There are dozens of more important issues to take a stand on but this one is most buzz worthy.
I will vote for whoever promises to get rid of obamacare.
i am independent but would strongly consider voting for Rand based on him taking a stand on this. my biggest issues with the repubs more broadly is around social/personal freedoms and inserting religion into everything....i basically have voted based on social issues in the past even though i agree with the repubs on many economic items....obama was a let down for me so my vote is wide open this time around....taking a fresh look so to speak
Ha, yea, libertarians always have reminded me more of the far left when it comes to social issues. Only thing they share with righties is their hatred for govt. I'm all for making criminals lives harder even if that means someone is tracking my google searches of who I'm calling. Otherwise, Rand has surprised me, he's gotten pretty normal in a short amount of time. We need to be like NK when it comes to education and start beating kids for not understanding math.