Question for agnostics, atheists, or even non-religious types: If millions suddenly vanished from the earth..


Jul 23, 2020
Tough question as a Catholic who's not extremely religious

So what makes you a Catholic but not really "religious"? Do you identify as Catholic because that's the way you were raised, but don't necessarily believe in the teachings?

Jul 23, 2020
I'd say alien abduction. I feel there is life out there that is smarter than us, my 2 cents.

A life smarter than us? That could be a God and/or aliens. So if you feel there is life smarter out there than us, I wouldn't rule the God thing out.

Sep 21, 2004
So what makes you a Catholic but not really "religious"? Do you identify as Catholic because that's the way you were raised, but don't necessarily believe in the teachings?

Correct. Not all the teachings such as saints and priests not being able to marry.

Sep 21, 2004
A life smarter than us? That could be a God and/or aliens. So if you feel there is life smarter out there than us, I wouldn't rule the God thing out.

It's possible the rapture could occur but IMHO it got edged out by 2 cents.

Sep 20, 2017
Religious conversations about belief are rather irrelevant to be honest. No one really seems to change their opinion
I do not believe in god at all
I will say that there seems to be an assumption that if there is a god(really just means creator)that said god must be good
I think you can look to the reality of the world and the bible to say the opposite
IMO the question is just meaningless
I think if there isn't a god it obviously does not matter
If there is one I believe being a decent person would get you into heaven assuming he is the god most people want to believe he/she/it is
If not a good caring god then it won't matter

Ironically the only way you know for sure is if there is one
If there isn't you just die
It isn't like you die, come back to life for a few seconds to say"holy shit...all my beliefs were for nothing" lol

As for the question of morality without god
There really isn't any
Morality and values come from creating a society worth living in
Put any humans in battle for resources that are needed to survive and we all pretty much turn into the animals on animal planet

Sep 21, 2004
Religious conversations about belief are rather irrelevant to be honest. No one really seems to change their opinion
I do not believe in god at all
I will say that there seems to be an assumption that if there is a god(really just means creator)that said god must be good
I think you can look to the reality of the world and the bible to say the opposite
IMO the question is just meaningless
I think if there isn't a god it obviously does not matter
If there is one I believe being a decent person would get you into heaven assuming he is the god most people want to believe he/she/it is
If not a good caring god then it won't matter

Ironically the only way you know for sure is if there is one
If there isn't you just die
It isn't like you die, come back to life for a few seconds to say"holy shit...all my beliefs were for nothing" lol

As for the question of morality without god
There really isn't any
Morality and values come from creating a society worth living in
Put any humans in battle for resources that are needed to survive and we all pretty much turn into the animals on animal planet

Well said. Welcome back hope you're feeling better.

Jul 23, 2020
Religious conversations about belief are rather irrelevant to be honest.

This wasn't really meant to be a religious discussion. A hypothetical happens on earth. That can't be explained. How would you explain it? What would be more likely?

Sep 20, 2017
This wasn't really meant to be a religious discussion. A hypothetical happens on earth. That can't be explained. How would you explain it? What would be more likely?
But it is
If you do not believe in god you are gonna choose aliens
Then the question becomes about why wouldn't you believe it could be god leading to essentially a religious discussion about whether god actually exists

Jul 23, 2020
But it is
If you do not believe in god you are gonna choose aliens

No. The question is only posed to non-believers. What if they also don’t believe in aliens??

I’m sure there are a lot of agnostic people out there that are fence sitters and this sort of phenomenon would get their wheels turning upstairs and possibly start to consider the existence of a God.

Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
If millions suddenly vanished from the earth, what would you believe more likely to be the culprit?

1. Aliens attacked earth and abducted all those that vanished?

2. Jesus returned to the earth for the Rapture as described in the Bible?

I would base my belief on all the available information. And in this example, all the available information tells me that they are both about equally likely. Until there is more information about the millions of people suddenly vanishing, I would believe that chance of either of these to be near zero.

Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
The reaction to covid has shown me that many people today have an absurd amount of 'blind belief' (not faith) in anything they are told. "news/tv told me, it was on social media" they will believe anything but their own eyes and refuse to use their own brain. Even if they were to witness the Rapture many will still deny it and say it was a mass alien abduction

This is a really great point. A lot of the beliefs that people have about some of these things are completely absurd. Especially when it is based on what they were told or heard on social media.

Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
I have other curious questions for Atheists.

One for instance, is if we are here by chance, with no creator, should we have to obey man-made laws?

Yes. If we are here be design, we should also follow man-made laws. Are there any non-athiests who have a different view?

Homie Don't Play That
Sep 20, 2004
The reaction to covid has shown me that many people today have an absurd amount of 'blind belief' (not faith) in anything they are told. "news/tv told me, it was on social media" they will believe anything but their own eyes and refuse to use their own brain. Even if they were to witness the Rapture many will still deny it and say it was a mass alien abduction

Excellent explanation of Trump Cult phenomenon

Sep 21, 2004
No big deal. Just sucks you can't do much for months
Heard some horror stories about complications. But had to get it done
We shall see

Take care and good luck. It's a bitch and slow recovery and you don't want to restrain and have it recurring. I had a femoral hernia 31 years ago as a 20 year old kid. Tried to ignore it and plug through but was experiencing too much discomfort and pain after a few months I had the surgery and took it light for several months which was not easy with all the energy and activity I was use to. Hopefully treatments and post-op has improved in 2021.

Jan 16, 2010
Religious conversations about belief are rather irrelevant to be honest. No one really seems to change their opinion
I do not believe in god at all
I will say that there seems to be an assumption that if there is a god(really just means creator)that said god must be good
I think you can look to the reality of the world and the bible to say the opposite
IMO the question is just meaningless
I think if there isn't a god it obviously does not matter
If there is one I believe being a decent person would get you into heaven assuming he is the god most people want to believe he/she/it is
If not a good caring god then it won't matter

Ironically the only way you know for sure is if there is one
If there isn't you just die
It isn't like you die, come back to life for a few seconds to say"holy shit...all my beliefs were for nothing" lol

As for the question of morality without god
There really isn't any
Morality and values come from creating a society worth living in
Put any humans in battle for resources that are needed to survive and we all pretty much turn into the animals on animal planet

Great answer.

Jul 23, 2020
I would base my belief on all the available information. And in this example, all the available information tells me that they are both about equally likely. Until there is more information about the millions of people suddenly vanishing, I would believe that chance of either of these to be near zero.

There is information and evidence out there that could support either theory. But both lacking anything of substance to prove one way or the other.

For instance.. Of the total amount of people that have disappeared from the US, only roughly 1/3 were regular attenders of Christian based churches. This evidence points against a Christian God returning, on the surface. But does not prove anything.

Nothing was picked up on radar in the earth's sky and atmosphere. Pointing against the theory of aliens, but not disproving the theory. Etc, etc, etc..

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