Raiders Banned..???


New member
Sep 21, 2004
don't apologize general your statment was dead on!

stand by your words they were straight!

New member
Jan 20, 2001
So Koke, are you saying you are NOT the former poster Kodiak??? Not trying to start any <chit>, just like to know who my "playas" are.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
The General

Chief Executive Officer of Morale Control
posted October 14, 2003 11:12 AM
Its all fun jwunderdog. I am just goofing. This is the RR. The place where mods are allowed to act as nutty as the inmates.

Posts: 26495 | From: Okinawa | Registered: March 02, 2002

Ok, so if everyone's allowed to act nutty in the RR, then why don't you unlock Big Lou's thread about padther. That thread wasn't all that nutty afterall. Knowing Lou and Padther for a few years now, I can easily remember these two throwing some biger stones at each other in the past.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Here's a sincere question for you general.

Hope you dont mind answering it.

There are many people I don't like here, but there are also many people I don't like at Peeps place, but I don't care. I never badmouthed RX at Peeps place because I don't like to generalize things. If I hate one american, I don't hate all americans. If I hate one poster at RX, I dont hate all of them, so I will never say <I hate the RX>.

Also, I don't do something just because someone else does it, or because someone else tells me what to do. Maybe that's because I always worked for myself, and because I was always my own boss (at least since I was 17), so maybe I don't know how it feels to have an all mighty boss. But I think that even in that situation I would dare to express my own opinion.

Now, can you please explain how come noone can ask Shrink to unlock that thread. Is he really that scary ? Are you so afraid to ask him that ? I mean I just dont get it. If shrink and pat side with panther and other stiffs, then do you, dante and rpm have to do the same ? Is that worth your few hundreds of dollars you gain here monthly.

I know I'm not perfect either, never been, never will be, but usually I speak up my mind. I just feel that this place has no free speach zone any more. Everything is strictly controled, everything against any of the mods is being edited, and people are being banned for nothing. I don't remember (since '99) any other period of time where so many QUALITY posters left this site angered and pissed off by the management of this place. Do you really think the RX will be better if the managmenet trade DickyW, FatFrank, Pepe, Raiders, dogball, Big Lou, Banned for Life, Jake T., SeaUrchin, and so on, for 3037 new posters from January 2003. Do you really think you are gaining some suporters with your new <**** you> attitude towards anyone who posts elsewhere or who asks legit questions here at RX. I don't think so. It reminds me of you speaking up your mind in the politics forum when the war in Iraq started and then apologizing the day after.

Anyways, this is shrink's place and he can do whatever he wants, but I really think that his new (old) ways and his new stuff are really working against this site, and not for it.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
By the way, I just wanted to ask Pat a question as well. You say that many posters decided to do things volontarly just to get banned, including posting Pepe's place URL. For exemple, If I was asked by someone at this forum a few weeks back to post that link, I would do it, without knowing that I could get banned for that. Daily, I see hundreds of links posted at this place by many posters, some gambling related, some not, and as long as I remember, we are not even able to post the link to MWager, but no one gets banned for posting it with spaces m a j o r w a g e So, if posting Pepe's URL makes one instantly qualify for a ban, then why don't you put that note in red letters somewhere at RX. Is that officially a rule, or is it just your will to ban people who post that URL. That's all, I dont want any pissing matchup, I just have too many questions about this place lately. But after all, its not a big deal anyways, who the fvck is don marco to discuss about the managment of this site.

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
I will unlock Lous thread about panther for everyone. Thanks for the sincere posts.

We have have made it clear that we do not support panther for stiffing or being a rat. It was discussed in the BR and decided it was opening up a can of serious worms to get involved in off forum personal issues.

Don, look at the things peep & others are saying about Ken & the employees here. Peep resorted to many, many lies and accusations that are no better than a person being a snitch. Peep wants to share all dirt he can make up on us, mostly lies.

Like you, we are not perfect. But, I cannot understand why anyone could back peep in his sharing of personal info.

A liar and rat is a liar and rat.

The actions of sharing personal information on the net is snitching in my book and is WRONG.

I think the severity of lies would bother any man, but we are going to work thru & around it. Trying to be better than that.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
yes KOKE errr Kodiak,

I am retarded.

Kodiak, at least be honest about being a ghost, it's obvious to see if anyone uses the search function.

just leave me the hell alone and I'll leave you alone.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The General:
Peep resorted to many, many lies and accusations that are no better than a person being a snitch. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Can you back this up with anything? At least give us a few examples of the many, many lies.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>ATX - we are not going to ban MFG, Shack or Gambling to make you a "happy camper" again. Got it? Whine all you want and write me 50 e-mails if you feel like it, I'm used to it already. Like I told you, if they mess with you in the pick forums I will deal with them. If it's just you can't handle them down here then don't come down here. Always the one's who dish out the most can handle the least coming back at them. LOL.

