also, REALLY, really consider the small disadvantages of living here.
Most things you think are a given, are just not here.
EVERYONE steals from you, from the restaurant, gas station, to your employees, girlfriend, to your landlord... well, EVERYONE, not just stick ups.
Furthermore, most people in this country seem incapable of doing even the simplest thing right. Something broke at home? Good luck getting someone to fix it... and even if you find someone that is actually half competent, they will probably still steal from you.
The other day I asked for a plastic bag in McDonnalds, and the woman didn't give it to, she said it was only for salads. I had just paid TWICE the price for a combo than what it would cost in the US... for lower quality, and they didn't want to give me a plastic bag, only paper. I had to call the manager to get it. And if you order express, they will say, just wait ten minutes. Then 1 hour will pass. Then 2. Sometimes it will come, sometimes not (and I'm talking about a place that is 3 miles from a MacDonalds). And this shit will happen to you several times a day.
Car having trouble? You though US mechanics were thugs? Well, you haven't been here. And going to the agency, no fucking way, they charge WAAAYYY more than even a US mechanic... and will also steal.
Need a part of anything (a screw, a bolt, a whatever), good luck finding it. Not only will they give you bad information when you call a store (if they even answer), then the address is something like, from the dog that is lying next to the tree, go 300 meters north, 50 west and 30 south (which isn't even magnetic south if you use a compass). If you stop and ask someone for directions... odds are they will give you the WRONG address intentionally.
And you will have to go the mechanic more here, because not only are roads SHIT, but people drive like crazy and are as inconsiderate as possible. If they dent your car, and you didn't see his/her license plate, forget them stopping to 'exchange insurance'.
If you have insurance, good luck collecting it (the insurance company here is a national monopoly and will look for any excuse to not pay).
Seriously... it isn't that easy to see when you first get here... but year after year... this place can make you a racist, even if you weren't one before coming down here. I know many Gringos come down here, totally non-racist... end up believing Ticos are truly inferior (before every tico on the board jumps on me, I'm not saying they are, just mentioning something that is kinda common).