President Donald Trump Criticizes NFL Player Protests, Says Fans Should Exit Stadiums


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Hache makes a good point. Today's younger gen blacks walk around with a bigger chip on their shoulders than their fathers and grandfathers who actually experienced the things 2ese described.

White guilt liberals and BLM-type propagandists on TV earning 6 figures are so desperate to find 'racism' in today's society that they've coined NEW divisive terms like "dog whistle racism" and "white privilege."

Just STFU already! :>(
Feb 6, 2007
Hache makes a good point. Today's younger gen blacks walk around with a bigger chip on their shoulders than their fathers and grandfathers who actually experienced the things 2ese described.

White guilt liberals and BLM-type propagandists on TV earning 6 figures are so desperate to find 'racism' in today's society that they've coined NEW divisive terms like "dog whistle racism" and "white privilege."

Just STFU already! :>(

You might take the cake for biggest racist idiot here.

I'm a white registered independent.

Anybody who says white privilege doesn't exist and IS need to be shipped off to a place where white privilege really doesn't exist and then you will understand what it is in this country. Dumbass. They definitely don't have white privilege in Afghanistan and shit. You want to find out if it's real? Go there and then come back....if you make it back.
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
You might take the cake for biggest racist idiot here.

I'm a white registered independent.

Anybody who says white privilege doesn't exist and IS need to be shipped off to a place where white privilege really doesn't exist and then you will understand what it is in this country. Dumbass. They definitely don't have white privilege in Afghanistan and shit. You want to find out if it's real? Go there and then come back....if you make it back.

Hey mob you see my post a page or two back?

Jul 4, 2012
Anybody who says white privilege doesn't exist and IS need to be shipped off to a place where white privilege really doesn't exist and then you will understand what it is in this country. Dumbass. They definitely don't have white privilege in Afghanistan and shit. You want to find out if it's real? Go there and then come back....if you make it back.

There is no such thing as "white privilege"

It is a silly made up term repeated by dimwits.

Yes, because American blacks live just like Afghanis or something.

You're so dumb it is funny.


Jan 15, 2005
Are you that dense? On the clock of fans? They play the anthem where they stand or knee. Tired of people crying about it. If you don't like it, don't watch. Can't believe people let the actions of others impact them so much
Exactly. Talk about a bunch of snowflakes ❄️.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
You might take the cake for biggest racist idiot here.

I'm a white registered independent.

Anybody who says white privilege doesn't exist and IS need to be shipped off to a place where white privilege really doesn't exist and then you will understand what it is in this country. Dumbass. They definitely don't have white privilege in Afghanistan and shit. You want to find out if it's real? Go there and then come back....if you make it back.

Aww, too cute...another whitey suffering from white guilt calling me a 'racist'

So what exactly did I say that was racist again? Because I mock idiots who use loaded terms like "white privilege"?

I bet I could dig up quotes from a certain community organizer who said far more RACIST things than I have ever posted. And numbnuts like you probably believe he was this great 'uniter' or something. face)(*^%

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
the use of the words white privilege and white supremacy should be outlawed on this site.. fake news
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Per Twitter :

BREAKING NEWS: The Chicago Police Dept has replaced all sirens with the National Anthem, to force suspects to stop running and take a knee.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
the use of the words white privilege and white supremacy should be outlawed on this site.. fake news
white privilege = more unarmed whites shot by cops and more than 2x whites in poverty than blacks

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
NFL ticket sales plummet 17.9%

by Paul Bedard | Sep 28, 2017, 1:27 PM

<section class="article-body" itemprop="text" style="box-sizing: inherit; max-width: 700px;">The National Football League is feeling the impact of the "Trump Effect."

Ticket sales since he called on team owners to fire players who take a knee to protest the National Anthem have cratered.

The online ticket reseller TickPick told Secrets that sales have dropped 17.9 percent, far more than the usual Week Three fall.

From TickPick:

  • 17.9 percent decrease in NFL orders this week compared to the previous week.
  • Last year the drop was 10.8 percent in orders on Monday & Tuesday following Week Three games.

