Ray Allen vs. Reggie Miller


Rx Local Motion
Oct 17, 2007
Ha ha ha ha...this is too funny!
Reggie is waaaaaaaaay better then over-rated Ray!

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
Sometimes you have to look beyond the #s.....

For me Ray Allen wasn't as good when he was "the guy"....but Reggie played almost his whole career as "the go to guy"....and I think that plays a huge difference in %s and such.

Bottom line, if the game is on the line, I want Reggie...no doubt....both are money from FT but a last second shot (3pt or not) give me MILLER TIME!!!

eactly.....its Mlller Time......BOOM BABY!!!

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
all u need to see.....LOL

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/oCEsVa3ZBZA&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/oCEsVa3ZBZA&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

Rx Senior
Dec 7, 2004
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/JD41mGEhgU0&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/JD41mGEhgU0&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

There isn't a 3 that I saw until at least 1:30 into the video....he wasn't only 3s.....but even when you watch his 3s, they aren't all spot up 3s....he made his career running off of screen after screen....and creating shots/fouls constantly....people feared reggie....they don't fear Jesus.

but the best I saw here was Ron Artest walking the other way with his hand in the air as the ball is still leaving reggie's hand....LOL...has to be Artest to do something like that....
Sep 21, 2004
[ Bill Simmons makes some great points here to counter some of
the misconceptions in this thread: 1. That Miller played for
worse teams, 2. That Miller was always clutch ]

Monday, April 27, 2009

Bill Simmons on Ray Allen

"The situation is what it is. Just know that Boston's future in Round 1 rests in Ray Allen's hands. Chicago doesn't have anyone to defend him. The Celtics lost Game 1 because he stunk. They won Game 2 because he went bonkers in the second half. He has become the litmus test of this series -- as Allen goes, so will the close games.

But that's not why I am writing about him. In last week's MVP column, I mentioned that the 2008 playoffs and 2008-09 season cemented Allen's reputation as a Hall of Fame shooting guard, pushing him past the Moncrief/Dumars/Maravich/Monroe group and right next to Reggie Miller historically. A number of readers disagreed, which I expected for the simple reason that Allen is underrated and Miller is overrated. For his nine-season prime (1999-2007), Ray-Ray was remarkably efficient (23-5-4, 45 percent FG, 40 percent 3FG, 90 percent FT) and rarely tried anything he couldn't do. If he were a baseball player, he would have been Wade Boggs -- not a franchise guy, but someone with a few elite skills (milking pitch counts, getting on base, stroking singles and, in Boggs' case, rarely missing a game) that made him a genuine asset as long as you surrounded him with other quality players.

Miller had that luxury; Allen did not. Allen played on two contenders in his prime. His 2000-01 Bucks were so alarmingly screwed by the officiating against Philly -- please, Google "Bucks Sixers 2001 playoffs officials" and you will see what I mean -- that the '01 Eastern Conference Finals became the forgotten older brother to the infamous Kings-Lakers series a year later in the NBA's family of Series We Kinda-Sorta Rigged. In 18 playoff games, Allen averaged a 25-6-4 with blistering 3-point shooting (48 percent). Four years later, he averaged a 27-4-4 in 11 playoff games for an inspiring 2005 Sonics team that severely tested the Spurs (who won the title two rounds later). How would we remember Allen if he thrived on Miller's Indiana teams from 1994-2004? Flipping that around, how would we remember Reggie had he spent his prime relying on low-post scoring, shot-blocking and rebounding from Ervin Johnson, Jerome James, Predrag Drobnak, Armon Gilliam, Tractor Traylor, Scott Williams, Reggie Evans, Jason Caffey, Danny Fortson, Vitaly Potapenko, Nick Collison, Johan Petro, Robert Swift and a washed-up Anthony Mason ... which, by the way, was the entire line of power forwards and centers who played with Ray Allen in his prime?

Allen made nine All-Star games (and counting); Miller made five in a weaker era. Allen made a second-team All-NBA; Miller never did. Statistically, Allen is better in every respect -- slightly better scorer, slightly better shooter, even percentages in every other category -- although Miller was definitely more durable. Miller had more big moments but played in more big games; everyone conveniently forgets about all the crappy ones he had. Like his unequivocal stink bomb in Game 7 of the '94 Eastern Conference Finals. Like his no-show Game 7 of the '95 Eastern Conference Finals (a 32-point blowout). Like how he disappeared in the fourth quarter of Game 7 of the '98 Eastern Conference Finals against an aging Bulls team that was running on fumes. He never had a consistently scorching run like Allen did in the 2001 playoffs or even in the 2008 NBA Finals. His two iconic performances (the 25-point quarter and the eight-point miracle finish) both happened at MSG, pushing it to a different level of significance, and if you think we'd remember him as fondly if those two games happened in Orlando or Detriot, you're crazy.

