You have run from every bet I've offered you. Then you posted fake tickets.
You were the only one who accused me of posting fake tickets. I offered you a chance to prove it with a lifetime ban on the line.
You ran, like you always do. Like you are now with Mich.
Lie, get caught, distract, attack, blame then run....lie, get caught, distract, attack, blame, then run - it's who you are and what you do, poker fraud.
No sense in lying anymore...the forum is on to you.
Originally Posted by vitterd
I decided to pay off my homes because I lived in debt for a long time and it was my decision....even though others advised me not to do that. Worked out great for me. Life can't be better I decided to keep my lifestyle the same....with exception of some indulgences. My family is taken care of now and will be when I'm gone and those are because of my decisions. Sorry this is hard for you to deal with
Originally Posted by vitterd
Paid off my home and then when I bought another....paid it off. My call....
Originally Posted by vitterd
Lmao. My wifes money from her job never gets touched. All gets banked
Originally Posted by vitterd
I could get a job right now that pays more than your jerkoff job where people send you blow off emails. Don't need it. Never will.
<body id="cke_pastebin" style="position: absolute; top: -3.05176e-06px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden; left: -1000px;">
Originally Posted by vitterd
It's only you idiots who keep talking about millionaire stuff. You keep saying dumb shit and I keep showing how wrong and dumb you are.
I bet you do!!
Originally Posted by vitterd
I decided to pay off my homes because I lived in debt for a long time and it was my decision....even though others advised me not to do that. Worked out great for me. Life can't be better I decided to keep my lifestyle the same....with exception of some indulgences. My family is taken care of now and will be when I'm gone and those are because of my decisions. Sorry this is hard for you to deal with.
Why do you guys...
Originally Posted by vitterd
Paid off my home and then when I bought another....paid it off. My call....
Keep talking
Originally Posted by vitterd
Lmao. My wifes money from her job never gets touched. All gets banked.
Originally Posted by vitterd
I could get a job right now that pays more than your jerkoff job where people send you blow off emails. Don't need it. Never will.
</body>Soup kitchen vtard pretending to be a millionaire.