This World did not have to be this way.
One Thing made it be this way.
Most of You will die never grasping that fact.
for some reason
you could not summon even enough Vision to see what was right in front of your fucking faces.
maybe this does have to play out some certain way and we do indeed have Zero Input on what that outcome will be
cuz within the Animal Kingdom creatures that are Wounded, mentally
are pared from the herd.
Perhaps Our Own Stupidity, Weakness and abject Cowardice
has cause the Clock to strike the hour that our own Departure
is best for Humanity.
Cuz We are Dragging Down The Herd.
And they were, in fact....
They were
in the end
I grasp that the above is Harsh
but necessary to type and have you see cuz with Islam having managed to insert itself so well into The Left's Movement
to the degree that even the woman LEADING the Protests against Donald Trump that happened in DC and 69 other countries
Protests in favor of Islamic Immigration to USA
speaks openly of being in favor of Sharia Law in USA
and has even said in interview, recorded, that she desires Sharia within USA
and when it is considered how intensely DIFFICULT the decision of whether to allow Mass Islamic Immigration into USA apparently HARD it is for people to figure out why this might be a bad idea
despite the fact that Americans basically all know that Islam subjugates Women, throws Gay People of off Buildings and Rapes Children
The fact that the decision is such a difficult one for you people: Whether those who worship a "religion" that supports these things
should be allowed to come live here with us
or not
Has put us in a place where the words in this post must be read, these thought considered, within this situation.
Very Very good chance exists, due to the behavior of The Left & Liberals in this country
That it is time for The Human Herd to be thinned
and We are the ones that need to get gone.
Bcuz we are so damn Cowardly.
So completely unable to Overcome a pack of Cockroach-People who somehow Time Traveled here from 666 A.D.
So Very Sad.
And shocking. We considered ourselves so tough
so "Smart"
I wonder if They give out Participation Trophies in The AfterLife.