I'll be honest I am appalled at all the individuals throwing hate at Randy or anyone that shows the courage to post the results of their analysis for everyone's review on these sites. Regardless of your perspective, agree or disagree, it takes a significant amount of work to do what Dizzle or anyone else does and provide perspective. For those of you limp dicks that feel the need to question where they are, they're personal integrity, or any other detrimental crap about them reflects just how lazy you have become.
Use the information that these people place in these logs as an opportunity to confirm or contradict your individual selections. Other than that grab your pair of balls and make a choice you panzees.
You are responsible for your selections and if you keep throwing around all this crap people are going to stop posting because they don't want to hear all the bitching and all the people picking them apart.
For those of you that agree, congratulations and good luck I hope the best for you. Everyone else can lick my balls.