Read if you want one stock you can retire on


Sep 25, 2005
This could not have happened to a better person , I wish it happened closer to Christmas time, this is the one gift I can't but for myself, that's because I'm rich and you are now even poorer, you are a failure MattyMatt. Not only are you a complete asshole, but you are unlearned in finance and the market place, and will never under stand what value is. It is simple word but a complex concept, and it is always in flux, unlike your bank account that is dwindling , enjoy thanks giving at golden corral , or maybe race track or maybe a chicken pot pie from the dollar store you utter douche bag.

Jan 16, 2010
This could not have happened to a better person , I wish it happened closer to Christmas time, this is the one gift I can't but for myself, that's because I'm rich and you are now even poorer, you are a failure MattyMatt. Not only are you a complete asshole, but you are unlearned in finance and the market place, and will never under stand what value is. It is simple word but a complex concept, and it is always in flux, unlike your bank account that is dwindling , enjoy thanks giving at golden corral , or maybe race track or maybe a chicken pot pie from the dollar store you utter douche bag.

You know absolutely nothing about me or my family, so stay at your Country Club sipping your scotch because god forbid we know you're too much of a pussy to step into the real World...

Better yet, just STFU, nobody wants to hear from a racist douche.

Jan 16, 2010
C'mon guys let's keep the garbage off this thread. Needless comment.

I agree, came outta nowhere, haven't said anything to that dude in months and months, and have no intentions too. Try to ignore the negative, and the negative don't like it, so they retaliate with the garbage.

Jan 19, 2005
stock is trash...good for harvesting

This post will not age well . Great, not good things are going on behind the scenes The pain will end and the stock will turn back up . The fundamental story is very much intact . Good times are ahead for PRED shareholders.

Employees going up

PRED Linked In Employees continue to tick up was 60 a few weeks back now 64 in the BioTech Div
PRED will be presenting new research at the Endometriosis World Congress in Shanghai

Everybody Got Dey Cups But Dey Ain't Chipped In...
Dec 9, 2004
Nice late pop today while rest of market lagged. Let’s hope this continues.

F me, F U
Oct 15, 2004
Tough sledding boys. Not sure how and why y’all chasing this dog with fleas. But maybe u strike gold. Rooting for all honestly.

Jan 19, 2005
amazingly, the stock is almost unch for the year

Watching this is like watching Jamies Winston QB your team

As you know i am the editor of and have recommended PRED since April 2019 @ 2.13 only to see it run to $7.00. Like 90% of the believers never sold or did not sell enough and continued to add to hellish price drift for months and months and more months and now we are at .80!
Yes management has blame here! NASDAQ has blame! The shorts have huge blame! The lack of PR has blame. The tax selling season has blame. Of course HB and even Zack's has blame. Not sure 100% about Thomas! I have
talked with him a few times and exchange text messages regularly and he is always cryptic and vague !
Dick Davis Digest been around for decades is now called Wall Street's Best!
I have been a regular contributor for years because of the goodwill we have achieved over the decades with winning picks!
Every year the publication does a stock pick of the year. So Jan 2019 i picked ARWR @ $15.00 ( we initial recommended arwr a few year ago @ $2.00)
The stock currently is trading @ $60.00 so we are up 300% so we get "super top billing"
In addition Jan 2016 we recommended as our stock pick of the year HEMA @ .40/ share. On Dec 16 ,2019 HEMA was bought out at $25.40! That is 64X your initial investment ! Not much more to say about that.
We will be using PRED as out stock pick of the year for 2020! This will be release on Jan 16th 2020.
Both of the were speculative and both turned out to be big winners. If you go and re read all the press releases that have been released during the past 6 months and had just seen this stock i promise you that you would be buying this stock rapidly.
The financial pain for most on this thread is surely horrible and i am affected like everyone else that have drop 10's of thousands of $ at present. I truly believe that unless we have been totally lied to that PRED will be a huge winner for those that can with stand the agony of these losses. The sheer manipulation by shorts, MM and naked shorts has been jaw dropping, but i like many have the fortitude to with stand even if it mean that losses will continue.. I have continued to buy small additions in order to average down because i have been most successful with that strategy over the years investing in companies that i believe in. We may be all wrong and will all go to financial "hell", but all the puzzle pieces that i see will fit together in time! It is not our time yet, but i believe it will be. If all the "ducks" line up we could easily see $10 or higher in 2020! Everything depends on management! Everything depends upon managment!
Lastly Wall Street's Best reaches around 15,000 so there will be many new eyeballs that might see what i see and what many of my fellow posters see!

