its not the "end of the world"
and this shit not happening overnight
you can't go from pretty damn free country to fascist dictatorship overnight its a process that takes decades....
why am i always the one stuck in the middle between things
i guess its only fitting in today's hyper right/left environment
every fuckin topic it seems
this one i'm in the middle between the kooks that saying they going to swoop in and round us up into fema camps tomorrow
and the other side that is complacent and saying everything is A-OK and there is nothing to worry about as the government continues to take on more economic powers with each passing day (going beyond what was even done in the 30s at this point) and weird shit like military exercises on the homefront start popping up in coordination with our financial system being a complete mess
its all about baby little step at a time
You clearly havent read EVERY post I have put up on this topic, so dont rush to judgment without doing so....If you HAD read every post, and all of recalls posts, you would know that weve stated numerous times that this shit has been planned for many and many of years....Its quite possible this thing has been planned since 1913 when President Wilson sold this country to the elite bankster families...These NWO people have an agenda and they stick to it. They are not like regular people who worry about their present situation, because they ALREADY have all the money they could ever want or need. These people can think 10, 20, 50 or even 100 yrs in the future, mastering their plan. What we are seeing now is the final touches of their plan being put into place, anyone person who is on board the NWO train knows that these people are roughly 75% complete with their plan....The war and blood shed is the easy part, because that will come with certain things....Its creating those things thats the tough part....
It just so happens all this economic crap is coincedentally happening at a time where a President named BUSH is tossing out the constitution and giving himself and whatever President to follow UNLIMITED powers....THATS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN NOW AND OTHER DEPRESSIONS....
Textbook definition of socialism- Privitization of wealth, socialization of debt....ring any bells?
Now Facism- Merger of corporate and state powers....Tell me were not facist?
Dictator- Someone who threatens their people, and in our case our elected officials to vote for an un constitutional bill....So he broke the constitution, to pass an un constitutional bill? And now, hes breaking the constitution AGAIN by bringing OUR troops into OUR country to police OUR streets!
Tell me we are not a Socialist Facist Dictatorship by definition?