When 'science' believed the Earth was flat, the Bible said it was round ("It is he who sits above the circle of the earth" - Issiah 40:22)
When 'science' was utterly clueless because man had yet to invent the microscope and didn't understand the structure of biological molecules (germs), masses died unnecessarily during pandemics because they didn't adhere to the guidelines on how to deal with viruses outlined in the World's Best Seller:
"the priest shall shut up the diseased person for seven days. And the priest shall examine him on the seventh day, and if in his eyes the disease is checked and the disease has not spread in the skin, then the priest shall shut him up for another seven days" - Leviticus 13:2-5
Indeed, modern SCIENCE later confirmed the Biblical rules for germs and proper quarantining, pretty much to the day.
How did God know that? Because...he's God, and you're not. Ouch! (Bruised ego alert!)
Feeling sick and symptomatic? Quarantine for 7-14 days. That's it. More common sense in one Biblical passage than all the combined stupidity and debunked hysteria ("lock downs" destroying entire economies; ineffective "masks" for perfectly healthy asymptomatic individuals; shutting down schools so our children couldn't learn etc.) secular progressives threw at us over the last year.
Of course I believe in science, God created 'your' science. Our Father in Heaven created every unbending scientific and mathematical LAW in the universe. BUT... to blindly treat "science" and "reason" as de-facto religions themselves believing man alone has the intellectual capacity to set an objective moral code (which if you haven't noticed is ever-CHANGING) is just stupid...foolhardy.
That's how we ended with "gender is a social construct - all 64,000 of them" face)(*^%
Look around you and note the utter cesspool of insanity, moral decay and cultural meltdown we're living in because society chose man (corrupt elitists who should run our lives) over God.
And btw, if you want to nitpick all the murders, lies, betrayals, incest, pedophilia, homosexuality etc. in the Bible as a way of "debunking" it, be my guest. You clearly didn't read it - those were HUMAN sins and clear warning signs and lessons of what NOT to do.