Proof we landed on the moon! I'm a believer now.


New member
Jan 11, 2015
Kind of a scenario where a guy comes up to you and says he won the Indy 500.... using his bicycle.

Any man in his right mind knows that didn't happen.

I already gave you the pic a million times to show you... if you have the eyes to see. Btw, I watched a few videos of that "tweaker shelter" flying through space just for entertainment.... :):)

Just ask yourself. Would you get in that thing and fly even across town? Would you put your children in it to fly across town? Hell, what do you value more.... your life or your pride?

But to each their own. For those interested in common sense and logic, give the old Vostok 1 a try. That was Russia and the first man in space on April 12, 1961.

Read and watch the official story..... then examine it for yourself. Right in front of your faces.

New member
Jan 11, 2015
All from NASA.GOV ......

Very surprised ((youtube)) has not banned this video. They hide search results for real Apollo 11 research and analysis and try to push BS fringe shit.

I guarantee you if Willie watched this video to the end.... he'd say, "Fuck it. I can't fall for this shit anymore"

I laugh in a huge uproar when I see this guy zoom in and go over the holes in the pieces, the tacked on pieces of tape.....

New member
Jan 11, 2015
They deleted this guy off the net... but he was so funny that many people made copies.

Finally found a copy.


Mar 5, 2009
You are a pea brain. Give it up dumb fuck.
He also said that hurricane Michael last year was no big deal. Florida residents would just have to pick up their lawn furniture when the storm was over.
This after it literally leveled an entire city.

Oh, and he said that the Patriots wouldn't make the playoffs last year :):)

Just so you know who you're dealing with

New member
Jan 11, 2015
He also said that hurricane Michael last year was no big deal. Florida residents would just have to pick up their lawn furniture when the storm was over.
This after it literally leveled an entire city.

Oh, and he said that the Patriots wouldn't make the playoffs last year :):)

Just so you know who you're dealing with

Did you watch #44?

I'm curious to see where your IQ is at.

Mar 6, 2019
Kind of a scenario where a guy comes up to you and says he won the Indy 500.... using his bicycle.

Any man in his right mind knows that didn't happen.

I already gave you the pic a million times to show you... if you have the eyes to see. Btw, I watched a few videos of that "tweaker shelter" flying through space just for entertainment.... :):)

Just ask yourself. Would you get in that thing and fly even across town? Would you put your children in it to fly across town? Hell, what do you value more.... your life or your pride?

But to each their own. For those interested in common sense and logic, give the old Vostok 1 a try. That was Russia and the first man in space on April 12, 1961.

Read and watch the official story..... then examine it for yourself. Right in front of your faces.
You keep saying the LM is “flying.” It never flew at all

Mar 6, 2005
If it was faked then how did the mirrors, that we've been bouncing lasers off ever since, get there? Even amateurs with access to the right equipment can do it. Let me guess, fake mirrors, everyone is in on the fake laser/mirror thing too, even the amateurs?
Mar 8, 2011
He also said that hurricane Michael last year was no big deal. Florida residents would just have to pick up their lawn furniture when the storm was over.
This after it literally leveled an entire city.

Oh, and he said that the Patriots wouldn't make the playoffs last year :):)

Just so you know who you're dealing with

don't get your analogy. the patriots looked horrible the first few weeks last year. obviously turned it around. hurricane michael leveled a tiny beach town, mexico beach, granted. the rest of damage was not much different than every run of the mill hurricane with the possible exception of andrew. so saying those things which weren't overly accurate on my part means that we landed on the moon absolutely and positively. one of your glory boys julian edelman just broke his hand. crawl in a corner and sob over that.