Nov 15, 2009

  • Predictive’s key original holders and recent Chairman/director have previously been charged by regulators with securities fraud, including allegations of pump and dumps, boiler room sales, and false press releases.
  • Predictive’s CEO Brad Robinson has a checkered history, including allegations of securities fraud and of non-compliant marketing of a medical product.
  • Predictive has embarked on a flagrantly suspicious acquisition spree that displays hallmarks of insider self-dealing.
  • Specifically, 4 of Predictive’s 7 acquisitions were entities based out of Predictive’s own address before they were acquired.
  • We believe there is 80% downside to Predictive’s shares purely on valuation and 95%+ downside given the issues we have uncovered.


Jan 19, 2005


  • Predictive’s key original holders and recent Chairman/director have previously been charged by regulators with securities fraud, including allegations of pump and dumps, boiler room sales, and false press releases.
  • Predictive’s CEO Brad Robinson has a checkered history, including allegations of securities fraud and of non-compliant marketing of a medical product.
  • Predictive has embarked on a flagrantly suspicious acquisition spree that displays hallmarks of insider self-dealing.
  • Specifically, 4 of Predictive’s 7 acquisitions were entities based out of Predictive’s own address before they were acquired.
  • We believe there is 80% downside to Predictive’s shares purely on valuation and 95%+ downside given the issues we have uncovered.

Why are you reposting the bullshit that was contained in the Hindenburg hit piece ?

Jan 19, 2005
To be released on January 16th- see tiny piece on elgl reaches 12000 in WSB publication ( prior name Cabot prior Dick Davis Digest)

Our stock pick for 2019 was Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals ARWR ( $15.00). The company develops
medicines that treat intractable diseases by silencing the genes that cause them. Using a broad
array of RNA chemistry and its new TRIM (tm) Platform mode of delivery, ARWR therapies trigger
RNA interference mechanism to induce rapid, deep and durable knockdown of target genes. During
2019 the company of course has been very successful in various treatments and currently has various
test drugs in FDA phases. Recently the company raises $270 million in 2-3 days. The company is now
in a new league for research, development and new drug therapy. From WSB January 2019 stock pick
of year publication, "we believe because of all milestones that will be met during 2019, that the share
price could easily double or triple!" Well, ARWR is currently trading at $65. This results in a 330% gain
for the year!! During 2020 ARWR has the potential to trade at $100.00/sh. Of course PROFIT is always
a motive for investing.
A little history concerning out involvement in ARWR. We first recommended ARWR many years ago @
around $5 only to see it run up to $8+ and then crash to $2.00/sh where we re-recommended once
again only to see it run up $15.00/sh where we recommended in this publication last January 2019.

The lesson learned: Sometimes because of "black swans" stocks don't always work like clockwork and
demand staying power even though the financial pain can be swift and painful until the Unicorns come
back to the pasture.

We recommended HEMA @.44 as our stock pick for January 2016 within this publication. HEMA is a
global leader in the customization of human-derived biological products and services for biomedical
research, drug discovery and cellular therapy process development. Fast forward to December 16th 2019
when Charles River Laboratories announces the acquisition of HEMA for $25.40/sh! This equals 58X
your investment! Need we say anymore?



PRED is a therapeutics and life sciences company, is a leader in the use of data analytics for disease
identification and subsequent therapeutic intervention through unique gene-based diagnostics, biotechnology
treatments and companion therapeutics.
We first recommended PRED via within our April 2019 email alert @ $2.13. The
stock proceeded to shoot up to $7.00/sh and started to correct to around $4.00/sh when we recommended
PRED as our mid-year stock pick for 2019.
From that point on the "black swans" attacked and PRED did a swan dive! A sleazy research firm (HB)
did a hit piece on the company, which in turn allowed a swarm of short sellers and naked short sellers to
attack with a vengeance and began the slow bleed. At that time PRED had applied for NASDAQ listing and
because of listing guidelines the company was placed in a lengthy quiet period. This only hurt the stock even
more. Since there has been limited news that created an upside catalyst~ the stock has drifted. For the past
few months that tax selling has surely damaged shareholder confidence. We have not been shaken!

