Possible Delay in Neteller EFT....


New member
Oct 11, 2006

I too thought that my thread would have been more suited to the main room as it was providing information on the current poor state of service provided by Neteller, hence me posting it there. Yet, in the eyes and minds of the esteemed mods, they felt that it belonged in amongst threads that discuss porn, foot fetishes, jerk off schedules and the like .

Its obvious that Neteller are a large contributor to this site and have a few puppets here as a result. By moving this thread from the main room to the rubber room is by far the most blatant act of bad judgement and irresponsibility of all the acts in this thread, especially considering there are numerous other threads in the main room that are highlighting Netellers numerous and growing shortfalls.

New member
Oct 11, 2006
For the mods, aside from the books advertising above, who else pays your wages?

Just intrigued and curious to see who else are major contributers to this website. Perhaps a more thorough listing of major contributors to this site should be listed, much along the lines of stockbrokers having to disclose their shareholdings in any companies that they recommend to prevent any possible conflicts of interest from occurring. That way we will know who we can have an opinion on, or who's toes we might be treading on if we have a less than favourable thought about their services.

I only ask because a thread I posted two days ago in regards to Neteller which had relevant information pertaining to offshore dealings, was diverted to the rubber room, where it had absolutely no place being amongst pornstar polls, stripclubs and Sonic commerical reviews.

Why is Neteller the sacred cow? Posters here are slagging sportsbooks advertising here, why was a thread painting Neteller in a negative light all of a sudden considered taboo?

New member
Sep 21, 2003
Im sure there was more to the neteller thread which required it to be moved...

we try to avoid rumours and the 'sky is falling' type threads that are posted without foundation...

its not a perfect science, and not everyone will be happy with every decision a MOD makes, but we do our best.

New member
Sep 21, 2003
I remember the thread, I didnt move it, but if you read it, it started to degenerate into name calling....

furthermore, the thread title was initially irresponsible, the complaint was made and the payment was not even late yet (even the best companies in the world, are sometimes a day or two late on something), and if I remember correctly, it was something like "Neteller Sucks" or something silly like that....

New member
Oct 11, 2006
Ok, if there was name caling then perhaps it had right to be edited at least, or moved, but ive seen a lot worse go on about topics far less relevant. As for the use of the word " sucks ", I think youll find a lot harsher words permate many threads here without their re-location. You have let threads with people complaining about sportsbooks slow plays continue for pages ( and days ) without any of them being moved to the rubber room. Why the hypocrisy in regards to Neteller?

Furthermore, I continue to fail to see your lack of understanding of the concept of something/someone being late. Their website said 4 to 5 business days, and at the close of their 5th business day, I had yet to receive the payment. So in fact, there payment WAS late. I dont know why you continue to fail to see or ignore this fact. If someone guarantees you payment in no more than 5 days, and it takes them at least 6 days to pay it, is that not a late payment? If you have a bill to pay by Nov 10, and you pay it on Nov 11, have you not made a late payment? Please answer me this.

I would love to have you as my landlord or bill collector as dates or guaranteed payments mean absolutely nothing to you, or are not able to be comprehended by your good self.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
For the record Neteller has no affiliation whatsoever with The Rx.com.


New member
Oct 11, 2006
The only bad judgement this site has displayed has been to let this thread stand here in the Offshore Forum for as long as it has.


To the mods,

Can I ask why there seems to be huge double standards and hypocrisy with some posts as opposed to others?

I had a post regarding Neteller's poor service removed from the Offshore forum for it allegedly not belonging there in the opinion of one person, yet a thread about a TV show where a guy trains dogs is deemed relevant enough for the offshore berring and sports related chat room.

OFFSHORE FORUM - Online Sportsbetting (236 Viewing)
Mentioned in NY TIMES, WSJ, USA TODAY, & DRF. The internet's most popular and busiest sports betting forum. The place to discuss all kinds of sports and gambling related subjects.

Let me get this straight so I can understand this for future reference. A thread pertaining to Neteller ( a product many gamblers are aware of and use ) and problems theyre having is re-routed to the rubber room, while a review of a TV show about a dog trainer is deemed to be relevant to all those converned with sports and gambling related subjects.

Love the consistency and logic guys.

New member
Dec 30, 2005
syddiggers said:
Just intrigued and curious to see who else are major contributers to this website. Perhaps a more thorough listing of major contributors to this site should be listed, much along the lines of stockbrokers having to disclose their shareholdings in any companies that they recommend to prevent any possible conflicts of interest from occurring. That way we will know who we can have an opinion on, or who's toes we might be treading on if we have a less than favourable thought about their services.
i agree

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