Haha. Well played. I am not anti nice here but you see dudes do it all the time. I am not sure they make any other post. It's like a way to act like they are "valuable" because they have 20K posts.
I do know what you mean. It’s like the the people who respond to company wide emails with an unnecessary “Thank you”.
Sender to hundreds of employees: “ Hi all, this is your IT department and we’ll be upgrading everyone’s email so it will be down 3AM to 5AM. Thank you for your patience during this upgrade.”
Reply #1 to all: “ Thank You!”
Reply #2 to all: “Thank you and for all the hard work you do.”
Reply #3 to all: “Sounds great! Thanks for the heads up.”
Reply #4 to all: “Thank you. Appreciate all that you do.”
etc., etc., etc.
And everyone’s inbox gets flooded.