been my position that we are all here to help each other succeed in our battle with the books not compete with each other or bash anyone. This type of thread only ends up causing us to use up energy that we can well use for handicapping instead. Most of us are astute enough to know the large picture but we should acknowledge each other's efforts to help the forum. Without mentioning any names, the write-ups that are put out are a valuable tool for the forum and anyone who has chosen to spend the enormous time and effort to provide one for each game is to be appreciated not viewed critically, as regardless of record, these posters spend time providing information for all to read and use as they wish. For those that provide their YTD record or any record for that matter, they to should be commended provided they are honest with the forum and the readers. Each of us is different in our own way, but together we provide strength to this forum. Please don't allow yourselves to be caught up in meaningless competition with each other. It doesn't matter who the best handicapper is. All that matters is that collectively we produce profits for ourselves, the forum and the viewers. To all the cappers on this forum, keep a positive outlook and not let this thread deter you from your success. Keep the train rolling.

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