Predict- Biden’s fate— 8 year prez, one term, jail etc


I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
What else would you expect from a vast pro-Trumpanzee forum who egg each other on. Critical thinking is out the window with the exception of a couple.

Now as for Biden it will be one term and then not run again. He was brought in to defeat Trump as he was the only Democratic possibility who could.

betting forums will always be highly populated with moderates and conservatives because there's nobody to blame when you lose and we enjoy being in charge of our success. If i lose it's not because the man been keeping me down or that systemic betting racism or a cisgender white supremacist sports betting industry isn't on my side, it's because i didn't put in the work and/or I made a bad call on a gut feeling. sure, you can have the occasional bad beat but usually balanced by the occasional lucky win.

libs don't have the mental ability and temperament to be long-time bettors. You can't tell your bookie that this week you "identify as a winning gambler" and expect him to excuse your debt. There are no safe spaces to hide behind when you lose a big wager nor do you need to redistribute your winnings for the, ahemm, greater good.

you're one of the few nutter leftists on this forum and from what i have seen your only contribution is to follow around bookiereport to keep a record. impressive 16 year run adding no value and no a true Liberal

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Not a chance the man lasts four years. Cmon Man!
2 years. they'll get whooped in the midterms giving back both Senate and House and their reaction will be to pull up his many illegal activities (especially in China and Ukraine) as reason for impeachment and insert heels-up Harris as president. then you'll have 2 years of both gender and racial identity politics that if you vote out an Indian American (errr....African American) woman then you're a racist and a misogynist.

Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
What's with liberals and their dislike for reality? Does the truth ever matter? Is there whole world a lie?

These are really great questions. I don't have an answer for the first one. For the second one, I can say with complete certainty that the truth does matter. Also, the whole world is not a lie.

As for Biden, he doesn't care about me or America, so there is no reason for myself or this country to care about him in any way. People like him only do this stuff for attention. My prediction is that so long as we do not give him any attention, he will be completely powerless. Make America Great Again.

Rx Alchemist.
Aug 16, 2007

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
betting forums will always be highly populated with moderates and conservatives because there's nobody to blame when you lose and we enjoy being in charge of our success. If i lose it's not because the man been keeping me down or that systemic betting racism or a cisgender white supremacist sports betting industry isn't on my side, it's because i didn't put in the work and/or I made a bad call on a gut feeling. sure, you can have the occasional bad beat but usually balanced by the occasional lucky win.

libs don't have the mental ability and temperament to be long-time bettors. You can't tell your bookie that this week you "identify as a winning gambler" and expect him to excuse your debt. There are no safe spaces to hide behind when you lose a big wager nor do you need to redistribute your winnings for the, ahemm, greater good.

you're one of the few nutter leftists on this forum and from what i have seen your only contribution is to follow around bookiereport to keep a record. impressive 16 year run adding no value and no a true Liberal

and sometimes somebody exceeds expectations or sucks, or there's a tipped pick six that should have been a reception or a banked three from half court or maybe the star QB gets injured

There's a reason why hitting like 58% is awesome, capping is hard and you need some good luck

But to your point, I never blame anyone for my mistakes. I own them, and I can't stand career victims always crying about something

Jul 14, 2007
betting forums will always be highly populated with moderates and conservatives because there's nobody to blame when you lose and we enjoy being in charge of our success. If i lose it's not because the man been keeping me down or that systemic betting racism or a cisgender white supremacist sports betting industry isn't on my side, it's because i didn't put in the work and/or I made a bad call on a gut feeling. sure, you can have the occasional bad beat but usually balanced by the occasional lucky win.

libs don't have the mental ability and temperament to be long-time bettors. You can't tell your bookie that this week you "identify as a winning gambler" and expect him to excuse your debt. There are no safe spaces to hide behind when you lose a big wager nor do you need to redistribute your winnings for the, ahemm, greater good.

you're one of the few nutter leftists on this forum and from what i have seen your only contribution is to follow around bookiereport to keep a record. impressive 16 year run adding no value and no a true Liberal

I'm not sure how many heterosexual males there are left that vote Democrat so I think it has more to do with that. Trannies don't really bet sports.