Fast forward to today, PRED is 10X the company that was introduced some 9 months ago!
Here is a list of reasons why PRED should be bought with a very large shovel!

1. PRED engaged LIFESCI Partners as a communications partner.
2. Noted director of Predictive Labs receives award for work done on Endometriosis .
3. PRED engages CLSA Capital, a CITIC Securities company, to support product launches
into China's rapidly growing women's Health and Fertility market.
4. PRED launches FERTILITYdx (tm)~ A Genetic testing service now available to identify
causes of infertility and guide personalized fertility treatments.
5. PRED announces commercialization and full market availability of ARTGUIDE (tm). The
first integrated, DNA-based test that evaluates the risk for ENDOMETRIOSIS and other
genetic causes of infertility in women.
6. PRED not only has introduced this product within the USA, but has plans to introduce this
product into China. Endometriosis is a large problem in China ( population 1.5 billion ).
7. PRED announces the launch of PGxPLUS(tm) Pharmacogenomic test that is being marketed
to pain clinics for patients with chronic pain. The test indicates the best method for pain
reduction using proper therapies.
8. PRED announces collaboration with the Preeclampsia Foundation ( involvement with the Bill Gates
9. PRED recently reached 11 consecutive Q's of revenue growth. To date the majority of business
revenue has been generated from human cell and tissue products (HCT/Ps) into the bio-pharmaceutical
10. Recently, the company has actively pursuing a strong business relationship in China. We anticipate
fruit to be harvested from this endeavor.
11. We believe that other acquisitions within the USA are being considered.
12. PRED will receive NASDAQ listing once a certain price threshold has been met.
13. PRED has a management team and a board of Director's that equals any Fortune 100 Company!!
Please review the Bio's of this team!
14. PRED has a collaboration agreement with a corporate giant, "Thermo Fisher (TMO).
15. PRED has a auditing agreement with a top tier firm, Doloitte Touche.
16. PRED has a huge horde of patents approved or pending.
17. PRED has the largest genetic library in the World.
18. PRED's law firm is a top tier Biotech/merger (Wilson Sonsini).

We could go on and on, but interested investors can visit their website. Even though the share price
has fallen dramatically from our initial recommended price~ We have not lost faith in this cutting edge
Biotech/Genetic company. PRED is still trading in the "pinks" but has received "penny stock exempt status"!
This means institutional investors can purchase PRED shares at current levels.
At the current price of .77 one can buy almost 6X as many shares as when we first recommended PRED at
PRED is our stock pick for 2020. We honestly believe that if all the "ducks" line up as we anticipate that
the reward could easily be 10-15X your current investment!

Sometimes the stocks have a tendency to not follow a spelled out script and this is when the patient investor
must wait for the "unicorns" to come over the hill! We rate PRED with our strongest speculative BUY
recommendation at currently depressed and oversold levels.

Upon visiting their website and review all documents within and read the press ~you
will see why we have chosen ELGL as our penny stock for 2020! The website address: We truly believe that events during the next few
months and beyond that ELGL has the potential to 10-15X your investment. We know
that it trades on the pinks, but with time things change. We rated ELGL with a strong
speculative buy at current levels for dramatic price appreciation during 2020.