"We have seen a massive decrease in NFL ticket purchases this past week in comparison to years past. Week 3 seems to usually have less ticket orders than week 2, but this year ticket purchases are down more than 7 percent from this time last year," said TickPick's Jack Slingland.

"While we can't specify if this decrease is due to the president's comments, player and owner protests, play on the field, or simply the continued division of consumer's media attention, the conversation around the NFL this week has focused on the president's comments as well as the players' and owners' reaction. As viewers continue to abandon their NFL Sunday habits, both the number of ticket sales and the purchase price of tickets will drop," he told us.

Paul Bedard, the Washington Examiner's "Washington Secrets" columnist, can be contacted at


Oct 18, 2008
No need to get upset J.
We're all just talking here.
Let's not forget we all share some of the same interests & why we're here on this site together.
So it's not all bad just because ppl here disagree on some things.

The factual numbers have already been provided numerous times on here, and across the country, that show & prove there is no truth to African-Americans being shot & killed by cops more than any other race.

It's just not true period.

So people's argument & questions are STILL "what injustice?" & "what oppression?"

People are saying we've already debunked those false claims, so now tell us or give us examples of what you're talking about.

But nothing new ever gets said & they keep going back to the same lie.

It honestly shows how ignorant these athletes are who still claim they're kneeling for the fictional cop stories...

I'm not upset, it just makes me laugh sometimes.

Last year I am out with my black friends, we are walking on the side walk, white cops pull up to two of my black friends and say repeatedly "give me a reason". Never in my life has that happened to me and I was walking just a few feet behind them and the cops didn't say anything to me.

I am walking home from the metro with black friends and the police follow us all the way home. I've walked home 50 times from the same metro stop by myself, at the same time of night, and never once been followed by cops.

Just in those two experiences, it showed me how differently black people are treated at times than white people.

But even without any of that, I don't really understand the point of kneeling during the anthem but I don't understand people getting butt hurt about them kneeling. If you don't like it, don't watch the anthem. Being "offended" makes no sense to me, not sure how people let it impact them so much.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
You might take the cake for biggest racist idiot here.

I'm a white registered independent.

Anybody who says white privilege doesn't exist and IS need to be shipped off to a place where white privilege really doesn't exist and then you will understand what it is in this country. Dumbass. They definitely don't have white privilege in Afghanistan and shit. You want to find out if it's real? Go there and then come back....if you make it back.

All the things you can say about "White Privilege" in the US is more predominate in the Asian community. So is there an "Asian" privilege? They make more money, they are higher educated, they are less likely to live in poverty, they are less likely to be in a single parent home... etc....

So, since asians are at the top of the privilege scale, what isnt there an uproar about them?

Wait, cause THERE IS NO RACIAL PRIVILEGE!!! Its communities and families being RESPONSIBLE (key word responsible), and raising their families and communities with good values, work ethic and the value or marriage and education!

Sep 21, 2004
All the things you can say about "White Privilege" in the US is more predominate in the Asian community. So is there an "Asian" privilege? They make more money, they are higher educated, they are less likely to live in poverty, they are less likely to be in a single parent home... etc....

So, since asians are at the top of the privilege scale, what isnt there an uproar about them?

Wait, cause THERE IS NO RACIAL PRIVILEGE!!! Its communities and families being RESPONSIBLE (key word responsible), and raising their families and communities with good values, work ethic and the value or marriage and education!

Real talk

New member
Feb 13, 2007
Does "white privilege" exist? Yeah, probably in certain situations. Class privilege and gender privelege also exist in certain situations. A man is more likely to earn more doing the same job as a woman, but a woman is less likely to go to jail for commiting the same crime as a man.

