If you want to be truly happy, you won’t find it on an endless quest for more stuff. You’ll find it in receiving God generosity and the passing that generosity along.
God is faithful to us even when we are not faithful to Him. God keeps His promises to us even when we stray far from His will. He continues to love us even when we disobey His commandments. But God does not force His blessings upon us. If we are to experience His love and His grace, we must claim them for ourselves.
Bitterness is a form of self-punishment; forgiveness is a means of self-liberation. Bitterness focuses on the injustices of the past; forgiveness focuses on the blessings of the present and the opportunities of the future. Bitterness is an emotion that destroys you; forgiveness is a decision that empowers you. Bitterness is folly; forgiveness is wisdom.
If there is anyone who is not enlightened by this sublime magnificence of created things, his is blind. If there is anyone who, seeing all these works of God, does not praise Him, he is dumb; if there is anyone who, from so many signs, cannot perceive God, that man is foolish.
God is great and God is powerful, but we must invite Him to be powerful in our lives. His strength is always there, but it’s up to us to provide a channel through which that power can flow.
Jesus did not promise to change the circumstances around us. He promised great peace and pure joy to those who would learn to believe that God actually controls all things.
Real "Good News" - there is no such thing as "eternal damnation". That's Satan's lie.
"And the great dragon was cast out — that serpent of old called the Devil and Satan, who deceiveth the whole world. He was cast out onto the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."
The choice for me is to either look at all things I have lost or the things I have. To live in fear or to live in hope.....Hope comes from knowing I have a sovereign, loving God who is in every event in my life.
Lisa Beamer
(Her husband Todd was killed on flight 93, 9-11-2001)