Question for NO LIMIT Poker players


New member
Sep 12, 2006
"if you are up playing online , you might be good , but chances are you are more lucky than good... "

very wrong - the opposite is true. you play many more hands online and thus the long run comes quicker. I've played 60,000 hands online this year and I would consider that a very low number compared to what most play.

New member
Aug 24, 2008
"if you are up playing online , you might be good , but chances are you are more lucky than good... "

very wrong - the opposite is true. you play many more hands online and thus the long run comes quicker.

It isn't that easy. You play more hands per hour on line, but there's much more skill involved in live play. So, what leads to a truer reflection of your win rate, a lot of hands with a small advantage, or a few hands with a large advantage?

Online play, though requiring skill, is a smaller set of the skills of live play.

By instinct--and I've played a lot of both forms--I'd say an hour of live compares to an hour of online 4-tabling, putting the same amount of money at risk (say, $800 on one live table, or $200 on each of 4 online games). And that holds true almost no matter how many tables you add to your online play, because the more you add, the less skill you'll be showing per table.

New member
Sep 12, 2006
well, i strongly disagree. online games are MUCH tougher than live games. so online requires more skill. its widely accepted that online play is tougher than live play.

I disagree with your analogy also. I can play 4 tables with minimal effort and maximum focus on each table. My skill level isnt diminished by playing more tables until I personally reach 6+ tables. For most online grinders, this is the norm.

but the point is the more hands you play, the quicker the long run comes, thus the quicker the role of luck is diminished.

30 point quarters
Feb 28, 2006
Online play, though requiring skill, is a smaller set of the skills of live play.


Go on any serious poker forum and do a little reading.. An average 1/2 casino player would barely be break even at .25/.50 online

New member
Aug 24, 2008
online games are MUCH tougher than live games. so online requires more skill. its widely accepted that online play is tougher than live play.

"online requires more skill"

does not follow from:

"online games are MUCH tougher than live games."

Imagine a coin-flipping game. This would have no skill at all, and thus, you might say, would be "perfectly" tough, as in, unbeatable. Then compare that to chess, which is so skillful that it's very easy for the better player to win, so much so that people won't really even play it for money.

The less skill in a game, the tougher it is to profit. The tougher it is to profit (line-up issues aside), the less skill is involved. DUCY?

There is so much less skill in online play that it becomes easy to get halfway decent at it. It's easier to play tight because you're playing so many hands. It's easier to play aggressively because the stacks are typically smaller than in live play. It's also easier to play TAG, or even LAG, because everyone else pretty much is. It's the culture of online. You don't see everyone playing a lot of hands or just limping in, so you don't do it yourself. Also, if no one else is playing loose or passive, anyone who does will much more quickly get punished.

Online players sit in live games and, amazingly quickly, start playing about like the live regulars (and if they don't, they get killed). Even live games full of online players (you find them as side action at the WSOP and such) start playing the same as live games do generally. (search this at 2+2 and you'll get top online players acknowledging the phenomenon).

Further, the same tactics that work online might not work live, because the differences between 6-max and FR are huge, and the differences between heads-up post-flop and multi-way post flop are huge, and live games involve many more multi-way hands and are generally FR.

And then this statement of yours:

"its widely accepted that online play is tougher than live play"

is meaningless without qualifiers.

You think an online .01/.02 game is tougher than the B's big game?

Without accounting for levels, your statement is meaningless. With accounting for levels, it becomes apples and oranges.

"its widely accepted that online play is tougher than live play"

Widely accepted by ..... online players. Among live players, the opposite is considered true. You understand?

If you surround yourself with people who think like you (such as the crowd of online kids at 2+2), your thoughts will be confirmed. If you surround yourself with diverse opinions, your thoughts will be challenged.

Don't ever think that because people who see things from your own perspective agree with you that your own perspective is therefore the "right" one.

Those few of us who have played a lot of both (a small set of players), and understand the games (a still smaller set of players) and don't have any prejudices about the two forms (a really small subset of the subset) pretty much all agree that A) online games are tougher relative to the same stakes live, and B) there's much more skill involved in live games, and C) whether you should play live or online depends on weighing quite a few factors, but essentially comes down to long-run win (not win rate, because comfort is a factor, because some people like interacting with others and getting out of the house, and some hate it and like sitting in front of the monitor).

