Yeah, a leech on the Federal Government, who gets back more in taxes then they pay. In language a sick mind like yours can understand, they are feeding off the Fed Teet, gleefully accepting welfare.
Over a 25 year period, Texans have, on average, received more in federal money than they have paid into the system. In 2009, for example, the people of Texas paid $163 billion in federal taxes, and in return they received $224 billion from the federal government in the form block grants, Medicare and Medicaid aid, and retirement and disability assistance. In other words, the state of Texas made a $61 billion profit off the federal government in 2009. If they really did secede, the state of Texas would either have to stop giving their elderly citizens health care, or raise taxes to make up for the billions they would lose in federal citizens.
Or they could round up all of the welfare sucking leach illegals and ship them off to California.