Editor since 1984
William Velmer
949 922 9986
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New member
Aug 18, 2010
Bruce, any insight on the disagreement over operational issues that caused the chairman of the audit and compliance committee resign recently? Hoping this turns around shortly

Jan 19, 2005
Pred Board Member Resigned - not a big deal at all

From What I understand - Jay Moyes [the least experienced Board Member ]
wanted to push Stem Cell Biz vs John , Dey, Ward et all [extremely seasoned and proven] wanted to focus on Genetic Treatments and Therapies

knowing the FDA was pushing back on Stem Cells

This opens door for more heavy weight Board Member tp take a seat

IMO - Look for many updates going forward, many research BioTech updates / vaccine updates etc

not expecting much from Q1 or Q2 in My Opinion

Expect Q1 and Q2 Revs will be modest - need $3 PPS and 2 Quarters from Deloitte Audits for NASD end of Q1 or Q2 best guess

Know This

Pred is the largest most advanced / diverse genetic based company

These Genetic Platforms will be extremely valuable - like FaceBook and Amazon were in early days before most knew how valuable they were

300,000+ Generic Markers and growing in many directions and many future collaborations I would expect to see

Would not be surprised to see PRED at $50 in a few years

IMO - Not expecting imminent China news perhaps further down the line ...

2019 finished poorly but 2020 is our turnaround year !!

Slow n Steady


Jan 19, 2005

Predictive Technology Group and Atrin Pharmaceuticals Announce Molecular Diagnostic Oncology Development Collaboration

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January 28, 2020 08:00 ET | Source: Predictive Technology Group Inc

SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Predictive Technology Group (OTC PINK: PRED) and Atrin Pharmaceuticals LLC are entering into a collaboration agreement to develop molecular diagnostic tools to facilitate improved selection of cancer patients who would most benefit from treatment with DNA Damage and Response (DDR) inhibitors, including Atrin’s and other small molecule ATR inhibitors. Atrin and Predictive will jointly utilize Predictive Laboratories’ state-of-the-art sequencing capabilities and genomics expertise to identify cancer patients with specific molecular markers that predict the level of clinical response to Atrin’s, and other, targeted therapies. This is intended to improve patient outcomes as well as improve Atrin’s ability to successfully progress its product pipeline, and upon commercialization, improve on the treatments for women with cancer.

