TheGuesser claims news outlets aren't biased yet rips of Fox News and Drudge for being biased.
I guess only the ones you agree with are considered fair.
News isn't left or right. Stop believing the tripe Fake News and Drudge feeds you. If TMZ breaks a Politics story, it's news, and just as on the money as any other story they break.
Just like the other thread where YOU turned it political, and then tried to blame me, because I reacted to a post, the same happened here. Learn to read and follow a thread, Bro, and stop being a douchebag.Leave it to the dickhead guesser to turn a thread we all can contribute to and connect on to turn it politically and kill a thread. Dick move bro. Surprised by you though, most assholes say "faux news" when they are looking to insult conservatives.
Damn. Guesser catching Heat again in The Trump Thread I seen the next post and u actually Fired him!!!