Sep 21, 2004
If it was faked then how did the mirrors, that we've been bouncing lasers off ever since, get there? Even amateurs with access to the right equipment can do it. Let me guess, fake mirrors, everyone is in on the fake laser/mirror thing too, even the amateurs?

great post........they will ignore it though.
Mar 8, 2011
If it was faked then how did the mirrors, that we've been bouncing lasers off ever since, get there? Even amateurs with access to the right equipment can do it. Let me guess, fake mirrors, everyone is in on the fake laser/mirror thing too, even the amateurs?
have you ever heard of unmanned moon landings. they have been many more than these alleged manned landings. these are responsible for dropping the mirrors off. google it.

Mar 2, 2006
They are auctioning off 2 hours of footage on the moon when they were there. It's the 50 year anniversary and all. They say it is expected to get about 700k - million. But they are just paying all that money for footage made in a studio in Area 51 I suppose. Lol

Sep 21, 2004
have you ever heard of unmanned moon landings. they have been many more than these alleged manned landings. these are responsible for dropping the mirrors off. google it.

Of course. You and your ilk are disgusting. To dis-respect the achievements and courage of those astronauts is reprehensible. Done with this thread.
Mar 8, 2011
Of course. You and your ilk are disgusting. To dis-respect the achievements and courage of those astronauts is reprehensible. Done with this thread.

of course you've heard of unmanned moon landings. so it isn't even remotely possible that they are the source of the mirrors. how is that. NASA has bled the taxpayers dry.

Mar 6, 2005
have you ever heard of unmanned moon landings. they have been many more than these alleged manned landings. these are responsible for dropping the mirrors off. google it.

If you count on google to provide you results of 'the truth' and not results of 'their narrative', you're an idiot. There are mirrors located at the location where they landed. There is also a moon orbiter that has taken tens of thousands of pictures of the moon including pictures of the Apollo landing sites and of the equipment that Armstrong and Aldrin left behind, and the location of the orbiter when it took those photos was right over where they landed, all just a big coincidence. Let me guess, you believe the earth is flat, too?
Mar 8, 2011
They are auctioning off 2 hours of footage on the moon when they were there. It's the 50 year anniversary and all. They say it is expected to get about 700k - million. But they are just paying all that money for footage made in a studio in Area 51 I suppose. Lol
who are they. it is one person who bought what he thought was footage of the landing. where is the evidence that the footage is legit. suppose it could be the area 51 studio footage. still questionable. what happened to NASA's footage. oh, i forgot they lost it.
Mar 8, 2011
If you count on google to provide you results of 'the truth' and not results of 'their narrative', you're an idiot. There are mirrors located at the location where they landed. There is also a moon orbiter that has taken tens of thousands of pictures of the moon including pictures of the Apollo landing sites and of the equipment that Armstrong and Aldrin left behind, and the location of the orbiter when it took those photos was right over where they landed, all just a big coincidence. Let me guess, you believe the earth is flat, too?

no it's round. i do believe all the paper money distributed by the government is not backed by anything but trust and belief. didn't they once say it is backed by gold and silver stored in ft. knox. the government never lies to the public. almost never.

Mar 6, 2005
no it's round. i do believe all the paper money distributed by the government is not backed by anything but trust and belief. didn't they once say it is backed by gold and silver stored in ft. knox. the government never lies to the public. almost never.

I'm surprised you don't think it's flat. The backing of a Federal Reserve Note does not really border on 'insane conspiracy theories' but notes have been backed by Federal Reserve assets for a long time now. Regardless, other countries have photographed the left behind equipment and landing sites, too. Or are they 'in on it' too????
Mar 8, 2011
I'm surprised you don't think it's flat. The backing of a Federal Reserve Note does not really border on 'insane conspiracy theories' but notes have been backed by Federal Reserve assets for a long time now. Regardless, other countries have photographed the left behind equipment and landing sites, too. Or are they 'in on it' too????
if they have photographed anything it doesn't mean it was left there 50 years ago. could be dropped from unmanned missions over the years like the mirrors seemingly were. proof is needed. as for the money i'm just saying all governments lie to the people about everything all the time. the fed reserve has been backing the dollar for a while now but not always. the perception was that it was backed by precious metals. some today still believe that.

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