Come on JohnnyMags,
You know that I don't post bogus lines. Ive been doing this too long and way too many people observing to play those silly games. If you do not have a Nitrogen account to of had gotten the -6 @ -114 , then you need to explore your options. I posted in my week #1 thread /post #1 exactly what my game plan is and my outs were listed. I listed them because they are the best and the only offshore accounts that an American player needs to get the best. I got -6 -114 on Wednesday night.
As far as "My followers" losing because they got the 5 or 5'. I don't have followers. I have a whole bunch of friends and most of them have their own threads and most of them are on the exact opposite sides every week. We are still friends though because this is how it works. Someone will get hot from week # 5 - week#14 and I want to be friends and know who that is. I have no doubts that they all feel the same. Weeks #1-Week#4 isn't about squat except for putting the work and educating yourself for the money zone which is 5-14. No way is everyone going to be focused. We all set out to be, but 85% will fall short. I will know who the other 15% are and I hope to be one of them.
So.......followers ? No Friends ? Yes and lots of them.