So, we are to blame Obama for Putin's aggression? We are to blame Obama for Putin breaking international law and placing military in a sovereign country without their approval? ' if obama did this and that putin would never have invaded!! ' ........UNBELIEVABLE. Can't make that shit up.
let's see. So he's got his port and now picks up the phone? needs USA's help to get a more 'appropriate' govt in place? 'Obama, thanks for taking my call. let's get a 'sane' govt in place, we can work together. I gots some needs tho..........firstly, please stop with these sanctions. My friends are getting upset. Our ruble has gotten smashed, our growth rate projected at a sickly 0.3 % (this with oil at $100/barrel) , and my people are sending their monies abroad, capital pouring out. This ain't right. ......... You can trust me,.... nigga,u there? '
Curious can Putin clarify his position once and for all - Russia's not interested in invading Ukraine ( his words..) but wants to protect the rights of 'Russian speakers' that live in a foreign sovereign country? Now, how are you going to protect those rights unless you invade ? which he successfully did. He got his port. Sounds like now he's looking for the status quo and hoping the planet doesn't cripple his already weak economy
In the end Russia is, in the big picture, irrelevant- they are an economic weakling (assuming of course deltoid-void putin doesn't go cookoo and starts pressing buttons....) If USA has failed (and I believe she HAS) its in her creation of China. China's population dwarfs USA's, they will within the next 20yrs (assuming current growth rates) surpass USA in GDP-they WILL BE the planet's economic numero uno. LESS THAN TWENTY FUCKING YEARS. They are building their military, buying up gold and aggressively pursuing energy independence (God help us if they win that battle). It's kinda, in a sick way, funny to watch Putin flex his muslces all the while he shares a FAT BORDER with a behemoth that in due time will have the military to crush him, they already have the numbers (people, monies). You SURE they're an ally, Putin?
I'm with Ron Paul on this one:
'Recently a democratically-elected government was overthrown by violent protesters,” he wrote. “That is the opposite of democracy, where governments are changed by free and fair elections. What is shocking is that the US government and its NGOs were on the side of the protesters! “Washington does not want to talk about its own actions that led to the coup, instead focusing on attacking the Russian reaction to US-instigated unrest next door to them.”
On the topic of Crimea, Paul has stated multiple times that Russia’s annexation of the peninsula is not a situation that requires the involvement of the United States. In his column, he reiterated that Crimeans voted to join Russia, and earlier this month told Politico, “self-determination is a centerpiece of international law.”