Point is that life and society are not perfect and instead of complaining about things the best course of action is to focus on youself and your family, and sooner or later changes in society will occur. Imagine if these guys kneeling used all this energy to look at themselves and their communities. Focus on the fact single parent families are more common in the black community and young males lack a strong father figure. These are issues that the black community can change for the better themselves and if they did they might find that they would eventually have nothing to kneel against. Asian families have the lowest rates of single parent homes, are higher educated, less poverty. The correlation between stable family and future success is right there staring everyone in the face.

But, its always easier to blame everyone else instead of looking in the mirror.

Feb 2, 2010
Does "white privilege" exist? Yeah, probably in certain situations. Class privilege and gender privelege also exist in certain situations. A man is more likely to earn more doing the same job as a woman, but a woman is less likely to go to jail for commiting the same crime as a man.

Point is that life and society are not perfect and instead of complaining about things the best course of action is to focus on youself and your family, and sooner or later changes in society will occur. Imagine if these guys kneeling used all this energy to look at themselves and their communities. Focus on the fact single parent families are more common in the black community and young males lack a strong father figure. These are issues that the black community can change for the better themselves and if they did they might find that they would eventually have nothing to kneel against. Asian families have the lowest rates of single parent homes, are higher educated, less poverty. The correlation between stable family and future success is right there staring everyone in the face.

But, its always easier to blame everyone else instead of looking in the mirror.

+1.....especially the last sentence

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
Does "white privilege" exist? Yeah, probably in certain situations. Class privilege and gender privelege also exist in certain situations. A man is more likely to earn more doing the same job as a woman, but a woman is less likely to go to jail for commiting the same crime as a man.

Point is that life and society are not perfect and instead of complaining about things the best course of action is to focus on youself and your family, and sooner or later changes in society will occur. Imagine if these guys kneeling used all this energy to look at themselves and their communities. Focus on the fact single parent families are more common in the black community and young males lack a strong father figure. These are issues that the black community can change for the better themselves and if they did they might find that they would eventually have nothing to kneel against. Asian families have the lowest rates of single parent homes, are higher educated, less poverty. The correlation between stable family and future success is right there staring everyone in the face.

But, its always easier to blame everyone else instead of looking in the mirror.

Great post !

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Grieving NFL Fan: What They Did Was Take Away One of the Last Places Where We Were All Americans, At Least for 3 Hours

by Jim Hoft 68 Comments

Last year San Francisco 49er quarterback Colin Kaepernick knelt for the National Anthem in protest of police treatment of black Americans.

Kaepernick wore police as pig socks to emphasize his point.


Since then the protests against the US national anthem have grown.

Last Sunday over 200 NFL players knelt during the US national anthem on Gold Star Mothers Day.


Patriotic Americans are disgusted with these disrespectful protests.

Many Americans have vowed to boycott the NFL. Advertisers have dropped their ads.

A recent comment by Gateway Pundit commenter and NFL fan Tokaise Blessed Patriotmay have said it best.

I am republishing here for you all:

I’ve thought a great deal about the NFL and the reaction I have, it’s visceral. I find myself on twitter arguing with strangers. Something I pride myself about, that I don’t do. But here I was trading 140 character quips, with someone I don’t know. The anger and frustration, I believe is not only about the disrespect of the flag, Anthem, military and much of what, we hold dear in America.

It was the sense of betrayal. We had stuck by them through the bad seasons. Worried and held our breath and prayed with every injury. Watched transfixed as the ball flew through the air. Would it clear the uprights or as the receiver ran down the field. Would he catch it? Would he hold on to it. With every fumble our hearts fell. Every Sunday, Monday and Thursday. We lived and breathed football, as if we were part of the team. We battled the opponent. We were united all rooting for the same cause.

Then Krapernick… A nasty evil, stain whose twisted thoughts chose to disrespect America, vets and yes, the fans. But I thought this is America’s sport. Surely he’s the exception. But then a few more sat or knelt and I thought they shouldn’t allow this.

The league has rules and I thought about what the league hadn’t allowed. 9/11 shoes, honoring the fallen Dallas officers, even excessive end zone celebration. But nothing was done. We were supposed to pay and be silent. I finally could no longer watch. My sense of right and wrong, wouldn’t allow it.