“We are very pleased to work with Atrin Pharmaceuticals, a recognized leader in the development of anti-cancer therapeutics targeting DDR,” said Bradley Robinson, president and chief executive officer of Predictive Technology Group. “We see an opportunity to develop a precision medicine approach to address unmet medical needs by combining our state-of-the-art sequencing capabilities, genomics expertise and companion diagnostics with Atrin’s targeted therapeutics. This collaboration is consistent with our vision of building a leading women’s health platform, and we look forward to working together on this important initiative.”
Oren Gilad, Ph.D., president and chief executive officer of Atrin Pharmaceuticals, noted: “Following a successful due diligence process, we concluded that Predictive, with its proprietary list of already identified genes and state-of-the-art sequencing capabilities, is the ideal molecular diagnostic partner to help us successfully advance our therapeutic pipeline through clinical development. We believe that this collaboration may become a ‘game changer’ in oncology, as treatment continues to progress towards individualized precision medicine. As we advance multiple Investigational New Drug (IND) applications and progress our lead product candidate ATRN-119 into a first-in-human clinical study this year, Predictive’s portfolio of genomic tests will help us better identify cancer patient populations whose genetic profiles will likely have an optimal clinical response to our proprietary anti-cancer therapeutics.”
The collaboration will help optimize the safety and clinical efficacy of Atrin’s targeted cancer therapeutics and other DDR drug candidates. Atrin will have access to Predictive’s proprietary GenDB databases and women’s health biobank to better understand the clinical spectrum of germline mutations in DDR pathways. The companies will also study common gynecologic disorders, such as endometriosis, associated with the development of cancers in affected patients. The goal of this collaboration is to develop actionable predictive molecular and companion diagnostics and therapeutics for these common disorders and related cancers.
CLSA Capital Markets Limited, a CITIC Securities Company, under its mandate with Predictive Technology Group, will continue to introduce potential strategic partners and provide relevant regulatory guidance to Predictive Technology Group.
About DNA Damage and Response (DDR)
Cells are continuously exposed to endogenous and exogenous stress that can lead to DNA damage. To counter this lethal threat, cells have several mechanisms to detect DNA damage, activate the appropriate repair pathway or, if irreparable, induce cell cycle arrest or apoptosis. These DDR processes are vital for cell survival. Many human diseases, including cancer, and cancer-predisposition syndromes, have been linked to mutations in DDR genes.
About Atrin Pharmaceuticals
Atrin Pharmaceuticals is a private biotech company focused on discovering and developing proprietary therapeutics targeting inhibition of DNA Damage and Response (DDR) proteins for first-line treatment of cancers. Atrin’s technologies and DDR product pipeline represent a new drug development approach for treating solid and other cancers that currently have limited or ineffective therapies by targeting inhibition of specific proteins that are active in cancer cells and relatively inactive in healthy tissue. For more information, visit
About Predictive Technology Group, Inc.
Predictive Technology Group aims to revolutionize and personalize precision patient care. The Company and its affiliates harness gene-based analytics to develop genetic and molecular diagnostic tests, as well as companion therapeutics, in order to support a patient from diagnosis through treatment. Predictive’s tests and products enable clinicians to provide their patients with the highest level of care. Predictive’s subsidiaries include Predictive Laboratories, Predictive Biotech and Predictive Therapeutics. For more information, visit
About CLSA
CLSA is Asia’s leading capital markets and investment group, providing global investors with insights, liquidity and capital to drive their investment strategies. Award-winning research, an extensive Asia footprint, direct links to China and highly experienced finance professionals differentiate our innovative products and services in asset management, corporate finance, capital and debt markets, securities and wealth management. As the international platform of CITIC Securities (SSE: 600030, SEHK: 6030), China’s largest investment bank, CLSA is uniquely positioned to facilitate cross-border capital flows and connect China with the world and the world to China. Founded in 1986 and headquartered in Hong Kong, CLSA’s global network spans 20 locations across Asia, Australia, Europe and the United States. For more information, visit
Forward-Looking Statements:
To the extent any statements made in this release contain information that is not historical, these statements are essentially forward-looking and are subject to risks and uncertainties, including the difficulty of predicting FDA approvals, acceptance and demand for human cell and tissue products and other pharmaceutical products, the impact of competitive products and pricing, new product development and launch, reliance on key strategic alliances, availability of raw materials, availability of additional intellectual property rights, availability of future financing sources, the regulatory environment, and other risks the Company may identify from time to time in the future.
For more information, visit or contact:
Media Contact
Patrick Bursey
LifeSci Communications
Investor Contact
Jeremy Feffer
LifeSci Advisors


Jan 19, 2005

Predictive Technology Group Announces Beta Test Results for its ARTguide™ Test

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February 11, 2020 08:00 ET | Source: Predictive Technology Group Inc

SALT LAKE CITY, Feb. 11, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Predictive Technology Group (OTC PINK: PRED) (“Predictive” or “The Company”), a leader in helping identify barriers that impact women’s health and build healthier families through its innovations to deliver personalized medicine, today announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, Predictive Laboratories, received interim beta test results from its ARTguide™ test evaluating over 1,000 patients for risk of endometriosis at beta clinical sites. Initial test results have exceeded the Company’s expectations and parameters established during research and development. Prospective data continue to accumulate regarding pregnancy rates and other treatment outcomes, which will be shared in more detail later this year.

