Past the stuff about The Whipporwhill (or: the first fucking line of the song.....) (
You are very very very "clever" Michel.) there is a Communication of Most Deepness
About The
Human Experience.
There is Connection, on a Physical Level. Every now and then: Sex.
Pinnacle? I guess....of this existence, "I guess"
You are some thing other than just "physical" though. Life way way way PAST some Physical: Exists.
You Live with this everyday. "You", Whats Alive.
within You.
"Soul", Mind....
a Drunk 25 year old Redneck wrote the following address (
accidentally) The Human Condition
bcuz Yeah
we can Fuck and Connect like that but What is available to us thats
do We ever Commune on a level that is Deeper?
If We Could, if any connection deeper than just that Base Ass inserting some body part into another person's body even Possible
Fuggin White Flag gimme dat bottle imma just die in the backseat of this car.
Dig. Surrender.
27 Club, to humanity, as in their understanding of why so may artists died at 27 = "tragedy", drugs etcetera but truth is
it was to prevent an answer to this question
how can "we".........
with one another
and what Obstacles
do you see?
What Obstacles do you see? Are there certain specific bloodlines of people
that demand War here
while not every single one of them: Demanding War Obviously but by their just
doing absolutely Zero
to call their fellow Arabs on Their Eternal & Ongoing Never Ending War Shit Way of Life
Kill Kill Kill.
or just kick back pretend you're a "Good Muslim" while Pain Continues. Bcuz The Religion that you Worship doesn't allow you to Speak.
Or Think.
This is
the belief system that you have chosen?
Explain to me how you are not completely fucking retarded