You started shit down here and now want the mods to clean them up and make it all better for you. Don't work that way. The problem is in the old days men worked out their problems, now they want to act like idiots and have the mods ban their enemies for them when they get tired of playing. If we don't they are unhappy and resort to the "I'm leaving to go to another site" card. We hate to see anyone leave but not going to give anyone special favors to keep them posting. MFG and crew are here to stay sir, your choice on what you do. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

terrible spin job, Pat.

you didnt answer a single one of my questions.

now you say I am whining? I sent you two emails last week PER YOUR REQUEST because you said you wanted my feedback and you wanted me to save you some time in deleting some of the ghosts.

this isnt about MFG, GLIFE or Shack in case you havent read the title of this thread. This is about banning Raiders, and keeping Rod and Panther.

here is my first question (out of curiousity):<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>can someone direct us to the post(s) that Raiders made which led to his banishment?

I dont start shit with people they do with me. I can show the exact posts involved, nobody cares.

I never once said a single thing about leaving. You asked for my opinion and I gave it to you. I said that it would be hard to keep good posters the way things are headed. Your response was that the "views except for the Rubber Room have never been better".

I only want the site to be at its best

New member
Sep 21, 2004
atx with your outlandish posts and claims of NEVER losing you make leaving you alone very difficult. You hate the fact that I know your a square when you try so desperately to act as if your not.

Sep 20, 2004
I think it was a culmination of stuff, not a specific post ATX. I agree i don't think you started whatever you got involved in. I recall all your posts being about picks and capping angles.

New member
Jul 20, 2001

There is no crying in the rubber room. That is why your booty burglar buddy Raiders got banned. If you're so worried about Raiders go join him punk. Yesterday was a great day in the RX history. The biggest flaming crybaby was banned.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Raiders being banned is great news. All he ever did was stir up shit from cappers that tried to help others: like Jake Thompson, MFG, and Kodiak. Then when Shack or GIL called him out for what he was Raiders got defensive and then it was a war with them all joining in to put Raiders in his place.
ATX came out of no where and started jumping in on all the fights joining in with Raiders. The guy said he was here to cap and meet people, but he was joining in on Raiders bandwagon on every fight. ATX was a good asset to the RX, but when he got involved with this shit he showed his true colors. He talks about the RX looking out for scammers, when apparently he forgot he he was supporting-Raiders-the biggest lie and hypocrite in RX history IMO.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
below post by atx in defense of posting plays this past sunday after the shops were closed.

EGO?? what EGO??

Confidence?? YES YES YES

Would you be confident if you never had a losing season in any sport ever? Would you be confident if you attained triple digit return in each of the last three years??

I tell it like it is. I no longer have to take a whole lot of risks, I usually keep wager size below 2% most are 1% now after those last 3 years, so that kind of return may not be possible with what I am risking, not sure.

After reading that and seeing how he hit less then 40% of his cfb plays I was a little perplexed!

New member
Sep 21, 2004

my name is koke not kodiak.

good for you?

ps.. if you want why don't you email kodiak I believe he sends out his plays by email for free! and atx posts cfb plays that hit at a 37% rate here for free good shit.


New member
Sep 21, 2004

I dont understand why you cant stay out of my threads in the other forums. This was my actual response to your flame above, it all in the NFL forum:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>friends are in town, only chance I had to post. I send out a lot by IM and email, if people I meet or anyone else wants to know how I do week by week, well here it is.

What difference does it make to you?????

sick of all the BS here, site is down a lot, and I cant post everything, I'm not losing, but whatever floats your boat, I really couldnt care less anymore. My intention was never to try to get views or have people jump on my plays. It was to meet more people to exchange ideas and systems with. This site seems to be losing those people, and not sure if it's attracting the type of people I have met in the past. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I was asked by several people to get a response to my original post, and I'm still interested as they are in hearing one. Since the usual suspects are more obsessed with flaming me than sticking to the topic, I'll repost it:

can someone direct us to the post(s) that Raiders made which led to his banishment?

that way we can make this a learning experience in tolerance.

so the mods are telling us they never read the <other OGD> site?

my "second hand information" tells me otherwise, LOL.

I guess my lack of agenda makes everything so blatantly obvious, fwiw I couldnt care less about who likes who and where and why, all I care about is betting on sports.

I find it unbelievable how flat-out stiffs and liars are supported here, and the guys identifying this behavior are banned.

before any spin is put on this statement let me explain the way I see it...

if advertising "shop x" refused to pay a player would the RX get involved?

now why is it that when two well-known posters get flat out stiffed by two other well-known posters nothing is done?

and on top of that they are allowed to continue posting here? now why wouldnt the two individuals <make some new friends> here and repeat the scam?

It's really none of my business, yes I would like to see the two individuals paid, who wouldn't? But until these two matters are resolved the RX will have a black eye. The way it stands, it's almost like the RX condones this type of behavior. At the least it looks very much like the RX puts VIEWS ahead of ethics.

Just the way I see it, or at least a few points.

Post Review
Dec 21, 2001
Yes, where is the thread in which Raiders got banned? I'd like a real answer not fvcking general "pyle" saying something stupid. Also, why the fvck is "koke" Kodiak being allowed to post? Hopefully one of the worthless mods will have time to answer this... (Dante excluded)

New member
Jan 20, 2001
I can see that your current name is Koke. That was not my question.


And thanks for the advice, but I'm not really interested in Kodiak's email list.

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