ARTguide™ is a non-invasive test that combines DNA marker genotypes with clinical predictors in a validated algorithm, which indicates a woman’s personal risk for endometriosis. The ARTguide™ test also assesses dozens of mutations in 12 established fertility genes to help optimize advanced fertility care.
“We are pleased with the findings from the ARTguide™ beta test results. ARTguide™ provides physicians with clinically useful information helping guide women’s care,” said Dr. Kenneth Ward, M.D., laboratory director of Predictive Laboratories. “For patients seeking advanced infertility treatment, we believe that this test will offer meaningful insight into therapy best suited to lead to a successful pregnancy.”
Dr. Gassan Haddad, medical director at Houston Fertility Institute, added, “We are excited to be collaborating with Predictive Laboratories in beta testing of ARTguide™ and are happy to have surpassed over 1,000 patient results. Houston Fertility Institute is also participating in an IRB approved ARTguide™ retrospective study (patients with known ART outcomes) to be published later this year.”
Bradley Robinson, president and chief executive officer of Predictive Technology Group, added, “Completing over 1,000 patient tests is an important milestone towards the validation and commercialization of ARTguide™. To be able to provide a better understanding of fertility barriers and a course of action for overcoming those barriers to women and their families who are struggling is a real game-changer and long over-due. We are happy with the beta test results so far indicating that ARTguide™ is a powerful tool for optimizing advanced fertility care.”
Most female infertility can be treated with existing medications or surgery; however, the optimal treatment of infertility may be different if a physician knows that a woman has endometriosis or another genetic disorder. More than 50 percent of infertile women have endometriosis according to several studies. In the past, most women had a laparoscopy before being treated with ART. Today most women never get a definitive surgical procedure to diagnose endometriosis because of improved ART treatments, and because of the cost and surgical risks associated with laparoscopy.
About Endometriosis
Endometriosis is found in 50 percent or more of infertile women. Endometriosis is characterized by an abnormal growth of the tissue that normally lines the inside of the uterus (endometrium) outside of the uterus – usually in the pelvis and abdomen, but also in distal sites (e.g. lung, heart, brain). It is a complicated and painful disorder that dramatically affects women’s lives. From diminished quality of life and increased incidence of depression, to adverse effects on intimate relationships and limitations in participation in daily activities, it impacts women at home, at work and at play. Endometriosis is poorly predicted by symptoms. Many infertility patients with endometriosis have no symptoms. As a result, the diagnosis is not made. And it is not treated. Importantly, because the evaluation of unexplained infertility no longer includes a mandatory laparoscopy, many women (58% in some studies) do not have their endometriosis diagnosis made. Thus, they may undergo unnecessary treatments, or they may respond less favorably to standard infertility treatments. Indeed, many have failed 3 or more IVF cycles. Hormonal suppression and laparoscopic treatment of minimal or mild endometriosis improves pregnancy rates regardless of the treatment modality or the follow-up care.
About Predictive Laboratories, Inc.
Predictive Laboratories’ discoveries in molecular and genetic diagnostics focus on unmet needs in women’s health, infertility and other diseases. Predictive Laboratories offers earlier detection of disease through genetic assessment to guide personalized precision medicine. Leveraging its vast genetic database, Predictive Laboratories enables the discovery of genes and gene mutations that identify hard-to-diagnose and detect diseases and their prognosis.
The Company’s proprietary tests include ARTguide[SUP]TM[/SUP] and FertilityDX[SUP]TM[/SUP]. ARTguide[SUP]TM[/SUP] is a blood test that assesses a woman’s endometriosis risk and 12 other well defined genetic causes of infertility in order to optimally navigate the path towards conception. FertilityDX[SUP]TM[/SUP] is a comprehensive test and service, using the parental genetic assessment as the map to guide the journey to successful pregnancy and a healthy newborn. Predictive Laboratories’ tests are processed at the Company’s state-of-the-art CAP-accredited, CLIA-certified laboratory, equipping physicians with the robust diagnostic tools to provide personalized treatment for their patients. For more information, visit
About Predictive Technology Group, Inc.
Predictive Technology Group aims to revolutionize and personalize precision patient care. The Company’s entities harness predictive gene-based analytics to develop genetic and molecular diagnostic tests, as well as companion therapeutics, in order to support a patient from diagnosis through treatment. The Companies’ tests and products empower clinicians to provide their patients with the highest level of care. Predictive’s subsidiaries include Predictive Laboratories, Predictive Biotech and Predictive Therapeutics. For more information, visit
Forward-Looking Statements:
To the extent any statements made in this release contain information that is not historical, these statements are essentially forward-looking and are subject to risks and uncertainties, including the difficulty of predicting FDA approvals, acceptance and demand for human cell and tissue products and other pharmaceutical products, the impact of competitive products and pricing, new product development and launch, reliance on key strategic alliances, availability of raw materials, availability of additional intellectual property rights, availability of future financing sources, the regulatory environment, and other risks the Company may identify from time to time in the future.
For more information, visit or contact:
Media Contact
Patrick Bursey
LifeSci Communications
Investor Contact
Jeremy Feffer
LifeSci Advisors


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