The point isn't to demean Miller's credentials; I loved watching him and he's the only guard from the '90s who truly relished going against Jordan. His ability to raise his game in big moments remains his defining trait. Allen possesses that same quality but rarely displayed it because he toiled away on so many piddling teams. At his peak, Allen attacked Kobe with the same relish that Miller went at Jordan. He scared the hell out of countless fans in the last minute of big games. He's one of the best coolers (my term for guys who close out wins on the line) that we've ever seen. If he stays healthy for two or three more years and plays at a level comparable to the past two seasons -- and gets those belated playoff reps to boot -- "Ray vs. Reggie" won't even be an argument anymore. Ray Allen will have had a better career, whether you want to admit it or not.

Just know that I hated the trade when it happened. We're giving up the No. 5 pick for a washed-up shooting guard coming off two ankle surgeries? Really? Where is this taking us? I was devastated. I had no idea how talented he was. I had no idea that he takes care of his body as well as anyone -- never smoked or drank in his life, stays in fantastic shape, stretches every day -- or that his daily work ethic rivals any Celtic we've had in my lifetime, including Bird. Because George Karl dissed him publicly at the end of Allen's Milwaukee run, I had no idea Allen was actually a good guy and a great teammate, someone who would have a profound effect on Rondo's career. I knew he was a clutch shooter, but until you watch someone day in and day out, you can't really quantify the feeling of, "We're down three, we're on the road, but we're going to run a play for Ray Allen and he's going to freaking make this."

At age 33, he's more efficient than ever: 50-plus on 2-pointers, 41 percent on 3s, 95 percent on free throws. He has shown no signs of deterioration at all. Health permitting, he could easily play for three more years at this level and another three in the "tenured clutch guy" role that Miller perfected earlier this decade. And if you don't think his teammates respect Allen, take it from someone who watched Paul Pierce battle a Hero Complex for 10 solid years: For someone with such a healthy end-of-the-game ego like Pierce to willingly defer to a teammate at the end of games, that can only mean that teammate is special."

-- Bill Simmons 4/23/09

New member
Jul 27, 2007
Simmons makes a good case. Tie breaker should be that Reggie isn't even best baller in family. His sister Cheryl was. Case closed. Ray wins.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
anyone who calls Ray Ray soft don't know basketball

the man is smooth, plays relaxed and is a natural, and he's tough of nails, as well as incredibly conditioned

BTW: he's going into the HOF, deal with it bozos



Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
the career numbers

Ray 20.5 PPG 4.3 RPG 3.7 APG

Reg 18.2 PPG 3.0 RPG 3.0 APG

and that stuff about Reggie having to do it a bad teams is poppycock too.

Ray spent most of his career playing for the Sonics and the Bucks, where he also led lessor teams on some nice playoff runs. Rays career averages are hurt by coming to the C's. He averaged 26.5, 4.5 & 4.1 for the Sonics the year before coming to Boston, and his numbers have dropped since he's on a deeper team.

that nonsense about Reggie over Ray, and it's not even close, as been dismissed.

hatred makes one blind dontchaknow


Sep 21, 2004
the career numbers

Ray 20.5 PPG 4.3 RPG 3.7 APG

Reg 18.2 PPG 3.0 RPG 3.0 APG

and that stuff about Reggie having to do it a bad teams is poppycock too.

Ray spent most of his career playing for the Sonics and the Bucks, where he also led lessor teams on some nice playoff runs. Rays career averages are hurt by coming to the C's. He averaged 26.5, 4.5 & 4.1 for the Sonics the year before coming to Boston, and his numbers have dropped since he's on a deeper team.

that nonsense about Reggie over Ray, and it's not even close, as been dismissed.

hatred makes one blind dontchaknow



Nice analysis Willie.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
how wonder how many people don't know both of these guys have Hollywood careers?

Ray Allen as Jesus Shuttleworth in "He Got Game", starring with Denzel Washington


and Reggie as Quark in "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine"

Sep 21, 2004
1 #
What can be seen from the moon?
The Great China Wall and Reggie Miller's ears.
What about from Mars?
Only Reggie Miller's ears.

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