Aug 4, 2013
All you political hacks are chasing your tails talking shit to nausea. You love her but she loves him and he loves somebody els you just can’t win! I went my Whole life never talking politics and then came Trump and that’s all you guys talk about wtf. Keep chasing your tails if that makes you feel better I guess

Oct 16, 2008
i dont think he finishes two years. Being president ages people dramatically. Hes already old and showing signs of dimentia. Will either be replaced or strictly a figure head who rarely makes appearences as others run the show

Sep 23, 2004
All you political hacks are chasing your tails talking shit to nausea. You love her but she loves him and he loves somebody els you just can’t win! I went my Whole life never talking politics and then came Trump and that’s all you guys talk about wtf. Keep chasing your tails if that makes you feel better I guess

Amen, bro. This was a great site once. Sports betting. It's been basically worthless where 90 percent of the threads are political or posted just to piss people off. Remember the bashes. Everyone got along. Now there would be fist fights. Too bad.

Jun 4, 2018
Amen, bro. This was a great site once. Sports betting. It's been basically worthless where 90 percent of the threads are political or posted just to piss people off. Remember the bashes. Everyone got along. Now there would be fist fights. Too bad.
Your free to leave anytime you want dude .... other sites out there if your unhappy , don't let the door hit ya on the :bigone:on your way out

Sep 21, 2004
100,000,000 million doses in 100 days.

Now that's leadership in Libtardville. Use cheap words that sound great but have ZERO CHANCE OF FRUITION. Instead of being called a liar like they would call Trump, they'll call him a visionary and then they'll defend such ignorance when it fails

Just three months ago they called Trump a liar for saying a vaccine is here.

What's with liberals and their dislike for reality? Does the truth ever matter? Is there whole world a lie?

That's ironic that's exactly what Dems say about hard core Trumpers like you. I'll bet you a dollar Mortimer they get 100 Million vaccines in a 100 days.

Sep 21, 2004
Some people like me voted for Biden, democrats always have some support from the demographics that voted for Trump. Usually republican by 60/40 or maybe 55/45, but not enough to overcome 90% majorities in urban areas.

Stated differently, if we were to eliminate winner take all states, democrats would never win a national election with the possible exception of 2008. Imagine that, this racist country gave a black democrat the most widespread support a democrat ever had on the national stage in modern history.

You voted for Biden? C'mon man, you're BSing for the sake of a point you're trying to make. At worst you'd vote Libertarian. 2008 was a a different time and long ago. Partisanship has increased greatly and it's up to moderates and independents like me to make the call for the country. And if it wasn't for the electoral college the Republicans will never get a President again. The electoral college is good IMO to keep checks and balances.

u voted for Biden

Sep 21, 2004
libs don't have the mental ability and temperament to be long-time bettors. You can't tell your bookie that this week you "identify as a winning gambler" and expect him to excuse your debt. There are no safe spaces to hide behind when you lose a big wager nor do you need to redistribute your winnings for the, ahemm, greater good.

you're one of the few nutter leftists on this forum and from what i have seen your only contribution is to follow around bookiereport to keep a record. impressive 16 year run adding no value and no a true Liberal

I agree with the mindset of your first paragraph. The only one accountable for losing bets should be oneself. But then you spin off into fiction and generalizing. I know(n) many gamblers in my sports betting career. Male, female (a few) conservatives, liberals and moderates and on all sides I've seen them be honorable, accountable, deadbeats, flamed out and give up. Sports betting is hard. Need to prepare, be good, money management and luck to grind out profits.

And I'm no liberal as I've voted for both Republican and Democrats in the past 32 years. I am a never Trumper, as I know what that lowlife is fully about since the 80s as a kid growing up in Queens, NY. Perhaps that's why you stereotype type me as a full fledged Dem because anyone who doesn't side with Don the con is a RINO or traitor, without ever seeing right under their nose the treacherous anaconda Trump is, the former long time Democrat BTW. I use to be very active on a forums across the street publicly and privately from 2002-2005 but was putting too much of my time in as it became an addiction, I needed to get back to a life. With the Covid era I have more time on my hands and post here more often and I've tracked BR for about 2 months as a fill in for Timmy who stepped down due to personal reasons. That's the facts Jack.

Sep 21, 2004
and sometimes somebody exceeds expectations or sucks, or there's a tipped pick six that should have been a reception or a banked three from half court or maybe the star QB gets injured

There's a reason why hitting like 58% is awesome, capping is hard and you need some good luck

But to your point, I never blame anyone for my mistakes. I own them, and I can't stand career victims always crying about something

We can agree on this William.

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