Proof we landed on the moon! I'm a believer now.


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
just curious for the conspiracy theorists that think we made multiple 500k mile round trips to the moon using 1969 computer technology.

I know you believe whatever NASA tells you

SO would you believe multiple NASA reps if they told you that we never figured out how to solve the radiation issues from the Van Allen Radiation Belt
so we have never sent people further than the space station before , and furthermore WE CANT even Go to the Moon TODAY

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
I still find it kinda funny how I mocked the op a couple years ago....even though I agreed that the lunar module was silly, I was not willing to break my programming that had been ingrained for so many years. I just KNEW that we went to the moon like they told us.

That is why even though I crack on some people for falling for obvious BS , I do understand how hard the cognitive dissonance can be to overcome. People have to find truth on their own, you cant force it on them.
A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still.

So even today when people present me ideas that are really out there, my first instinct is NOT to mock but to at least to listen (If I respect that person's opinion in general)

Sometimes I will look shit up that Im pretty sure is nonsense just to see it has ANY kind of possibiity to be true. Sometimes I can help them by debunking a falsehood that they didnt realize and sometimes I even learn a think or 2.

Think of how many things used to be "crazy" that are accepted as truths today and the other way around.
Sep 21, 2004
I still find it kinda funny how I mocked the op a couple years ago....even though I agreed that the lunar module was silly, I was not willing to break my programming that had been ingrained for so many years. I just KNEW that we went to the moon like they told us.

That is why even though I crack on some people for falling for obvious BS , I do understand how hard the cognitive dissonance can be to overcome. People have to find truth on their own, you cant force it on them.
A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still.

So even today when people present me ideas that are really out there, my first instinct is NOT to mock but to at least to listen (If I respect that person's opinion in general)

Sometimes I will look shit up that Im pretty sure is nonsense just to see it has ANY kind of possibiity to be true. Sometimes I can help them by debunking a falsehood that they didnt realize and sometimes I even learn a think or 2.

Think of how many things used to be "crazy" that are accepted as truths today and the other way around.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again:

aerospace engineers = really smart people
conspiracy kooks (moon landing deniers) = not so smart people

Sigh. We have the technology now such that powerful amateur telescopes can view the remnants from the Apollo moon landing sites.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
I've said it before, and I'll say it again:

aerospace engineers = really smart people
conspiracy kooks (moon landing deniers) = not so smart people

Sigh. We have the technology now such that powerful amateur telescopes can view the remnants from the Apollo moon landing sites.

Weird , I didnt see any pictures, can you point them out to me.....because one of the excuses they like to use was that we couldnt zoom down that close to see the remnants.

So since these people are so smart

Would you believe multiple NASA reps if they told you that we never figured out how to solve the radiation issues from the Van Allen Radiation Belt
and that we have never sent people further than the space station before , and furthermore WE CANT even Go to the Moon TODAY.

I know the brainwashing on this subject is powerful as I was subject to it in the past myself. In your own time though sir, in your own time.

Nov 7, 2008

Dec 13, 2007
Weird , I didnt see any pictures, can you point them out to me.....because one of the excuses they like to use was that we couldnt zoom down that close to see the remnants.

So since these people are so smart

Would you believe multiple NASA reps if they told you that we never figured out how to solve the radiation issues from the Van Allen Radiation Belt
and that we have never sent people further than the space station before , and furthermore WE CANT even Go to the Moon TODAY.

I know the brainwashing on this subject is powerful as I was subject to it in the past myself. In your own time though sir, in your own time.

This dude is a marble-less kook but hilarious.
You've mentioned your Jewish QQbirdy.....Let me guess the Holocaust was just a weekend hotdog cookout?

Keep the crazy coming might be the most "entertaining" guy here..

