Ranking the 22 new head coaches


Oct 16, 2004

Ferris Bueller has a tendency to disappear off the face of the internet earth when he loses..Be sure to get your money upfront. :hidding:

New member
Jan 30, 2006
GoSooners does Conan make you wear a dress when your cheerleading for him? i know his roommate the oregon guy has to

you women are so pathetic..someone doesnt bow down and kiss your worthless asses so you start multiple threads trying to bait him

then when one of you women is losing an argument you resort to 5 people jumping in

weak bitches i say

if i had 10k posts on any website id fuckin kill myself for being a lonely lifeless loser

New member
Feb 1, 2009
Everyone seems hate Lane Kiffin. I know he's not the most proven head coach but he has the tools it takes to build on and coach a winning team. I loved Phil Fulmer but his way of coaching was very 1990's like Bobby Bowden. Next year the UT Vols are not going to have a winning season but every year after it's we'll win at least 9 games.

New member
Nov 20, 1998
you dont know what your talking about ...you just like to suck Conans dick

OK so GoSooners won't do for you. Then how about LSUPete or Greendoberman? They are also well known and have been here a long time and can be trusted to handle it.

We can see you like to talk nasty, but will you back yourself up and pick someone here that has credibility to hold the money or are you going to be nasty and also slimy?

I've already given you the names of at least 2 SEC guys that I can trust.

Oct 16, 2004
you dont know what your talking about ...you just like to suck Conans dick
Chris Paradise...That's funny coming from somebody who sounds like he named himself after a gay pornstar..Plus you know I'm right about what I said. You did your best imitation of Jimmy Hoffa last season after your Vols lost to the 8th best team in the Pac-10. That embarassment alone should preclude you for life from trashing the Pac-10 ever again. Add the MWC to the list too for losing to Wyoming at home...On Homecoming Day....Now that's ugly :ohno:

New member
Jan 5, 2005
Next year the UT Vols are not going to have a winning season but every year after it's we'll win at least 9 games.

It started out ok on the non winning season next yr but you lost me with your prediction of "at least 9 wins every yr after."

Fulmer is a first ballot hall of fame coach and even he couldn't do that.

vegas, since crissy has dodged an opinion on your latest recruit. I am curious, what do the rest of the vol faithfull think about offering a kid who helped someone rape his cousin with a toilet plunger handle?

New member
Nov 20, 1998
It started out ok on the non winning season next yr but you lost me with your prediction of "at least 9 wins every yr after."

Fulmer is a first ballot hall of fame coach and even he couldn't do that.

vegas, since crissy has dodged an opinion on your latest recruit. I am curious, what do the rest of the vol faithfull think about offering a kid who helped someone rape his cousin with a toilet plunger handle?

He also used cellophane over the plunger's handle, sort of like a condom. I wonder where he got that idea? The Devil's always in the details.


New member
Apr 5, 2006
I'm good for holding the bet. I'll give out my address, cell, father who lives 3 blocks from me, etc.

But what's the bet? I mean, oregon will be preseason ahead of Tenn... why not just make the bet on record?

New member
Nov 20, 1998
I'm good for holding the bet. I'll give out my address, cell, father who lives 3 blocks from me, etc.

But what's the bet? I mean, oregon will be preseason ahead of Tenn... why not just make the bet on record?

Already you wish to argue with me about your participation. Not good for a neutral party to do that when one of us has already expressed his opinion. You have already taken one side over the other. You probably didn't mean it but it's not right to interject your opinion about anything if you are really neutral.

Sorry. I want someone that has been around here for a while. There are dozens of people here that could qualify on that basis. Trust is earned over time, not something you can get by arguing that you are trustworthy. If you knew that, you would know that it's not personal.

I don't appreciate your advising anyone on what we should be betting on either. That was uncalled for. We've already agreed on the bet as it is. As far as I know, it's only a matter of finding a neutral party that is acceptable to both of us and wants to be neutral instead of offering an opinion.

Just say, "I'm here if you guys agree to use me." Leave it at that and you will score points for a future wager if the time comes. BOL

New member
Nov 20, 1998
LOL... thanks for the indepth analysis. Point taken.

Seriously Flusunman, The only reason CP called you out to hold the money in the first place is because he has no intention of making any bet. He knows that I wouldn't have agreed to you after that "smack talk" when we got into it. I want someone holding the money that has been here a good long while and who I think is trustworthy.

I have already named 2 guys that are SEC who I can trust. I'll name another few if he comes up with another way out. It would be more fair if it was someone from a "neutral" conference but I would still go for it if a guy like CoachLT or LSUPete, from the SEC agreed to hold the money.

He probably won't post in this thread anymore because he's got nowhere to go if he won't name a few alternate possibilities... but you never know, he might not show up again for a year.

New member
Apr 5, 2006
LOL... he does dissapear from time to time.

You're right, I was a little surprised when he mentioned me, I actually started laughing. Just like you said, the only reason he mentioned me was bc he knew you wouldn't agree... that's just too funny!

New member
Nov 20, 1998
LOL... he does dissapear from time to time.

You're right, I was a little surprised when he mentioned me, I actually started laughing. Just like you said, the only reason he mentioned me was bc he knew you wouldn't agree... that's just too funny!

Yep. You figured right.


Bottom line...
Oregon>Tennessee and he knows it.

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