Then this year the President spoke up for America and they showed us how they truly felt. We were just their meal ticket. We paid, but how we felt meant nothing.

They are protesting a lie. Blacks aren’t killed as much as Whites by bad police and many times it’s not a bad cop, but a criminal who won’t obey the police. But whether it was true or not. They have no right to hijack a venue, where the people paid, to enjoy a day, to escape the madness. Now a captive audience, must watch the left’s political agenda played out.

If we are so racist, how does a game, that’s 75-82% Black succeed and be a billion dollar industry? Who’s buying the tickets? Who’s buying the merchandise? What is taking a knee changing? If they cared, with all their millions, what have they done for the inner city? How much have they invested, to combat Black on Black crime?

Don’t kneel, link arms, sit or exercise through the Anthem and tell me it’s not about America. When you chose the time and place for a reason. But in the end, what they did, was take away one of the last places, where we were all, just Americans, at least for 3 hours.

Dec 11, 2006
Grieving NFL Fan: What They Did Was Take Away One of the Last Places Where We Were All Americans, At Least for 3 Hours

by Jim Hoft 68 Comments

Last year San Francisco 49er quarterback Colin Kaepernick knelt for the National Anthem in protest of police treatment of black Americans.

Kaepernick wore police as pig socks to emphasize his point.


Since then the protests against the US national anthem have grown.

Last Sunday over 200 NFL players knelt during the US national anthem on Gold Star Mothers Day.


Patriotic Americans are disgusted with these disrespectful protests.

Many Americans have vowed to boycott the NFL. Advertisers have dropped their ads.

A recent comment by Gateway Pundit commenter and NFL fan Tokaise Blessed Patriotmay have said it best.

I am republishing here for you all:

I’ve thought a great deal about the NFL and the reaction I have, it’s visceral. I find myself on twitter arguing with strangers. Something I pride myself about, that I don’t do. But here I was trading 140 character quips, with someone I don’t know. The anger and frustration, I believe is not only about the disrespect of the flag, Anthem, military and much of what, we hold dear in America.

It was the sense of betrayal. We had stuck by them through the bad seasons. Worried and held our breath and prayed with every injury. Watched transfixed as the ball flew through the air. Would it clear the uprights or as the receiver ran down the field. Would he catch it? Would he hold on to it. With every fumble our hearts fell. Every Sunday, Monday and Thursday. We lived and breathed football, as if we were part of the team. We battled the opponent. We were united all rooting for the same cause.

Then Krapernick… A nasty evil, stain whose twisted thoughts chose to disrespect America, vets and yes, the fans. But I thought this is America’s sport. Surely he’s the exception. But then a few more sat or knelt and I thought they shouldn’t allow this.

The league has rules and I thought about what the league hadn’t allowed. 9/11 shoes, honoring the fallen Dallas officers, even excessive end zone celebration. But nothing was done. We were supposed to pay and be silent. I finally could no longer watch. My sense of right and wrong, wouldn’t allow it.

Then this year the President spoke up for America and they showed us how they truly felt. We were just their meal ticket. We paid, but how we felt meant nothing.

They are protesting a lie. Blacks aren’t killed as much as Whites by bad police and many times it’s not a bad cop, but a criminal who won’t obey the police. But whether it was true or not. They have no right to hijack a venue, where the people paid, to enjoy a day, to escape the madness. Now a captive audience, must watch the left’s political agenda played out.

If we are so racist, how does a game, that’s 75-82% Black succeed and be a billion dollar industry? Who’s buying the tickets? Who’s buying the merchandise? What is taking a knee changing? If they cared, with all their millions, what have they done for the inner city? How much have they invested, to combat Black on Black crime?

Don’t kneel, link arms, sit or exercise through the Anthem and tell me it’s not about America. When you chose the time and place for a reason. But in the end, what they did, was take away one of the last places, where we were all, just Americans, at least for 3 hours.

That pretty much sums it up.

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