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
See these are the kinds of things that cause doubt about NASA in peoples eyes, why lie all the time

Here a Dutch "astronaut" is telling us about the ISS while "floating around a bathroom"

Oh and this is just one of a NUMBER of supposed ISS videos that dont add up......I get why they might want to fake these videos from a cost perspective but the fact that they continue to promote them as REAL footage onboard the ISS is the troubling part....Ill add some other ones later.

Maybe they dont care becasue they figure MOST of us dont really care. Its just another form of entertainment to keep us distracted, just like how in movies there are continuity errors and bad editing and people still enjoy the show regardless.


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
I've said it before, and I'll say it again:

aerospace engineers = really smart people
conspiracy kooks (moon landing deniers) = not so smart people

Sigh. We have the technology now such that powerful amateur telescopes can view the remnants from the Apollo moon landing sites.

Say Zit, could you kindly point me to those pictures of left behind Apollo remnants as I cant imagine you were just parroting the false narratives of the propagandists?


Dec 13, 2007
Say Zit, could you kindly point me to those pictures of left behind Apollo remnants as I cant imagine you were just parroting the false narratives of the propagandists?

Dude... show us your QQbird.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
You're not very bright are you?

YES I AM QUITE BRIGHT ......hell Im the one trying to shine LIGHT on this said we could see remnants with amateur telescope

Strange because even after all these years this is the best nASA can do ....I think Bigfoot is in there

So we can see thousands upon thousands of galaxies from god knows how far away but not 1 Lunar Rover from 250k miles away.....Sounds legit.

Its undertsandable, the brainwashing they have done on you and others who believe this fairy tale is extensive......few can break free of it, keep trying and one day with my help you might.

I mean for fuks sake NASA reps themselves tell you they have NOT before and CAN NOT today send a man to the moon and folks dont even believe THEM

Mar 6, 2005
Anyone smarter than moronking1 knows we put Americans on the moon. Japan and China landed rovers on the moon and China would have loved nothing more than to expose our landings as faked but China wound up taking pictures of the American landing sites during their Chang’e 2 mission. So moronking1 dismisses the findings of 2 countries that literally sent rovers to the moon and photographed the spots we landed at, but immediately falls for anonymous, random clowns on the internet, proving that he is, indeed, moronking1! :pointer:

As for seeing smaller objects on the moon, the Hubble telescope couldn’t see Michigan’s football stadium if it was on the Moon, so it’s sure as hell not going to see the mid-field logo. Hubble’s mirror would need to be at least 50x larger to see the landers from space. This is why astute observers wait for sun to create shadows of the landers:

Moronking1, here is how you can see all of the landing sites using your telescope (go buy one, loser):

Please, though, moronking1, keep showcasing that world class stupidity of yours, you are the absolute, hands down, moronking1 after all. Keep trying to convince yourself that Russia, China, Japan, and the US/NASA are all conspiring to keep the hoax alive just for dunces like you. Keep swinging with your braindead nonsense from anonymous strangers on the Internet, you are entertaining if nothing else, and you have made it clear that there is nothing else. Carry on, moronking1!

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Anyone smarter than moronking1 knows we put Americans on the moon. Japan and China landed rovers on the moon and China would have loved nothing more than to expose our landings as faked but China wound up taking pictures of the American landing sites during their Chang’e 2 mission. So moronking1 dismisses the findings of 2 countries that literally sent rovers to the moon and photographed the spots we landed at, but immediately falls for anonymous, random clowns on the internet, proving that he is, indeed, moronking1! :pointer:

As for seeing smaller objects on the moon, the Hubble telescope couldn’t see Michigan’s football stadium if it was on the Moon, so it’s sure as hell not going to see the mid-field logo. Hubble’s mirror would need to be at least 50x larger to see the landers from space. This is why astute observers wait for sun to create shadows of the landers:

Moronking1, here is how you can see all of the landing sites using your telescope (go buy one, loser):

Please, though, moronking1, keep showcasing that world class stupidity of yours, you are the absolute, hands down, moronking1 after all. Keep trying to convince yourself that Russia, China, Japan, and the US/NASA are all conspiring to keep the hoax alive just for dunces like you. Keep swinging with your braindead nonsense from anonymous strangers on the Internet, you are entertaining if nothing else, and you have made it clear that there is nothing else. Carry on, moronking1!