IOW, throw bigotry out the window and find, through experimentation, which form or mix of forms is best for you.

The two forms are different, and it's foolish to make comparisions without qualifying them.

And if you're going to play both, do so without prejudice. Understand the the games are different, and the tactics must be.

Active member
Jun 20, 2000
Are you a lifetime winner at NO LIMIT POKER?

Lifetime winner here so far.... but its small stuff been playing live almost 5 yrs about 2-3 times a month average buy in for me is 160$ I never rebuy, which sometimes equals a quick ending to the night .. biggest cashout on 160$ buy in was 720$ I could not miss that night but won about a 400$ pot with Quad 3's against nut flush and a boat on the board , you should have seen there faces
my bankroll started at 900$ it now stands at 4081.00 I have lost 2 times in a row though It was up to 4400

I keep it in a separate bank account so I see were I win a lose

Sep 21, 2004
... so tight.

Sure they will never win a huge pot, but they also will never lose very many chips in any one pot

Eh? I don't get this comment at all.

Small ball is where you never lose very many chips in any one pot. Small ball is very loose.

I play tight, and I win/lose a huge number of chips in the very few pots I'm in. For example, over half my winnings last week came from just one hand ($2400 pot in a $1/2 game, LOL).

Old ladies at our table can't lay down a draw, they lose a lot.
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30 point quarters
Feb 28, 2006
There is so much less skill in online play that it becomes easy to get halfway decent at it.

I stopped reading here. You probably won't even understands the points I would try to argue, I'm not going to waste my time trying to prove which takes more skill as there is simply no point. Play whatever you make more money with

New member
Sep 9, 2005
HAHAHAHAHA I love when I see the young online geek walk up to the table and have no clue. They are lost when it comes to chips. They count them out 1 at a time. They have no clue how to follow the action, need to be told when its thier blind.

They also are very cocky and like to talk and brag about how many hands they see. LOL Then they go back to the cage and get another buy in. LOL

I am up over the last 2 years. nothing better than playing live. I am a sicial person so live fits me fine. Online would kill me. I also like to cashout when I leave. Not have the money somewhere off in ciberspace. Also I know that nmobody can see my hole cards.

I never look at it like how much per hour. I don't worry about that. I like to play bigger pots. I feel that is an advantage to me. People start to see all the money in the middle and know that they could lose thier whole stack and they are not confordable with that.
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Self appointed RX World Champion Handicapper
Nov 20, 2001
guys make calls online that they wouldnt if they were playing in a casino.

thus bringing the luck factor more into play.

all i know is that over 10's of thousands if not 100's of thousands of hands played online , when i get my money in as a huge fav , i have to pray it holds up.

if the hands where i was 80/20 fav going to the turn would have held up 58 % of the time , i'd be a lot richer... doesnt seem like they have.
Sep 21, 2004
I've never had a losing month playing poker...

Rarely had a losing week.

My secret to success is a basic one. I always make sure there are
at least 3 players at the table who are weaker players than me.

If there aren't, I get up and find another table.

New member
Aug 24, 2008
I stopped reading here. You probably won't even understands the points I would try to argue, I'm not going to waste my time trying to prove which takes more skill as there is simply no point. Play whatever you make more money with

I admire your honesty. Usually, those who are too narrow-minded to even read dissenting views, deny it.

It was for people such as yourself that I included the point that some people only want to hear views that confirm their own prejudices, and hang out at forums, such as 2+2, where this will happen. Ah, but you would have had to keep reading to get there, and that's not your forte.

Go here:
then report back on how many of these fit your approach to the "online poker vs. real poker" debate.

But here's my own illogic: no one mature enough to consider dissenting views, needs to be told of the wisdom of considering dissenting views; no one lacking that maturity will understand when told.

New member
Jun 9, 2007
I've never had a losing month playing poker...

Rarely had a losing week.

My secret to success is a basic one. I always make sure there are
at least 3 players at the table who are weaker players than me.

If there aren't, I get up and find another table.

What stakes do you play? Also, how long have you been playing? It's impressive to have never had a losing month.

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Anybody here actually lose?

The main reason I started this thread Dino........................

Knew that 90% that responded in this thread would come in here and say they are lifetime winners(which I don't doubt)..........but rare does someone admit to losing.

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