So you are suffering from the brainwashing too......nice links to all the propaganda

NASA is known for making some nice looking fakes, look it up if you care to think for yourself for a change...or you can just trust the GOVT who tells you what to think.

"Hey Bilabal, here is a shawdow, its legit it to the people that say the moon landing was fake"-NASA
"Yes GODS , I will do"-Bilkedbalface)(*^%

So amateur telescopesjave lenses that can see the remnants clearly but the best NASA can do is this? Does that even make sense?

Bro you are gullible as fuk , you spewing all that garbage but didnt post ANYTHING of value,,,a shadow? This is what you accept as proof when the proof it didnt happen is wonder they always get away with it.
This is the best they can show



Its okay I get it dealing with libs all day, when they cant produce real evidence they resort to name calling and foolishness.

NASA themselves say they cant send people past the ISS today.....

Mar 6, 2005
So you are suffering from the brainwashing too......nice links to all the propaganda

NASA is known for making some nice looking fakes, look it up if you care to think for yourself for a change...or you can just trust the GOVT who tells you what to think.

"Hey Bilabal, here is a shawdow, its legit it to the people that say the moon landing was fake"-NASA
"Yes GODS , I will do"-Bilkedbalface)(*^%

So amateur telescopesjave lenses that can see the remnants clearly but the best NASA can do is this? Does that even make sense?

Bro you are gullible as fuk , you spewing all that garbage but didnt post ANYTHING of value,,,a shadow? This is what you accept as proof when the proof it didnt happen is wonder they always get away with it.
This is the best they can show



Its okay I get it dealing with libs all day, when they cant produce real evidence they resort to name calling and foolishness.

NASA themselves say they cant send people past the ISS today.....

Keep swinging, dunce!

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Keep swinging, dunce!

Enjoy your fantasy a sheep always a sheep.

Now as for others that are still open minded and can actually handle evidence of the hoax, this guy gives the BEST FORESIC examination of Apollo footage I have ever seen. Consider it a FULL FORENSIC VIDEO AUDIT , if you will

His work is overwhelming proof of the fakery and the best part is THIS....if you doubt him you can simply take the footage from NASA and enter them into a video editor youself and duplicate his efforts, He is transparent with every step of the processw-thumbs!^

...Contrary to the idea that science and research is "take my word I wouldnt lie to you" and if you do question me I will ridicule and censor you that so many sheeple fall for.


Mar 6, 2005
Enjoy your fantasy a sheep always a sheep.

Now as for others that are still open minded and can actually handle evidence of the hoax, this guy gives the BEST FORESIC examination of Apollo footage I have ever seen. Consider it a FULL FORENSIC VIDEO AUDIT , if you will

His work is overwhelming proof of the fakery and the best part is THIS....if you doubt him you can simply take the footage from NASA and enter them into a video editor youself and duplicate his efforts, He is transparent with every step of the processw-thumbs!^

...Contrary to the idea that science and research is "take my word I wouldnt lie to you" and if you do question me I will ridicule and censor you that so many sheeple fall for.

Seriously, a video from Apollo Detectives? You're running with that? Can you provide me the names of some of their members, please? I'll take even one name. Maybe while you're digging that up, you'll see why I'm mocking it. Comical, though. Who are you going to serve up next, moronking? A video by fans of Dr. Suess?

Some people will accept proof as “Because X said it didn’t happen.” Does that sound familiar to you, moronking? It should, and that’s you. Anonymous sources and YouTube videos from strangers you know nothing about are no way to make your case, moronking. But, please, solely for the comic relief your pathetic nonsense brings, keep swinging!

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